Exit D3, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
07:30 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
08:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Parking Details
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (6)
Level4 2017-06-25
Wow that was a great experience. There, my friends and I ordered a cup of coffee. We planned to have revision there whilst having coffee. We hoped to find a quiet place to get our work done and to relax by drinking a cup of mocha. The seats were great, but I think it was a bit too crowded. In terms of the surrounding environment, lots of people were passing by and I think it was too noisy for me. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-02-22
平時真的很少係cafe買sandwich,但今日很懶的不想走太遠,便在附近pacific coffee買了半份三文治1/2 Smoked  Mozz  &  Rocket $21麵包乾乾的,被蕃茄乾醬,白醬弄得濕濕的,感覺不太良好入面有番茄,火箭菜,生菜和煙薰過的芝士味道真的非常普通這個價錢,大概是因爲在pacific coffee 賣吧⋯⋯ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-13
上司請喝咖啡,懶健康咁拎左支果汁,仲要特登選一支沒嚐過的味道。結果,我有些後悔為什麼當時不叫咖啡。=3= 可以告訴大家,這支果汁絕對沒偷工減料,外表已經呈現出胡蘿蔔的紅色,橙味和薑的味道都有 ! 但試諗下,橙的酸甜味和薑的獨特味道混在一起會變成什麼味道。。。如果想像不出,就可以試下。=.= continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-03-16
平時行奧海城三期商場時常會經過, 今次終於有機會帶小豆丁來TEA 一TEA!小妹要了杯Americano, 好夠熱, 差點燙傷, 飲入口好rich, 非常香濃! 好正! 小豆丁是朱古力狂魔, 就幫她要杯Chocolate Drink, 整杯都有好濃郁的朱古力味, 豆丁飲完話好full呀l!! 叫我這個姑姐下次要再請她飲喔! Blue Berries Cheese Cake, Blue Berries份量很多! 整個cake的芝士味很有厚感,算是對路! 甜度也適中! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-11-12
雖然今天是星期六,但一時半左右的人流並不算多!環境也不錯!是我和男朋友第二次光顧的!我特別喜歡cafe,也特別喜歡三文治、麵包等!當然cafe的飲料是不可缺少的!不過,我們最常光顧的是S字頭的那間啊!這店也給我們不錯的印象。我們點了:(1)烤豬柳墨西哥包 ﹣ 男朋友說很好味!我也試了一口麵包,味道很特別,有點咖喱的味道!(2)Cranberry Pillow ﹣ 雖然cranberries比想像中少,但麵包甜甜的味道令人開心! 不過如果可加vanilla cream 或者其他的sweet sauce 配搭,應該會 更好味!(3)Grande hot skimmed milk chocolate ﹣ 是朱古力味!因為改以Skimmed milk,味道不會太甜太濃;但最後的幾啖朱古力味有點奇怪..(4)Blueberry cheesecake - 這是後來加碼的甜品!因為在cafe都兩個多小時了!而且cheese cake很吸引!不過份量比以前細件了!但味道也保持水準! 很好味啊!吃完會令人開心的!這間分店雖然不太大,但位置也不錯!而且不會太嘈,不錯不錯! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)