6-min walk from Exit A4, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
Level4 2015-03-02
今日約左九位好朋友參加灣仔區議會舉辦既溫馨家庭盤菜宴,咁啱今日又係我生日,所以好開心,點知竟然仲有驚喜喎就在開席前我的好朋友送上一盒Cupcake原來她是早有準備的,內有十個不同款式的Cupcake,每個Cupcake都好靚好精致靚到唔捨得食,因為Cupcake色彩繽紛又靚又立體,做Cupcake既師父一定用左好多時間及心機去做的,大家唱完生日歌食完盤菜就馬上品嘗Cupcake喇,當晚因為太飽所以十個人分享左兩個Cupcake其餘分配給各人帶回家,我帶左兩個回家,放入雪櫃分兩日食,Cream唔係太軟有口感而且仲有唔同既味道添不過略甜,我發覺即日食同隔左一兩日食既味道都保持到喎!朋友諗住每人帶一個Cupcake回家,所以問店員取了十個小盒,小盒無另外收費 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-30
Cupcakes are usually regarded as appealing by their presentation rathan than the taste.  Inevitably, an eye-catching appearance is a vital factor to attract new customers.  In order to keep long term patrons, the cupcake itself has to be made with graded ingredients paring with a good baker.Today I recieved a gift of two cupcakes made by Natural Chiffon---honey chocolate and blueberry.  First of all, I was attracted by the colour combination of them. The chocolate cupcake was topped with white icing fhowers and chocolate piped rose. The bluberry one was topped with piped purple icing pedals dotted with few blueberries.(sorry I have messed the icing a bit before taking the photo)They all passed the first criteria ~~ nice outlook.I was amazed with the first bite of the blueberry cupcake.  The icing...the icing is so smooth with no sugar grains at all.  It was not over-sweetened.  I have taken some from high-priced bakeries that they were grainy sugar pellets.The cake itself is soft and spongy.  Again, not over sweetened.  You can tell from its texture that it is really made of nice flour and ingredients, not blown up with too much baking powder.You can see blueberry dots in the icing. The texture of the chocolate one was similar to the blueberry one.  The chocolate icing was rich and fulfilling to me. Nice chocolate used.  It is a good choice for chocolate lovers.Both cakes give a very natural and confort feeling to me. I like them and would like to try others. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-12-25
朋係有埋作為聖誕禮物,樣子似好吸引,大家立即分來食了一齊食,蛋糕其實好普通,鬆,無乜特別。好油下,唔好食。上面好多cream, 味道不特出,好滑不過得一個甜字,食完分晤到係乜味道。冇乜特別。味道不錯的,但是就是太貴了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-12-18
聖誕將近,公司不斷收到來自各方的禮物,這次就送來了一盒來自「Natural Chiffon」的聖誕板迷你cup cake~一盒有25小粒,共有6個不同造型&味道供選擇~有聖誕樹、雪人、聖誕老人及鹿仔~另外還有紅桑莓及檸檬味,每你上方也寫上英文字母,併湊成「merry Xmas 」的字樣迷你朱古力小鹿[評分:8/10]原味cupcake上,用來當作是小鹿頭的是一層朱古力面,朱古力味濃郁,口感幼滑柔軟,入口即溶~而cupcake的蛋糕則鬆軟非常,加上牛油味香濃,又香又滑,只有小小的一粒,份量真的有點不夠呢!迷你紅桑莓cupcake[評分:8/10]由於太細粒的關係,還要再多取一粒試試~蛋糕同樣是原味的,上方則唧上了軟滑的紅桑莓奶油,味道酸甜開胃~配上原味蛋糕同吃,兩者味道相配,香滑的奶油更為蛋糕變得更加滑膩,相當不錯~Natural Chiffon (灣仔)灣仔軒尼詩道302至308號集成中心UG28號舖~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~味道:8/10環境:7/10服務:7/10衛生 : 8/10抵食 : 8/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-14
同事的散水餅,選的不是大路的美心/東海堂,而是地點有點遠的 natural chiffon! 在眾多味道裏選了開心果,除了有些許造型,鄙人一直也喜歡開心果味的食物 (e.g. 雪糕 / waffle etc),這裏的開心果 cream 味道相當自然,不是那種奇怪濃重的杏仁味,而且也打得相當滑身;蛋糕沒太重的牛油味,味道不太甜,倒是質感厚實了一點,所以吃後相當飽肚!看它的 facebook page 它的 cupcake 一個 $18,以 cupcake 來說不算貴,而且賣相也非常不錯,很吃得過! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)