2-min walk from Exit C, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus UnionPay OpenRice Pay
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Spot payment
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Review (46)
Level4 2024-09-01
#旺旺至尊燒鵝冰室 😋😋😋my fd keep sending me good looking breakfast from there. after i tried once. i dont feel very special about their food and even the environment.first dead place. the air-con is insufficient. in our hothot summer. i feel sweating when going in the place and eat. althought my seat have a large fans flowing directly on my fave but still very hot. that really deduct a lots marks. sorry no matter how good cook u are.secondly, the food are soso. i order a fried beef noodle and a veggie fish rice. the fries noodle is too oily and tasteless. very dissappoint. 德記is much much better. and other rice is norml but costing 78$ at lunch time. not worthy.probably not coming back sorry.ig: thunder5dicks#food #hkfood #hongkongfood #台灣美食 #ukfood #ausfood #馬保國 #香港美食 #thunder5dicks #閃電五連鞭 continue reading
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Level3 2024-07-31
尼度招牌係叉燒🐷燒鵝。因為對腩肉燒鵝乳豬無興趣💔(食嘢比較腌尖😝)無乜靈感🧚🏻‍♀️最後揀左個金牌四寶飯✨好日都唔會食四寶飯既人黎講😆賣相係可以接受既🉑同埋一上台就香噴噴🌬️叉燒係偏瘦既,燒得幾香同甜甜的。不過肉質就有啲乾🪵之後會想飲啖水💧至於鹹蛋,紅腸同雞肉正正常常啦❕同埋淋咗啲醬汁,好好送飯🤣味道就一般啦‼️中規中矩👌🏻但係份量唔會失望👐🏻無論餸同飯都好大方,係好經濟既選擇‼️加上我係鍾意食瘦叉多,尼點係岩我口味😆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
耐冇食茶餐廳,偶爾都會掛住燒味飯一心諗住要食叉燒🐷▶️ 金牌蜜汁叉燒皇 ($54)見到啲油光滿滿嘅叉燒已經流晒口水🤤叉燒肉厚切,份量多外層燒到焦焦地而唔燶,肉質半肥瘦入口超腍🐽完全冇筋位雖然油脂含量唔少,但真係好食,令肉質唔乾唔柴蜜汁甜甜地,帶少少香味豉油撈飯永遠都咁正😋仲沾埋叉燒嘅豬油同蜜汁另外有幾條菜心🥬▶️ 黯然銷魂飯 ($68)都係半肥瘦叉燒飯,只係再多咗兩隻煎流心蛋🍳▶️ 窩心住家靚湯 ($12)有驚喜,唔係味精湯💗係赤小豆粉葛湯超級足料,有一半係粉葛、赤小豆同豬瘦肉 (連呢啲渣都好食)湯好入味,飲得出係老火湯👍🏻調味啱啱好唔過鹹而且好大碗添,值得叫(都幾多人叫湯,我哋每人叫咗一碗之後就賣晒啦🙈)▶️ 上湯浸菜心 ($16)想健康都可以嗌返碟菜🥬有住家菜味道-比預期中出色嘅燒味飯😍唔淨只係一間普通茶餐廳望一望,呢間冰室都攞過唔少獎🏆其中一個仲要係藍帶服務幾好,啲姐姐比較年長,有禮貌,上菜快環境迫少少,晚飯時段坐滿人,有機會要搭枱性價比高,唔收加一,大概$80/人,以份量質素絕對對得住價錢稱得上堅尼地城一間高質燒味店! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-07
今日經過呢間飯店,見到裏邊食午飯時間人山人海,門口見到燒臘啲顏色好吸引,不妨入去一試。點了一客油雞叉燒飯凍檸茶,叉燒比較硬乾值50分,但油雞非常出色,不是其他飯店食到嘅味道,用咗老抽顏色比較深,但好美味,飯粒又很爽口,啱晒本人口味,呢餐午飯我個人評分值80分以上,估唔到西環尾也有咁出色嘅燒臘飯店,我決定會再次幫襯,至於價錢方面亦很合理$63雙拼燒臘飯加一杯凍嘢值得推介 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-02-23
看起来像是个网红店,感觉吃饭的以内地人为主,但店员貌似都不会讲普通话,交流比较费力。位置很好,就在坚尼地城地铁站出口旁边。估计去坚尼地城打卡和看日出的都会路过这里吧,生意确实不错。烧鹅双拼饭,烧鹅和鸡味道还行,但也没有惊艳。汤汁太少,米饭质量一般,影像口感。餐具需要自己去拿,一开始有点懵。埋单时收银台没人,问了几个店员,都不理会,这点感觉很不好。等了一会儿,收银回来了,貌似是老板,动作娴熟,支持支付宝很方便。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)