1-min walk from Exit A, Fortress Hill MTR Station continue reading
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Review (9)
Level4 2017-01-17
肥髀攞成績表嘅日子,去學校前在地鐵站買個麵包做早餐,而家地鐵內多咗幾間麵包店選擇!呢間店面細細,入內光猛乾淨,麵包款式多!麵包已用透明膠袋包好,揀好攞去櫃臺比錢!八達通比錢方便!芝士粟米吞拿魚包($8.5)麵包外比較濕,麵包鬆軟唔乾,餡料足,吞拿魚打得幾滑,唔會太多沙律醬,中央夾雜啲粟米粒,增加口感,不過就唔覺有芝士味,味道ok店員爽快快手!欣賞個透明袋設計有埋兩個洞做手挽,方便客人攞!好方便!小小心思比讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2016-02-09
在十一月,跟三位好姊妹到天后品嚐法國菜,靚女姊妹在北角 <君蘭餅店> 買了一些酥點給我們! 實在太客氣嘞!也多謝她的小心意!芋香酥膠樽盛載,方便又得體!密封包裝夠衛生!不知是否設計問題?!抑或天氣乾燥影響!卻是一拉開包裝封條便斷開, 於是,要用鉗逐少逐少啪斷,然後,才可開到蓋子! 芋香酥散發香氣, 實在忍不住要拿粒來食, 入口鬆化,甜中帶鹹,食一粒總是不夠喉,令人會食上癮呢! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-30
小妹乃甜魔,對於鹹香小食,素來興趣不大,一向不會主動購買。是日,友人送了一盒君蘭餅店出品的「雞仔餅」給小妹。雞仔餅據說始創於廣州,用料不下十種,糖佔了頗重的份量,再加上肥豬肉、南乳、花生、鹽和香料等,集鹹、香、甜、酥於一身,味道頗為獨特。咬下去,雞仔餅外脆內軟,既煙韌又帶嚼勁,鹹鹹甜甜,食味紛陳,油香滿嘴,挺油膩的﹗其獨特的味道,恕小妹未懂欣賞也。還是,留給父親大人細嚐好了﹗ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-29
正所謂「知易行難」,其實一直都知道,營養豐富的早餐,對人體健康極為重要,不過可能是自己消化能力較差的關係,所以一向都沒有吃早點的習慣,否則到中午就只有眼巴巴陪著別人吃的份兒。早兩天友人送了盒《君蘭餅店》的合桃酥給我,見是迷你版本,size 不大,決定拿來做早點,食兩塊該不會影響吃午飯的胃口吧?細看盒面的包裝紙,原來這家餅店都有唔少懷舊小食發售,如瓜子合桃酥、蛋白椰堆、芝麻餅、雞仔餅、雞蛋餅等等,睇嚟下次經過餅店,要去看看還會有甚麼經典懷舊小吃呢!至於這盒一口大小的迷你合桃酥,色澤雖然略欠金黃,但咬落鬆脆香口,味道香酥,加上外形小巧的骰,甜度又不太高,用來作下午茶小吃,應該會更加適合。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-08-28
I never ever buy traditional mooncakes because I hate them especially the white lotus paste and salted egg yolk.Anyway, I saw some interesting traditional mooncakes at Orchid Padaria Bakery.They were small ones and you could buy them separately which is good.They had interesting flavours: Jasmine, cherry, mango, sweet potato, spicy beef, aged fruit peel, chocolate, pork floss and seaweed and many more.Got some for friends and a sweet potato for myself.It was really disappointing because there was no sweet potato taste, but for that size I was surprised to find some egg yolk in it.I did not bother to take a photo of it sliced in half. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)