Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit A2, Yau Ma Tei MTR Station continue reading
It serves shabu-shabu in an all-you-can-eat style, specialises in providing high-quality Wagyu imported from Japan, known for its tenderness and rich flavour. With prices to suit all budgets, it is suitable for dining with family or friends. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Best Hot Pot Restaurant (2012-15)
Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Special Green set lunch available daily. Some Vegetarian dishes available other time daily.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (73)
Level3 2015-06-04
其實黎間嘢幾抵,夜晚最低消費138任食⋯雖然未計加一,但可以瘋狂食肉,乜都抵翻曬!對於愛肉一族黎講,黎間絕對係不二之選!除左肉,仲有好多唔同嘅蔬菜、丸類。味道最令人難忘嘅係豆腐卜,大塊得黎又易熟,口感、味道實屬一流!不過入面有一種丸真係唔太好食,好似係芋頭丸黎⋯食完一粒就好膩,好似有d野頂住個胃咁,搞到我無曬胃口⋯⋯至於醬料方面,我個人唔太喜歡黎d日式醬料,太甜⋯好容易膩,令到你好容易就飽⋯⋯而且食黎間牛涮鍋要等好耐,如果係八點左右先拎位,起碼要等半個鐘⋯黎方面真係扣曬分!不過為左佢啲豆腐卜,等多幾分鐘都抵嘅⋯如果光臨的話,建議唔好食丸類,有d伏⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-24
又去左食牛涮鍋啦不過今次就去左第二間分店今次就試咗個番茄湯同豬骨湯同上次一樣都係食最平$158個套餐又有牛肉、豬肉、雞肉食,真係好豐富呀!我覺得打邊爐湯底都好重要今次依個豬骨湯好有豬骨味,又唔會太咸個番茄湯可以辣同唔辣,我就揀咗唔辣但我就覺得蕃茄味唔係好夠食到得返五分鐘,咁就梗係把握時間去試吓啲甜品啦我就食咗個雲呢拿味嘅雪糕,仲可以自行配料我見到佢有草莓味嘅乳酪同一口泡芙食,但可惜我唔夠時間試呀整體黎講,我都幾好食嘅,不過我就覺得90分鐘太少啦,好似食得唔夠飽咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-04-22
Mou Mou Club is a good place to have quality beef;) There are sets of beef and pork to be selected. And i chose the 2nd expensive one. The quality is epic high ;) The propotion of 'fat' and normal part is well distributed!! I chose the Sukiyaki as i love its sweet taste. My friends chose tomatoe soup. The soup was also good. It was not too sour. It was a bit sweet ;) For kimchi soup, it was a bit spicy but still fine. After choosing beef set snd soup, we can get other food like vegetables like lettuce from bar. Vegetables are fresh. There were many meatballs. Some were good like fishball, crabball. But some got slightly strange flavour. i like Udon exspecially. Also we can get drinks from the bar with fruit juice or soda drinks.  Desserts like puff and yogurt are provided too !!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-04-14
星期六夜晚,超多人,等咗差不1小時先有位。叫咗$178個package,揀咗泡菜湯底同骨膠原豬骨湯底,豬骨返而無咩特別,泡菜又唔夠味。上級牛肉同普通有明顯分別,但雞肉有d"鞋", 無再enchor。buffet area 有野飛黎飛去,所以攞咗小小菜就算,雞脾菇幾好食。最開心都係可以自己揀雪糕溝配料食。都好有幾款syrup揀。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-03-12
與朋友共四人在旺角看完戲吃晚飯,有人提出吃牛涮鍋。牛涮鍋是日式火鍋放題,限時一個半小時,並沒有訂位服務,七時半到達輪候約20分鐘入座。牛涮鍋有數種不同價錢牛肉級別選擇收費:涮涮鍋日牛涮涮鍋(牛肉、豚肉):成人$128/位,小童或長者$98/位特選涮涮鍋(牛肉、豚肉):成人$158/位,小童或長者$128/位極上黑毛和牛涮涮鍋(和牛、豚肉):成人$268/位,小童或長者$198/位霜降黑毛和牛涮涮鍋(和牛、豚肉):成人$338/位,小童或長者$248/位我們選了特選涮涮鍋(牛肉、豚肉)。坐下後先選鍋底,番茄濃湯及豬骨鍋。牛肉及豚肉由待應端上吃完可以叫待應添加,另外的鍋料就需要到食物區自取,各款醬油任揀,有大量不同的疏菜和菌類及丸等,不得不提的是烏冬超好味,入口幼滑必定要試,至於牛肉夠滑夠稔但欠牛味,豚肉豬味咬重亦算稔,不錯。還有雪糕機任食雪糕及汽水任飲。加$18一位可以任飲日本生啤Asahi。整體而言食物夠新鮮,種類尚算多,只是一個半小時會食得很趕。以這價錢來說算抵吃。  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)