7-min walk from Exit A1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
07:30 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
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Eco-Friendly Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (4)
Pacific Coffee 不時推出新口味咖啡,間中我都會去幫襯,早前上一期就是陳皮牛奶咖啡與桃花牛奶咖啡! 有見及此!我覺得走到中西合壁裝潢的上環荷李活道分店最適合不過嘞!起初,我經過其分店,見到 menu 先見到陳皮牛奶咖啡,被那中西合壁又獨特口味而吸引! menu 下方,發現另一杯誘人的桃花牛奶咖啡及香橙朱古力牛奶咖啡! 一於早上來幫襯三次試哂三款口味吧!桃花牛奶咖啡 (Grande) $46回復單身已有好一段時間,好讓自己今年行番個桃花運吧!就一於趁新年前喝番杯桃花牛奶咖啡啦! 咖啡表面有些粉紅色糖粒,其咖啡味及香味跟一般 Latte 分別不大,噱頭而已吧!陳皮牛奶咖啡 & 特色雞扒粟米包 $80陳皮牛奶咖啡 (Tall) $42選用上海么鳳嘅陳皮打成粉,灑上忌廉表面!酸中帶甘,口味獨特及突出,同時容易入口不錯喝!特色雞扒粟米包 $38翻熱後,包質鬆軟,表面加上粟米及葵花籽,帶來外脆內軟口感,炸雞扒微脆,尚算 juicy,配上生菜及酸咪咪的沙律醬,令人開胃!香橙粒粒朱古力牛奶咖啡、菠菜蘑菇蛋餅、熱情果桃花慕思蛋糕 $98香橙粒粒朱古力牛奶咖啡 (Tall) $42表面加上忌廉,雖然邪惡,但是勝在更香滑! 忌廉灑上橙皮粒,入口煙韌! 朱古力牛奶咖啡溫熱順喉,相對朱古力味較濃重霸道,整體甜中帶甘!菠菜蘑菇蛋餅 $28烤熱後,撻身鬆脆可口! 滿載菠菜及蘑菇粒,後者有點爽口嚼感,也有芝士拉絲,就算不蘸茄汁也夠鹹!熱情果桃花慕思蛋糕 $28黃色水泡狀的甜品,簡單以忌廉及花瓣點綴!添上美感!夾雜著一點熱情果籽,帶出粒粒脆口感,整體口味並非想像中的激酸!其實是甜酸有致!慕思與海綿蛋糕相間,口味層次分明!內外兼備又抵食的甜品! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
原來六時後上環大多的咖啡店已關門了,剛好咖啡癮起,平時不會光顧連鎖店的我也去了Pacific Coffee。這間的裝修有點特别,富有中國色彩,很是有趣。Pacific Coffee 七月份與維他奶合作,新推岀了幾款咖啡,有些還有豆腐花在內。咖啡豆腐花太刺激了,不太適合我。為免中伏,所以點了凍維他奶麥精豆奶咖啡 ($42)。好飲唷!麥精味好重,但又沒有搶過咖啡味。咖啡底下仲有黑糖啫哩和香脆燕麥,煙煙韌韌的非常有咬口!可惜飲管太細,難以吸啜。但整體味道很好,十分解渴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I didn't realize this branch was new but I liked it because it was different. While I was there I tried the Babychoccino★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Babychoccino:Babychoccino next to a tall sized drink.Babychoccino is steamed milk with chocolate.The taste was very milky with a hint of chocolate and it is warm on the top and gets colder nearer the bottom.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Nice front with a sitting out area.Modern side:Interesting Chinese things. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)