2549 0132
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Oysters French crab Sea urchins
Review (66)
千篇一律的大魚大肉?No way! 今次走過這家有扣食的地方,仲以為入咗海底世界。喂,來碟海鮮拼盤,新鮮過直送先!蠔?一試難忘,胸口嘅彈牙,鮮甜滋味,真係正👍。我哋點咗兩打蠔,每隻都好似海水嘅吻咁,咸鮮咸鮮!加埋個蛤蜊仔,肥美得滯,啖啖肉,真係百搭!飲杯冰涼嘅白酒,呢個match啱晒!瞓身嘅象拔蚌,透心涼,一口咬落去,簡直係舌尖上既自由!但係呢!熱菜選擇唔夠,想食啲咩炒嘢就要預咗。總括,食貨們,唔好只顧打卡,記得嚟呢度,親身體驗呢個味覺樂園啦!香口得嚟,仲要飽肚,何樂而不為呢?下次仲要嚟,期待你地嘅到來!🦪🍽️✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-07-31
我本人真係好鍾意好鍾意食生蠔!佢嘅鮮甜同海水嘅味道係令我最鍾情嘅唔好睇佢細細隻好似冇料到!因為生蠔唔係要食佢大,而係食佢嘅鮮味,海水味真係好正!再飲小小白酒🤤嘩!正啊!嗰度嘅店員仲好nice會不停介紹正野俾我地食!而我又真係好鍾意食薯條嘅!所以係食嘅禁正嘅生蠔嘅時候都不忘要點一份薯條! 依隻薯條係我最喜歡嘅質感薯條係m記食得多啦!但佢地係完全唔同口感嫁!依個係外脆內軟嫁🤤以前係郵輪度食過依個口感,之後就再搵唔倒😩但好好彩可以係度間餐廳再食倒!所以下次都要再去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2013-04-22
試下想試好耐既蠔Bar先!! 一嘗可以由淡至濃順時針咁扮哂食家既食法先!!真係堅堅堅正!!有個姐姐會為你續一介紹係邊樹出產咩名字!!咩咩來自南非既abc~~咩咩來自西非既Nelia ~~~唔知係咪太新鮮~~非常乾淨完全咩都可以溶入口咁~~中間粒玉都特別甜特別爽口咁~~~太正!!~~~有時獎勵下自己都幾值得既!!! 第一次食所以好開心!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-13
Oysters season, time for some outstanding oysters, without a doubt it is always Oyster station the Oysters specialist!Cuisine: EuropeanFood rating: 6/10*Service: 6/10 Ambiance: 4/10Price: HK$600pax* Food Rating: 6/10 is equivalent to 1 Michelin star, 8/10 to two Michelin stars, and 9/10 or 10/10 to three Michelin starsOyster Platter (8/10)Don’t need to say too much. You need to try it yourself, because ran out of words for it. But definitely need to try out White Pearl; the Queen of Oyster finally arrived at Oyster station for about half a year.Sea Urchin (4/10)They have changed supplier due to the demand of customers. The quality went down but the quantity increased. Whoever those diners were are absolute idiots, the colour was less bright, not as rich as previously. Tiger Prawns (6/10)Fresh and great texture, loved its crunchiness with the slightly heated sauce!Sweet Prawns (5/10)It was fresh and sweet, and for the price you pay $234 for 3, were definitely a bargain. Ideally, it was not the best I had, but they do come into much higher price.Scallop (6/10)The scallop was sweet and smooth, very strong of the scallop flavour.The service was great, the waitress was very attention to details, it was like she read my mind that I don’t need ask for assistant, and the solution was provided. Give me a thumbs up if you like it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說「Oyster Station」之前已經光顧過,整體是不錯吃的。雖然來到不吃生蠔好像有點捉到鹿不脫角,但是晩只是來吃宵夜及與好久不見的朋友吹吹水喝喝酒,一心不是想吃蠔,結果全個宵夜的食物都幾乎變成 default。照慣例,侍應先硬掘為客人奉上甘荀、青瓜、西芹、車厘茄 dipper 、雜菜湯及蒜茸包 ($38)。蔬菜其實與吃海鮮毫無關連,卻就是另闢蹊徑來増加收入的好方法。好吃是一回事,手法又是另一個討論課題。想吃海膽,無。想吃泰式生蝦,又無。總之廚房仲有乜海鮮,你就攞嚟啦唔該。「牡丹蝦 / 象拔蚌刺身」$156 / $208蝦很新鮮甜美,肉是鮮美得黏口。$78 一隻,唔鮮一定退貨啦。象拔蚌價錢相對較合理,亦很新鮮爽甜。廚房熟食所餘無幾,來了一客「椒鹽雞骨」$58。餐牌寫「椒鹽雞骨」,該是「雞翼」才對。炸得有點過火了,肉太乾,製法也不算是「椒鹽」,只是普通的炸法再蘸泰式甜辣醬吃。「串燒鰻魚 / 雞軟骨」$88原本叫「串燒拼盤」,是晚賣剩呢兩款食物,是但拼埋湊夠一碟,既來之則安之。平心而論,兩款都燒得好吃。鰻魚肉是爽實帶肉汁,鰻魚汁亦香甜合意;雞軟骨燒得焦香,很好下酒。有時在飯桌上也可領略到一些哲學。是晩食物的選擇很被動,幾乎與無選擇一樣,但總算過得去,比上不足比下有餘咁啦,或者有得揀仲衰呢,誰曉得?是晚宵夜埋單共 $850。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)