由百樂樓主理的廣東及潮州菜館,佔地8,500平方呎,設有三個私人宴會廳,自設燒味烤爐,同時供應特色齋菜。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:30
09:00 - 18:30
Public Holiday
09:00 - 18:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
明爐燒味拼盤 龍鬚山水球 飄雪入竹林
Review (12)
年初三【赤口】諸事不順今日一家人一行9人去參拜大佛,臨上山前打算先拜祭五臟廟,如果唔係邊有力爬上咁多級樓梯呀?咁岩行到呢間店外,望吓門外餐牌,見有得飲茶又或者叫小菜,唔好左思右想我決定食呢間。當時入座時間係2:25pm左右,原本打算飲茶,但睇完餐牌覺得叫點心係唔化算既,因為每籠點心都係得果2-4件,邊夠咁多人食呀?咁唯有改食小菜啦!而且時間已經下午,我怕食完午餐又唔夠時間拜大佛,咁就隨便點左3-4樣菜,諗住快快食完上山啦!點知呢4道食物,我地足足等左差不多30分鐘先上枱,當中催過2次,樓面淨係話無計呀!廚房好多單,同埋要做左食圍餐果啲先?咩事呢?點解我地要等廚房煮完圍餐先煮我地果啲呢?人地圍餐就係餐,我散叫就唔係?食物一到我地仲要快手快腳食完埋單,食餐飯都食到咁唔舒服,早知要等咁耐我地去食甜品好過啦!呢餐飯!9個人,6碗白飯,3個菜,1碟麵,埋單$880!旅遊地區再加上【過年】,早就預左唔會平,但唔好要人等咁耐嘛!你地都想返枱做多枱生意啦!如果我串咀啲,你收我9個人茶介,我係咪有權叫你沖返9壺茶同9碟前菜呢?梅菜扣肉雜菌時蔬欖菜肉碎4季豆糖醋麵$178 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-07-08
Order the seafood noodle soup with seaweed and they are good. Little pricey due to tourist area and location.Not recommend pineapple Bun with butter, they are not crunchy or crispy. Just feel like warm the Bun in microwave and place a slice of butter. Overall is acceptable place to get a quick bite if you hungry but little pricey. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We all understand that prices in these kind of places for tourists are usually very overpriced, however I do feel that this restaurant delivers lousy quality and charges a premium price tag. We ordered around 5 dishes, most dishes here are $100+ per item so I expected the portions to at least be decent. Turns out the portion is pretty small comparing to city size and there's no need to talk about taste because I honestly don't think people will return to that restaurant. I don't like to be so critical but this is just pretty bad. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一看這間小店的名字, 優雅而穩重, 似乎是有實力的良好餐廳. 不作猜測就步入膳坊.燒鵝, 很一般不夠火候之餘在烤的時候也沒有沾蜜糖等所以味道很淡不好食.燒肉, 不脆味道也很平凡. 春卷, 香脆但味道偏淡. 叉燒包, 感覺是否外面買來賣的.肉絲炒麵, 太潮濕了味道也不討好. 素菜炒飯, 太乾而且調味不足, 感覺很難食/炸鹽水豆腐, 淡. 薑蔥爆牛肉, 牛肉味道一般而且太油膩, 很反胃的一道菜. 整體嘛嘛. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-02-07
先說優點, 座位鬆動, 服務尚可, 而且多半不用等位。缺點...脆皮燒肉, 不脆。潮蓮燒鵝, 沒鵝味。白飯, 味道怪怪。香芒糯米卷, 不糯也沒芒果味。餡料是擬似染色奶黃混一小丁芒果扮的。香芒布甸, 沒果味魚膠重淡奶還懷疑變味。春卷, 還好還有這樣是正常。基本上, 可以當找個地方休息充電, 吃飯就別要太期待了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)