The restaurant is decorated in a clean and simple style. And it uses the logs as the main colour. It offers a variety of Japanese cuisine and the choice is very diverse, such as Japanese omelette, sashimi, Katsu beef.
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Opening Hours
*last order: 21:00
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:30
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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人均$200起|油麻地|日本菜|日本野來到油麻地,朋友說想吃日本菜,在地圖上搜尋一下,找到這一家日本野,滿滿好評,當然要來嘗鮮。這裡的晚餐大概都是一兩百元左右,在香港實在是非常可以的價錢🥹我們點了:火炙蝶魚裙邊海膽丼 $246這裡的晚市套餐都是包括了前菜、主食和飲料,實在划算。很少聽到蝶魚的,這裏能夠伴着海膽一起吃,實在太幸福了。我覺得肉質比較爽脆,有少少海水的味道,卻不是那麼腥臭。自選丼飯 $202可以自行選擇四款刺身,我揀了:三文魚(2件),八爪魚(2件),三文魚籽,海膽,大家跟着我選擇吧,肯定不會後悔的!海膽有兩版的份量,實在是太佛心了吧❤️果然三文魚子配上海膽是最佳的配搭!厚燒鰻魚玉子(3件)玉子非常鮮甜!為什麼只有三件呢?感覺好像不夠滿足😌🥹鰻魚的份量也非常多,大家一定要吃吃看❤️——————為食分界線——————📍 日本野 (旺角)旺角西洋菜南街2A號銀城廣場9樓人均消費: $200#mariofatfat #foodie #hkfoodie #hkrestaurant #topcitybiteshk #topcitybites #hongkongfood #hk #hongkong #hkfood #hkfoodie #hkblogger #hkfoodblogger #hongkonger #香港 #香港美食 #週末好去處 #香港好去處 #食好西 #美食 #探店 #香港探店
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From sashimi to okonomiyaki, and from the luxurious US Prime Beef to the playful Raindrop Cake, Nihon-Ya has something to satisfy every craving. They offer an exquisite dining experience with its wide range of Japanese delicacies🍱.- Special Sashimi Set (Udon, Onsen, Tamagoyaki)Fresh and succulent slices of assorted sashimi are served alongside a comforting bowl of warm udon noodles🍜. They top it off with a perfectly poached onsen egg🥚. The traditional Japanese omelet, tamagoyaki, gets a unique twist by adding grilled eel🐟.- Pork Okonomiyaki:A popular street food from Osaka👺, this savory pancake is loaded with delicious layers of sliced pork🐷🐷, cabbage, and a variety of toppings. The combination of crispy edges and a fluffy center is simply irresistible.- Seared Salmon Sushi with Cheese:The slight smokiness from the seared salmon pairs beautifully with the creamy and gooey cheese🧀, creating a delectable contrast of flavors.- US Prime Beef with Japanese Rice and Soft-Boiled Egg:The highlight of the menu, the US Prime Beef🥩, is served on a hot stone grill that you can sear it to your desired level of doneness. Accompanied by fragrant Japanese rice and a soft-boiled egg, this dish is a true indulgence.- Crème Brûlée and Apple Crumble:The rich and creamy crème brûlée is perfectly caramelized🍮, creating a satisfying crunch with every spoonful. Alternatively, you can indulge in the comforting warmth of the apple crumble, with its tender apples and crispy crumble topping.- Raindrop Cake:Experience a unique dessert with the mesmerizing Raindrop Cake☔️. Made from mineral water and served with a drizzle of sweet syrup, this translucent jelly-like dessert is a feast for the eyes and the taste buds. * 精選刺身拼盤定食 $274* 豚肉大阪燒 $108* 火炙芝士三文魚壽司 $42* 石燒霜降牛小排 $314* 焦糖燉蛋 $68* 蘋果金寶 $68* 水信玄餅 $32Total $906 +1
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日本菜一直都係心頭好,所以一講起日本野,就決定去食日本野。日本野環境舒適,料理出色,一定要同大家分享吓🙆🏻♂️今日主要想慢慢傾吓偈,又想輕食,所以叫左壽司、小食同甜品,享受吓放工後的夜晚。▫️火炙三文魚壽司 (2件) $40▫️火炙帆立貝壽司 (2件) $58壽司好似想像中咁好味,三文魚同帆立貝夠晒鮮甜,壽司飯粒粒飽滿,一口一件,好正!▫️芥末八爪魚 $54▫️味付帶子裙邊 $42見到餐牌真係心心眼😍係坊間少見嘅日式小食,芥末八爪魚同帶子裙邊,份量屬於勁量,味道新奇,又有嚼勁,鍾意飲酒嘅朋友,可以做伴酒小菜,一定好夾✅✅✅▫️心太軟配雪糕 $78甜品真係驚喜,心太軟皮簿,內有朱古力漿🫶🏻最鍾意朱古力味有少少苦澀,配以甜甜的雪糕或水果,味道甚佳!🙆🏻♂️
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