5-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (61)
Level2 2019-02-09
想食泰國餐, 知道這裡有套餐, 可是今天除了海南雞飯外, 全都是咖哩, 兩樣都吾啱就只有港式套餐. 叫了一客蒜香豬扖飯.  一塊連骨三吋成四吋風吹得起的豬扖是熱的, 其餘都是冷飯殘菜, 入口都要馬上吐來. 碟飯連汁都冇一滴, 連泰國餐廳桌上應有的日常調味料都欠奉. 乾吃了一塊豬扖, 肚子感覺仍是空空如也, 上街要買個椰嗹頂肚. 連加一白白花了66元,連椰嗹5元, 合共花了72元. 食完等於冇食!我朋友點的是魚片頭米粉, 來的是墨魚丸米粉. 吾覺意吃了, 冇得抗議想要兩杯清水, 叫了三次等咗十分鐘才有. 連加一兩人合共消費127元. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-01-20
Went to this restaurant with some visiting friends because they want to have Thai cuisines. We've been to all the good Thai restaurants on Amoy Street, so we thought we try this new "Thai cuisine" restaurant. It was very dissapointing! Nothing says Thai in all the dishes on the menu. It's just a very average Chinese cuisines and don't look appetizing at all especially one of the dishes supposed to be a beef dish but it was just mostly leeks with few slices of beef. When we asked why only few slices of beef in the dish? they replied because it's a very good beef and not easy to find. what?!.. BS!! and the beef was so salty! Did this "good beef" come from the Dead Sea or something! Highly NOT recommended if you are looking for Thai cuisine, and for an average Chinese cuisine you can go to other Cha Cha Teng around the area which can offer better Chinese dishes. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
其實作為 Foodie 最享受嘅都係介紹吓啲冇乜人識嘅餐廳~同埋冷門或者唔起眼嘅嘢食~呢間泰菜樓面望落幾有格調,似西餐多過泰國菜 😁 訂位半價試咗佢哋呢個幾特別嘅菜式原個椰子海線焗飯 ❤️ (半價後 $64)評分:7.5/10.原個椰子👀做招徠出到嚟個樣都好壯觀 👅 飯好香同埋好重椰奶嘅味道 🤤 其實有啲似葡汁焗飯但冇咁重口味 🙆 簡直就係泰國版嘅 risotto 😛 同埋個份量都實際,入面椰子肉可以自己再刮嚟食。海鮮材料都算幾多元化,有兩隻青口插係面,飯入面仲有幾隻大蝦同埋大大塊嘅魷魚 😙 比起平日食開來來去去都係咁嘅泰菜呢個焗飯都算幾有新意凍泰式奶茶 ❤️ ($11)評分:8/10.奶茶甜味恰到好處,✌️ 都唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-04
去開灣仔一定要試,社企辨的泰國菜, 十分特別,午市套餐$62-70不包飲品,好耐冇飲凍檸茶,只是$11,呢度嘅茶靚,茶味香濃好過連銷快餐店,午餐絕無加一,又坐得舒服,一定會再來的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-10-09
午飯時間到,今日同事帶我去試新嘢!生生個名好特別,應該似係社企?環境我給滿分💯,因為座位寬敞,枱面和餐具🍴亦很乾淨!大家點了3款午餐。黃咖喱牛腩飯: 很香,味道偏甜,如怕辣的朋友亦可一試!牛腩很稔,還有很多薯仔,所以很滋味!泰式滷水豬手伴雞蛋飯: 原全去骨,所以不怕吃得很辛苦!而且豬手很入味,值得推介!鮮蝦雞肉炒金邊粉: 同事說很可口 ,而且份量充足!椰汁冰: 椰汁味很濃郁,但偏甜,下次會要求少甜!整體食物及環境不錯,所以值得推介。Menu如下: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)