7-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
10:00 - 02:00
Mon - Fri
10:00 - 02:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 04:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay PayMe
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (128)
Level3 2025-01-15
咁啱行完大管就去左大管隔離嘅樓上Cafe ,Cafe有得揀坐室內或室外,想專注睇吓書做吓嘢嘅可以坐室內,想吹下風傾吓偈坐室外都唔錯。 一睇到個Menu就俾佢個Tiramisu Bagel吸引。 朱古力bagel,再加芝士奶醬同朱古力粉。超好食,仲要切落去係流心😋另外叫咗個Cookies and cream cheese cake口感同味道都唔錯!啱晒鍾意食甜野嘅我 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
中環 │ 荷李活道樓上咖啡店☕️✽ tiramisu bagel $68這一間是我私藏的一個咖啡店☝🏻好幾年前都已經去過了~中環扶手電梯上去、位置接近大館!門口有點難找但認住這間kabab 對面就是了✨🤭位置不算很多、算是一個可以跟朋友寧靜敘舊的好地方mascarpone cheese瀑布酒香很出、口感很creamy 掩蓋着下面的bagel😈 但外表似乎沒有幾年前那麼澎湃了😹 這樣的配搭不會讓口感太乾~食物味道: 7/10性價比: 7/10打卡指數: 7.5/10價格:約$100⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ 📌INFOMONO Lab 地址:中環蘇豪荷李活道31-33號7樓⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ ⋱⋰ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-10-16
大館隔離隱世樓上cafe! Cafe設有室內和室外空間,主打貝果、芝士蛋糕,和咖啡,正正係大館隔離,非常適合參觀展覧後歇一歇。每次到Mono Lab必叫Tiramisu Bagel,朱古力貝果為基底,淋上一層芝士奶醬,灑上一層朱古力粉,適合與朋友二人分享~Iced black都不錯,推薦!-🔘 Tiramisu Bagel | hkd$68🔘 Iced Black | hkd$45-🍽️ 食物 | Food: 4.2/5🌅 環境 | Environment: 4/5💆🏻‍♂️ 服務 | Service: 4/5💰 價錢 | Price: 4/5📝 總結 | CP Value: 4/5-A foodie documentation of dining experience in restaurants based in Hong Kong 🇭🇰. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-15
食完午餐搵間 cafe HEA 下 等接放學,剛好今日主子生日就 order 件 開心果 cake, 有驚喜,唔甜,好濃郁架開心果,個 cream 打得絲滑,飲品方面,點左 nutty blackccino 感覺好 strong, 有黑啤 feel, 男士專屬,本人就點左 cold brew rooibos tea, 最近喜歡 紅茶,沒有那麼寒涼,整體打分80,可以再嚟 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-16
濛濛細雨嘅星期日,我哋冇乜特別計劃,嚟到 #中環 食咗個泰菜,上 #大館 走咗一圈,時候已經唔早🌤️ 好想喺附近搵間 #咖啡店 唞一唞💤 聽講 #荷李活道 有間樓上舖 #MonoLab,佢哋啲 #bagel 🥯 同 #精品咖啡 都唔錯,一於試吓佢☕️餐廳地方唔算太大,不過就有一度好大嘅落地玻璃,剛好見到 #大館 嘅全貌👀 餐牌上嘅食物同飲品都係以 #甜品 同 #咖啡 為主,我就叫咗杯凍 #mocha,配咗件近日 #最流行 嘅 #開心果芝士蛋糕 同埋 #TiramisuBagel (金莎bagel)做我哋嘅 #下午茶☕️ 其實上嚟之前對佢哋嘅bagel🥯係有啲期待嘅,bagel上枱嘅時候外觀非常吸睛,廚師將特色嘅醬料放喺Bagel上邊,未入口已經加咗佢分😙 不過口感就冇想像中嘅煙靭,反而有啲實的的硬掘掘嘅感覺… 可能係我唔識欣賞啩😅 不過件 #CheeseCake 味道都唔錯,但就欠缺咗 #開心果 嘅獨有味道囉😅講到杯 #咖啡,除咗細杯咗啲,我覺得味道係唔錯嘅,Mocha有淡淡嘅朱古力香甜味,咖啡入口有種濃濃回香嘅味道☺️ 雖然價錢係貴啲,不過餐廳環境都幾舒服… 只係服務員cool咗啲囉😅 不過難得走到過嚟,就當比個機會自己試吓新嘢啦😙📍 MONO Lab (中環)蘇豪荷李活道31-33號7樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)