3-min walk from Exit B, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
A burger restaurant providing budget-friendly menus such as pastas, soups and light food. Customers can choose to dine in or takeaway. It is quite popular among office people working nearby. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (77)
Level4 2015-11-02
在大角咀上班的人,一定都認識這一家熊貓漢堡吧。想不到在我快要離職的時候,發現這家餐廳都快要光榮結業了。算是另類緣份吧。想吃的朋友,記得要在十一月七號前,再來細味熊貓漢堡呀!再次吃著安格斯漢堡,味道依舊。麵包鬆軟香脆/ 牛肉漢堡扒非常多汁,但乏牛肉香/ 份量頗大,很滿足/ $45 很抵吃!加$15配搭的薯條,帶有薯皮,又熱又脆,不過比較咸。 餐飲選擇了是日餐湯,南瓜湯。不是很creamy多奶的那種,而是用南瓜打蓉,真材實料的那種。不過無論這一餐好不好吃,我都不太在乎了。既然有些東西留不下,就在它消失前好好珍惜吧。等你回來,後會有期。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-09-22
Panda Burger is already well known with its burgers, but have you tried their afternoon tea?They have different tea sets. But my favourite is the apple cinnimon toast. During the tea time they are quite busy and could take longer time to make, but the wait is definitly worth it. The toast and cinnimon match together perfectly. The set isnt expensive as well. $30 and comes with a drink. a must try if you are around the area.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-09-17
早前在朋友的FB上見到原來這間小店每個星期六下午都會辦一個叫作Hungry Panda Challenge的活動參加者需要於限時內食完整份特設的套餐在下身為一隻為食熊貓, 如此貼題的活動, 當然要即時去挑戰一下~~!!店子空間不大, 大概最多可以容納20位客人店內有大量不同的熊貓圖畫或擺設作裝飾需要於12分鐘內消滅這份套餐......不然要繳付$100其實難度不算太高, 對我來說還是有足夠時間去清楚品嚐到整個漢堡的味道最外層的是常見的芝麻麵包, 烘得外脆內軟, 仍有足夠濕度, 不錯太陽蛋已經全熟, 保留更多蛋汁的話更好洋蔥有先炒過, 部份帶點焦糖化, 部份則仍保持爽脆兩塊漢堡分別是羊肉和牛肉, 煎的恰到好處, 口感鬆軟之餘卻不會一咬便散肉汁豐盈, 但肉味不算太濃......大片蘑菇的厚度跟兩塊漢堡一樣, 而且超級JUICY跟半溶的芝士同時放入口中, 香味爆發煙肉同樣沒有煎得太乾, 不會影響整體口感最底層的酸瓜, 菠蘿, 蕃茄, 生菜, 適時解決愈覺油膩的味道雖然份量頗大, 但整體感覺算是比較輕, 油膩感不太重多層不同的醬汁感覺亦算協調薯條分面, 應該是用新鮮薯仔厚切即炸刻意保留一點點薯皮, 增加口感和香氣的層次味道不錯...但...真的很熱很熱很熱!!!想要挑戰的朋友真的要小心燙傷......其實就算是要用$100買這份套餐, 性格比仍舊十分不俗的挑戰成功, 當然就是免費了~~哈哈同行的太太多點了一份素菜漢堡以一片厚厚的蘑菇充當漢堡扒另加上炒洋蔥, 紅黃甜椒和生菜色彩豐富~~麵包改用意大利包, 整體口感更鬆軟醬汁是意大利黑醋, 為單純的蔬菜帶來十分濃厚的香味整個配搭都十分喜歡, 比玩味性質較重的巨型漢堡味道更好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2015-08-27
Just tried Panda Burger for the first time and was impressed. It's a tiny unassuming place with barely enough seating for a dozen people but the burgers are worth it. I had an Angus Beef Burger set with salad instead of fries and a Coke Zero all for a total of $60. The side salad was small but fresh and healthy greens with a drizzle of balsamic vinaigrette. The burger was a classic: thick beef patty with lettuce, tomato, pickles, and the perfect ratio of ketchup, mustard, and a dash of mayonnaise. The beef was cooked medium with a pink center but no blood. The beef color and texture indicated freshness and definitely was not pulled from a freezer. Very impressed and will gladly return to try their other menu items. Great value for my money! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
唔少朋友都介紹另一間同類型小店:Panda Burger,位於大角咀Burgerman大角咀總店附近,搞到我心思思,想試佢既主打菜:羊肉漢堡。剛過去既星期六,下午要同月巴女未去學茶。見有時間,就拉埋佢去試下啦。點去呢?如果搭地鐵去既話,好簡單,係奧運站B出口出,向匯豐銀行中心方向行,落電梯到地下,綠色門面既Panda Burger就係對面馬路,唔洗五分鐘既腳程;如果你唔係搭地鐵去既話,我相信廿一世紀最偉大既發明:Google Map幫到你,加油。因為今日剩係得枝定焦鏡係身,影唔到呢個小店既環境,各位見諒。經過月巴女未既一翻思考後,決定左食羊肉漢堡配芝士薯條,再加一個凱撒沙津。Er…因為芝士薯條太好食,月巴女未話再追加左個芝士薯條…好飽。羊肉漢堡配芝士薯條 $45(包)+ $15 (跟餐) + $6 (轉芝士薯條)先上枱既係芝士薯條,真係好好食!芝士汁係流質半溶狀,香得黎唔膩,配合埋薯味重,內裡充滿薯蓉既厚切薯條,簡直係一絕。食完忍唔住再安歌多一客。跟著上場既係羊肉漢堡,我既最愛。先睇大細,一口不能咬盡,唔錯唔錯。到材料,上下既芝麻包,經過烘焗處理比一般既更外脆內軟,芝麻味亦更香。主角呢,當然係6安士澳洲羊肉,煎至半熟,肉質仍然粉嫩,有羶香但唔重。煎封功夫亦唔錯,咬落去令鎖著既肉汁微微爆發出黎,簡單黎講,夠「Juicy」。配料加上酸甜小黃瓜、蕃茄、生菜、芥辣(佢寫係薄荷醬。但我點睇點食都係芥辣),令羊味更突出之餘,亦平衡到油膩度。喜愛食羊既我表示:好滿意。凱撒沙津 $35掛著食個羊肉漢堡同芝士薯條,我全程無理個呢個沙律。月巴女未表示唔錯,特別係個烤雞,即叫即煎,誠意十足。因為月巴女未掛著食芝士薯條,食唔哂烤雞,臨走前,一個疑似老板娘既人問我地「係咪烤雞煮得唔好食?」,幾尷尬。當然,亦好反映到小店既誠意,對於每一個客人都好留意,希望可以做得更好。希望各位可以多多幫襯小店。P.S. 據聞呢到有個「脆皮燒腩漢堡」好好食,但每日限售十個,要再搵機會黎食!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)