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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
在海港逛街口痕, 海港城小吃唔多, 好在經過這店~價錢比其他專門薯條食店貴, 選擇不多~ 吃得出真材實料的薯仔, 見到有些深啡色薯條以為燶了, 原來是連薯皮的薯條, 所以會有些乾韌, 或有些燶味~ 雖茄汁芥末是任點, 都另加了酸忌廉醬, CREAM味太重, 酸味太少~
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跟朋友在樓上的茶居沒什麼興趣吃飽, 便走到樓下的new york fries繼續吃兩人叫了一個veggie works combo, 再多加一個gravy veggie works有sour cream, cheese sauce, 番茄粒還有蔥基本上薯條夠熱夠脆不油的話, 很難會不好吃這邊的薯條是連皮的, 薯味更重纖維也更多沒有沾到醬汁的薯條脆身可口, 沾到芝士醬跟sour cream的薯條變軟但也不失美味我最愛這裡的gravy, 肉味香濃味道很好很喜歡把薯條蘸很多gravy來吃, 濃稠的gravy掛在薯條非常美味半飽的我們兩人分享一份小的剛剛好對這邊的熱狗沒太大興趣, 最喜歡吃的就是薯條了
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之前在朗豪坊FOOD COURT已經試過一次它們的薯條醬汁很惹味而且半溶化的芝士讓人回味所以今次路過海港城的分店 就選了它作為朋友們的下午茶 這次選的薯條 名字已經忘了 大概就是肉醬加上芝士的組合吧薯條比一般其他店的幼小 如喜歡吃茶餐廳式波浪紋薯條的人也許會覺得它的質感不夠實在只是 薯條似乎炸得有點過火 一口食下就有濃濃烤焦味 苦苦的至於肉醬 蕃茄的味道尚算濃郁 但它的溫度只是微暖而灑在上面的芝士完全沒有溶化 像是未解凍的一顆顆放在肉醬裡未能為薯條添上驚喜 相反更弄巧反拙而旁邊的熱狗我未有嘗到 但聽朋友所說 味道也只是普普而已 可以不試整體來說 食物確實讓我有點失望 但幸好店外的海景為是次挽回了一點分數選擇店外的座位 邊看海景邊享受美食 和朋友們閒聊消磨時間也不失是一個賞心悅目的樂事
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之前經過這店子已經想試試, 但價錢偏高所以一直未試過,到看到有團購便立刻購買優惠券來試試,我和妹妹叫了至尊風味餐(走葱)薯條是挺脆的, 但可能吃不慣這種混著這麼多醬汁的薯條,覺得味道好像有點複雜, 芝士和酸忌廉的味其實是可以的, 但底層的墨西哥風味醬好咸而且亦很膩, 吃到下面時底下的薯條已經被醬汁整淋了,我倆吃得挺辛苦的才把這個餐吃完, 真的沒有想像中的好吃還有的是我們找到位置坐下後叫店員幫我們清理一下桌子, 明明有幾個店員閒著, 但都等了好一陣子才有人幫我們清理
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We usually perceive fries as French fries, which comes with a big burger or fish fingers. New York Fries, I bet, is the best proof to invalidate this perception. The combos here are all fries and soft drinks, while for fries you could have your own way of saucing it.Fries are freshly cooked after you ordered it. There is actually a very long queue waiting for the hot and crispy fries to be made!Combo is more economical than you simply ordering the fries alone!Just pick the sauce that you like and make it your own!Our set, it comes after we waited for 10 minutes!The fries are very crispy, yet the sauce on top of it made part of it soft. The Sour Cream mixed very well with the bacon slices and it is indeed a great appetizer before our dinner. You just can't find such original American fries in Hong Kong now! We didn't mix in any extra spices/sauce, but definitely we saw many diners put in chilly spicy powder on this huge fries which adds extra savoury to it.Very comprehensive service and clean environment to sit in. Unlike French fries in fast food shops, this offers you time to show your creativity and customize your own desired fries! If you crave for snacks or fries, I highly recommend you to take a seat in this shop and enjoy freshly made sauced potatoes!
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