Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (102)
Level4 2017-06-19
芝士同男人一樣,女人都係中意外表邪惡但係又要有質素先食得過!今次黎呢個真係夠哂有質素得黎又夠哂平,絕對係香港第一最抵食兼最多芝士夾最好味,成個套餐只需要 $78,有大大煲芝士部隊鍋又有大大鍋芝士炒飯,芝士多到暈,暈過鄭俊弘!抵食到痴線!!!爭取時間喔,因為係期間限定架 ❤️ 親Step 1 - 一大鍋野有基本野,年糕呀腸仔呀餃子,另外可選芝士、海鮮、烤肉、部隊午餐肉、雜菜!超大煲 😳Step 2 - 揀麵同配料,拉麵、紫菜卷、炸餃子!推薦紫菜卷,好好味 😋Step 3 - 重點所在!可以揀炒飯或芝士炒飯,小寶揀左芝士炒飯,唔係講笑真係堅正!啖啖充滿芝士 🤤 有得食有得玩,可以拉芝拉到上天花板!Step 4 - 飲品一款,有可樂、雪碧、橙汁、牛奶梳打、韓國飲品等等!牛奶梳打是常識吧!——————————————————————#三清洞摩西感謝顧客優惠活動套餐 $78——————————————————————#三清洞摩西銅鑼灣渣甸街 50 號渣甸中心 1 樓旺角彌敦道 726號 1 樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-11
係CWB唔想食日本野,唔想食中餐/西餐, 唔想太頹,唔想打邊爐(lunch rrr),又係係百般篩選下見到呢間野就去試下啦。食前無做咩功夫,見有咩就叫咩,好似lunch除左D飯麵就要叫部隊鍋了..店內小男孩係韓國弟弟,好似唔識聽我地D‘純正’港式英文xDD 指手劃腳下完成點餐(要跟menu上step1/2/3去order)叫左個燒肉鍋+公仔麵(人地叫‘拉麵’)+魚餅overall個湯少少辣,偏甜,典型韓式辣膏味,都幾濃所以要狂飲水。個鍋好淺,但材料都疊高左, 個鍋平底的,想大力少少弓鍋底既芝直個鍋差D成個冼落黎!嚇到我!同埋一開火就‘bububu'滾左彈晒D汁出黎,要好小心!最後真係頂唔順熄火, 如果個鍋可以用高身D+穩定個底就好啦,方便進食(同安全D)。呢個係唔記得點解點左既野, 好似係係我地唔知另外加D咩既時候佢推介的紫菜卷+餃子。炸得幾硬,餡料唔多,所以都頗乾... 唔通要浸入個鍋度食?浸左應該會好食好多(同辣D~)總括而言一般般,諗唔到佢有咩特別之處但又不過不失咁... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在韓國旅行的時候就有到過三清洞摩西店!當時真的一試難忘看到香港也有分店當然立刻去回味回味!!可惜讓我們失望了味道並沒有韓國好吃年糕鍋一定要點兩人份的,這點跟韓國一模一樣!魚糕跟年糕都很好吃但紫菜團真的不好吃我們也點了kimbap! 份量相當大!不過好吃!有韓國的感覺啊最後當然要點飯!!!!跟韓國不同的是 飯的鍋是分開上的 不是用原來在食的那個年糕鍋煮!但竟然也很好吃溫馨提示:店內是沒有水供應的只能點不同的飲品解渴總結一下吧:味道雖與韓國差不多可是價格是韓國的double!!!!!!!!!! 追尋韓國味的代價好貴喔😭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-05-28
Went there with friend at around 1:45 pm on weekend but surprisingly found only few ppl here (no need to wait is always good). We ordered beef & veggie with instant noodles and fish cake (cuz they don't have dumplings at that time) and fried rice afterwards. The dish wasn't spicy and somehow kind of sweet, very attractive and tasty. I also love the radish appetizer they offered for free. Would recommend to finish instant noodle first since it will soon become too soft and sticky. We also tried to order orange juice but they were not ready for lunch The size wasn't so big as shown in the pic but was just perfect! The service was also nice and friendly. Overall, it's a good place to try budae jjigae if u haven't yet! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-05-25
<REAL FUN FOODIES>一直忘了介紹早前跟朋友們去試試銅鑼灣新開的步隊鍋餐廳餐廳不是很大 有點像canteen!但真的很多人排隊就算訂了位也等了半小時我們一行六人 order了兩個鍋每個鍋可以選三個口味的年糕他們只有五款 可以一次過試晒但其實放係同一鍋都係一樣只係材料有很小的不同我們也加了少量配料 麵 由於店員說烏冬不好吃 所以我們叫了拉麵及粉絲也叫了芝士飯 以為會放入鍋中食用 原來只是直接吃 跟想像有點不一樣XD價錢適中 多人原因可能是他比別家便宜 可以一試🤔Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/realfuntravel/Instagram: realfuntravel continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)