5-min walk from Exit B1, HKU MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
10:30 - 22:30
Tue - Sun
10:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus OpenRice Pay
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Eco-Friendly Details
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (83)
之前買外賣,要買好幾個餐,在門前餐牌看完進店內點餐,沒有記實餐點名字,因為名字實在太相似,打算記住餐點在餐牌的大概位置,看店內餐牌點餐,怎料店內餐牌和門前餐牌完全不同,無圖難睇,文字又多,餐點的位置完全不同,令人一時感到非常混亂,一時有些困惑,稍有遲緩,店員竟惡言相向,說你懂不懂看餐牌,令人愕然和不懂反應。出餐時也感到有惡意,也沒有說什麼話,但是店內其實只有一兩台客人,並不繁忙。聽說好食,怎料一點味道也沒有,只是第一次光顧已經不敢有下次 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-20
今日嚟咗食餃子源🤓五隻粟米豬肉餃外皮香脆新鮮 咬落去粟米多汁 點埋豆瓣醬簡直就係絕配🤓手撕雞米線$5x冇我想像中咁好食 米線同湯底都OK 但係啲雞食落去有雪櫃味 食咗幾舊都係有雪櫃就麻麻哋但係個米線同湯係正常嘅🤤豆漿好飲$10一共叫咗兩杯 凍豆漿都重豆味 解渴一流🤤酸辣湯$22比起我想像中容易入口 酸辣適中 第一啖食落去個酸味會好勁 但但係後尾會比辣味中和返入邊都食到好多材料,包括咗木耳 ,肉粒等兩個人食咗$122整體都OK 餃子同酸辣湯會特別推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
雞絲粉皮麻醬+辣醬係一大精髓!少辣但超級香,雞絲好入味,質感都好出色,比較實心但一咬就斷,唔係嗰啲乾柴嘅手撕雞另外粉皮係寬+薄身嘅,超級掛汁,唔係嗰啲街市$10蚊包嘅涼皮,都係一咬就斷,個質感真係冇點食過一開始見到細細碟仲擔心係伏🤣食完都有胃口食餃子,可以叫來做小菜粟米豬肉餃小朋友的味道👍🏻甜甜香香係想像中嘅味道!內餡都係好滿好足夠冇特別驚喜但都係舒服嘅好味會想之後經過再試其他味韮菜豬肉餃呢個絕對係最失望嗰款餃子,有些許腥味但又冇咩好出嘅菜味,可能係因為冇加味精所以比較淡,都係好事來🤣老細好好人,好忙都好有禮貌另外呢度嘅辣醬好香!記得用來點餃子 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-08-05
Their dumplings never disappoint. Today I came here for lunch and they have this valued lunch set which I ordered a bowl of Sichun (dan dan) noodles with fennel and beef dumplings with cold soy milk ($62). I also added $10? (i forgot whether its 5 or 10 dollars) to change it to fried dumpling (highly recommended).Their Sichun noodle is not the most rich and thick version but it has its Sichun pepper favour, very mild spiciness to it and a lot of mince pork and dried tofu diced. The noodle is also quite chewy as well. The fennel and beef dumplings are super flavourful and juicy, and with the crispy skin (I love to dip it in some vinegar and soy sauce as well).Perfect hearty lunch. 佢哋嘅餃子從來冇令人失望。今日我嚟呢度食午餐,佢哋有個午市套餐,我揀咗一碗四川擔擔麵同埋茴香牛肉餃配冷豉漿 ($62)。我仲加咗$10(唔記得係5定係10蚊)轉成煎餃(我超推介)。佢哋嘅四川擔擔麵唔係最濃郁嘅版本,但有四川辣椒嘅風味,辣味唔算太強烈,仲有好多豬肉碎同埋豆腐干丁。麵條都相當有彈性。茴香牛肉餃味道超香濃同多汁,皮煎得香脆(我都鍾意蘸少少醋同豉油)。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次黎到港大附近一間小店食晚餐見到尼間店,價錢幾吸引就入左去食因爲唔係好肚餓,所以打算過黎食餃子🥟我地4個人分別嗌左3個餃子配面同一個飯餃子分別係白菜豬肉餃京蔥羊肉餃鮮蝦韭黃豬肉餃🐏京蔥羊肉餃子好香濃嘅羊肉味,一d都無騷仲要好入味我同朋友一致以爲尼個最好食評分:💙💙💙💙💙🐷白菜豬肉餃白菜味道無係好食得出比豬肉味蓋過左 一般般 無特別建議嗌黎試整體不過不失評分:💙💙💙🦐鮮蝦韭黃豬肉餃蝦仁大大一粒每一隻餃子嘅蝦仁大小差唔多蝦仁鮮甜可口,咬起來彈牙,好爽脆豬肉味道都幾突出,所以唔係好食得出韭黃味成隻餃子味道好豐富,食道不同層次評分:💙💙💙💙💙環境 🍃🍃🍃食物🍡🍡🍡🍡性價比💰💰💰💰推薦🌈🌈🌈回頭🙋🏽‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)