2-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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Buff sukuti $60 (starter)🐃水牛肉乾、配以蕃茄🍅、洋蔥🧅、辣椒🌶️、香料。水牛肉乾味道與牛肉乾無異,醬汁是辣的,肉乾很入味,因此也會越嚼越辣🌶️🌶️。不過因全部皆是瘦肉(或許水牛比平常牛瘦),並沒有多餘的脂肪。肉乾偏韌,需要咬很多口才能吞嚥,因此建議對水牛肉乾味道感興趣的朋友可以叫一杯酒,邊喝邊慢慢吃。Kati roll 🌯- Grilled chicken roll $60墨西哥餅包著燒雞🍗、蕃茄🍅、洋蔥🧅、青椒🫑、椰菜絲、自家製辣醬(一入口非常之香嘅青檸🍋🟩味,一開始是酸的,然後辣味便突然出黎🌶️,後勁十分強,愛吃辣的會覺得好正😍😍😍!!!但不能吃辣的要小心喔🤭)分量頗大份,正常男仔食曬全件一定飽🤰🏻Mangsahar thali - Pork $75Thali 通常在一個圓盤上擺上咖喱湯、豆咖喱等4-6種菜色,搭配米飯或者是印度特色的饢餅。一個餐食到咁多款式滿足你好多個願望😋😋😋- 豬肉咖喱🥘(好多舊豬肉🥰🥰🥰豬肉非常入味,咖喱不太辣,很濃茄、薑、蒜、香料味😋)- 黃薑蔬菜(豆🫛、花椰菜等)- Pickles (非常酸,適合食肉途中refresh下味蕾👍🏻)- 白飯- 薄片饢餅(表面是脆的,可吃時會感到中心有一點兒軟的)- Jimbu Dal*Jimbu (尼泊爾烹飪的常用草藥,被喻為對健康有益的涼茶之一)*Dal = Black Lentils Soup黑扁豆湯Jimbu Dal 除了有以上提及的黑扁豆和jimbu,亦會加入黃薑粉、薑、蒜蓉和酥油製成。小編與朋友當時看到該湯是綠色的,喝下去亦品嚐到豆味,便誤以為有綠豆的成份。可是上網查看,原來並不會加入綠豆😛豆湯完全不辣。始終用豆作為原料,該湯還是飽肚的。喜愛豆類的小編幾鍾意🥰全部餸菜皆是即叫即整,適合與朋友慢慢享受~老闆與老闆娘都非常好人,會問下食物岩唔岩食。晚餐全程都冇香港面孔的人光顧,老闆亦會用當地話與客人傾計,好有人情味。雖然地方不算大,環境普通,但香料好濃,某些餸菜亦算頗辣,相信並沒有遷就香港人口味,而是當地的正宗口味😍I love it🥰
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Excellent environment, friendly service, great menu choices and really great food and at affordable prices. Momos are so good and juicy, I really love the owner(chef) put the effort of homemade sauce to go with it, which tastes so fresh! Also, the pickles are homemade too. We were seating outdoor area, the environment is peace and quiet ☺️Buff Sukuti - Dry Buffalo meat with tomatoes, onion, chilli and spices. The buffalo meat are chewy, recommend to go with beer 🍻Chicken Thukpa - chicken, green peas and black peas, soup noodles. It’s a little spicy 🌶️ Perfect fish - fish with the veggies. The fish skin is crispy. 😋
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