7-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
18:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
門口係一塊好唔起眼既木門 揾既時候經過左幾次都miss左😂 主要係d放工想chill 下既西裝一族👔都有d係日本客 服務態度幾好 仲比我地參觀樓上既酒窖 不過間舖面積唔大 主要都係坐bar枱 我地叫左支紅酒🍷價錢都唔算平 要大約900 但好易入口 唔會愈飲愈澀 自問唔係好點飲紅酒既我都覺得幾好飲😋 佢仲比左d幾得意既佐酒小食 但我淨係記得其中有紅桑子🤦🏻♀️
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熱熱鬧鬧的農曆新年, 終於找出可以獨處的時光。 走在寧靜的卑利街, 有一道隱蔽的木牆, 名字和《四重奏》一劇裡面演員演奏的餐廳名字一樣, 叫夜曲, 法語為Nocturne, 令人想起蕭邦的夜曲, 低音和弦的伴奏, 突顯高音響出夜間的寂靜, 夢般優雅的旋律, 引領著我按一下開關, 打開木牆造成一扇門, 內裡環境和日本新式小酒館很相像, 利用柔和的燈光襯拓出整個格局, 很寧靜的環境氣氛, 和名字很配。年長了不喜中環太吵耳的酒吧, 只想安安靜靜喝一些家裡沒有的酒, 聊聊天, 今天很想喝whisky, 這裡店主有很多特別珍藏,先來了一個tasting set ($380), 有4 款不同風格的whisky, 都是來自蘇格蘭, scotland highland的10 年whisky 呈現淡淡黃色, 帶著清香蜜糖味, 中間兩款是 scotland mull island 有10 年和12年, 原來以前的scotland 是燒煤作為動力, 所以 whisky 是帶有泥煤味, 現在的scotland 日常生活不再燒煤, 所以制作過程刻意加進燒煤, 令whisky帶有泥煤味, 更增添風味層次。店員詳細解釋, 令人長知識了。 我最喜愛的一款是12年islay single malt scotch whisky, 呈玳瑁的顏色, 很豐厚的層次, 喝whisky有趣的地方是淺嘗和要慢慢地享受, 這一杯喝下口, 口腔充斥著oak和泥煤味, 但一瞬間, 吞下去的時候, 化為淡淡的果香, 帶點鳳梨的味道 , 過癮非常。 我仍然是vote for wine, I am the wine people, 按不住點了一杯Today's wine ($210/ glass), 我選了當中 Chateau Montviel 2006, Pomerol是穩妥之選, 丹寧很溫和, 入口順滑。 特別一提是廚師的用心, 小食和意粉都很出眾, 3 Appetizer (warm) 是三種不同的卷物, 有煙肉卷車厘茄, 帶子卷和金菇卷, 因為客人流量不多, 但食材仍然新鮮, 很juicy的感覺重點是意想不到的意粉是好好好好味, 原本不太想吃澱粉, 但店員推介下, 吃到一道美味的意粉, 因為配搭是平平無奇松子和罐頭沙丁魚,又出奇地好味, 意粉的軟硬度剛剛好, 真心好吃!另外, 樓上是一個有很多珍藏酒的wine cellar, 好像尋寶一樣, 真是不計工本, 位於中環核心地帶, 不作商業效益, 令人佩服!慢慢習慣一個人喝酒,慢慢喜愛一個人喝酒, 多了一個藏身的好去處
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Bar tender is rude, lacks social skills. There are too many good bars nearby with same price point with better service & atmosphere.
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Through a discreet wooden door on Peel Street, you will find this hidden gem of a whiskey and wine bar - Nocturne. Compared to other Whiskey bar counterparts in Central, Nocturne offers special edition or small distilleries whiskey at reasonable prices. I tried a couple of whiskies and out of those, suggest the following: Ootori - A blended whiskey with a distinct 'banana' flavour to it. Hibiki Deep Harmony -- A must try! This edition is based on the Hakushu finished in a wine cask. A fragrant pear afternote but with less of that grain whiskey flavour, the unique taste of this blend is accentuated by the use of the ex-red wine cask Hakushu. May I add that this is not widely available in HK. Even in Japan, it is a trade only bottle and cannot be purchased widely. I was told the owner personally travelled to Japan to search for any bottles of this limited edition piece!Hibiki Mellow Harmony -- A counterpart to the Deep Harmony, the Mellow Harmony features Yamazaki in sherry casks. I personally prefer the Deep Harmony over this, because if you are keen for this oak, sherried cask flavour, there are other modest price options which deliver a comparable palate. Apart from whiskey, Nocturne also features an extensive wine list. The whole second floor is a wine storage area so you're bound to find something interesting!
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