1-min walk from Exit C, Mong Kok East MTR Station
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
最近,我見到地鐵站的廣告,才得知旺角東鐵站開了一間甜品外賣店 <MOONnHONEY 滿啦>! 這是滿記甜品的新分支甜品外賣店!而滿記另一間分支甜品店是 100 Bites,同樣位於旺角! 這裡位於旺角東鐵站的另一端,不用入閘!簡潔鮮明的門面,好容易就找出來! 售賣多款甜品,而且價錢平宜,大致上十多元至廿多元已有交易,店內的餐牌一目了然!以外賣為主。 我想把外賣紙袋放進環保袋,女店員見我拿著一袋很論盡,主動由 counter 走出來為我打開環保袋!服務態度意想不到的好! 雞蛋布甸 $18/3 隻 (士多啤梨、芒果、黑芝麻口味)果然是新口味配搭! 簡單以士多啤梨及芒果汁作點綴!顏色奪目非常! 透明的外賣盒表面,還壓有店名滿啦!每隻蛋殼的切口位也是同樣平滑!布甸是牛奶布甸重牛奶味!甜味亦恰到好處,入口很滑溜! 士多啤梨醬入口幾酸!帶有士多啤梨籽,增添嚼感! 真材實料!芒果醬酸中甜美!跟牛奶布甸也夾得來! 黑芝麻糊好幼滑!又不算很甜! 整個甜品是心思創意之作!本地品牌,值得支持!
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When I walked past this shop I assumed it was a skincare shop but when I came closer it turned out to one of Honeymoon's shop in a different style.They had nice displays of the drinks and desserts they sell.They also had potato salad too in the fridge.That day, they were making glutinous mochis filled with mango so I tried one.The mango mochi was deliciously soft filled with a juicy piece of mango inside and the dessicated coconut on the outside enhanced it even more.
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