2-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (20)
Level3 2017-05-27
There are a lot of newly opened cafes around sai ying pun and we decided to try this panda cafeI would say the interior design and the decorations are nice that you can come here to hea for the whole after, however, when it comes to the food portion and value, I won't recommend you to comeThe presentation of my lunch is pretty impressive. Yet, you can see how small portion is. There is only a small French baguette with black truffle scrambled egg (underseasoned) and smoked salmon aside , and it costs me $108 for that (plus service charge). When to be honest, I would rather go to wah sing and have their scramble egg toast (which at least includes drink) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-05-14
母親節唔想同人迫,最好去小店食西餐。肥豆媽被門外的熊貓吸引,內裡擺設也十分可愛。飲品款式繁多又特別,很是吸引。 點了一杯Mango Peach Smoothie, 很清新,夏天透心涼飲品。其他飲品,也很有創意,例如Fresh Fruit Latte, 下次要試試。以下是其中一部份餐牌:店主one man bank, 一腳踢,充當所有角色,但也笑容滿臉,很有禮貌,與顧客打成一片。主菜點了沙甸魚配自家蕃茄醬紅米飯,可說是最出色的菜式。兩條煎香了的大大條沙甸魚,以啖啖蕃茄肉的蕃茄醬中和魚油的膩,再配以健康紅米飯,無懈可擊。店主會溫馨提示食沙甸魚的方法,避免吃到魚骨。 另外點了雜菜薯蓉魚批,表層焗芝士令我垂涎欲滴,裡面的青衣魚柳也絕不欺場,味道不錯,但可惜偶然有一兩啖冰凍,可能焗耐少少會有改善。我叫的兩款甜品是從法國急凍運來。Tiramisu 酒香味濃,軟芝士也很正宗,美中不足是海綿蛋糕部份偶有鞋口。Salt caramel vanilla crunch cake 有驚喜,如果唔怕甜可以試吓呢款,因為唔係周圍可以吃到。進食時最好由上而下切下來,一口吃盡每一層,第二層有焦糖脆脆,豐富了口感! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-04-02
週末嚟到西環,想搵一間可以慢慢食、慢慢嘆嘅早餐咖啡室?咁就一定要試下呢間Panda Cafe & Restaurant 點左兩個早餐:一個Salmon Egg Benedict,一個煙三文魚黑松露炒蛋。其實Egg benedict 同 truffle scrambled egg都食得多,但係呢度真係同其他食過既西式早餐唔同!碟上每樣元素都造得食得出好有心機整,細節位做得好好,Egg Benedict 個poached egg 做得完美順滑,底下個muffin唔會烤到乾曾曾,hollandaise sauce 濃度剛剛好;黑松露炒蛋掌握得剛好,香味四溢!叫左兩杯咖啡,latte & mocha , 個咖啡底好香,奶味濃而不膩!好享受想週末早上嘆返個靚早餐,飲杯咖啡慢慢享受悠閒時光既話,就要來試下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
We came here on a Sunday afternoon & what a great experience, I'm so glad we found this place. After struggling to find a nice, easy going brunch spot in Sai Ying Pun (without having to endure high street) we found Panda Cafe online and decided to give it a try. Living in the local area we walked past several mediocre lunch places to get to it & so glad we came.The menu consists of many breakfast choice that all sound great. Italian, Spanish, omelette, all day, etc. I opted for the Corn Beef Hash with 2 organic eggs, Sauteed Potatoes & soft French bread roll. REALLY GREAT!! The eggs were perfect soft scrambled, the bread warm & the portion size good enough for a decent hungry guy but not overly filling (so no nap time needed afterwards). My dining partner had the Mushroom & Bacon Omelette which was great too.Coffee was nice, strong, fresh brewed & my English breakfast tea was also organic.The place was REALLY busy when we arrived, so we had to wait a short while for food but that was no problem & well worth it! The Chef / Owner is alone in the kitchen & is running around helping serve & clear tables when not cooking, so he really puts in the effort to make things nice. Decor is pleasant, with a cool fun cafe look & feel, and the cakes / desserts look great too (although we did not try them this time).The Chef / Owner (Anes) was SUPER polite & nice. Coming to the table to serve us himself & to apologise for the short wait when they were busy, stating that "he would rather have people wait a ltlle while & get good food, rather than rush things out & serve bad food". Totally Agree!!!All in all a great experience and we will defiantly be back soon to try more menu items.GOOD JOB GUYS! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-10-29
跟友人慶祝生日 食物素質確不錯 環境很美 偌大 舒服播放歌曲 很有格調小店本身應該 2100關門 但沒有規定客人走十分滿意雖然價錢偏貴 但食物不錯Salmon Pie is my favorite 💙 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)