7-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (16)
Strudel ($42), one of the signatures at pantry is freshly made to order. Two layers of caramelised green apple cubes and custard were stacked in between the flaky pie crust. Subtly sweet and light in texture for me.Sadly the display cake was locked inside a not-so-seductive plastic box; certainly differed from my visual expectations. If the lady behind the counter hadn't given me such recommendations, I would have never tried it.The colourful lego block simply stood out among all other cake beauties at the display window. Green lego block- Lime bavaroise blends in so well with the citrus jelly and jam in between, making it a refreshing oasis among all other pastry we have tried at Pantry Bread & Pstries.While the blue one is blueberry cheese cake, with a sickly purplish blue filling in an overly soft texture which didn’t impress both of our taste buds and eyeballs. At a price of $54/piece, the lady at the counter did recommend the remaining lego blocks, yet I shouldn’t give them another chance.To fill the stomach with sophisticated floral dessert, you'd better decide on the rose raspberry champaign pastry ($44). Blended so well into the floral autumn mood board, the rose moose, pink jelly and the velvety red sponge cake all had creamy and smooth texture, with a little touch of raspberry jam in the middle, adding an exciting complexity to the pastry.TURN OFF Cake base is a tad floury and wet, unlike the usual fluffy sponge cake. ( possible culprit might be the moist of the mousse. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
去完會展展覽, 四圍走走先回家, 順便買甜食回去。個蛋糕比較的骰, 索價近50元左右有點少貴,超越不少5星期酒店中餅店的價位了, 但單靠吸收又顏色繽紛的外表都引到我去買了。不過我太夜去, 得返零星數件。積木蛋糕好cute,入面層次分明,不過盒太多,拿回家散了,想哭。海綿蛋糕仲有好多cream,cream好輕身唔太甜吃完都唔太留, 酸酸地似YOGURT, 因打入了莓肉。店內還有麵包曲奇, 而曲奇都試了少少味道不錯很鬆化,曲奇大方地有試味, 吃過喜歡先買, 口味仲有好多架。 新出玫瑰味,試過幾酥香鬆化,淡淡玫瑰味,有牛油香,顏色係淺粉紅。有機會再來買其他口味的蛋糕曲奇品嚐, 因家人吃過都讚口不絕, 原來我自己留下來做下午茶的曲奇都比人秒殺。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-11-18
午飯時段到處人群、真係怕怕。在皇后大道東一帶有間賣麵飽西餅小店、有Light Lunch、又清靜、地方不錯。今天放棄All Day Breakfast、選了熱狗。長長的德國腸、食落嗦嗦聲好爽脆;麵飽選擇了法飽、非常酥脆。份量不是太大最適合女仕們。飲品多款選擇、有名茶、咖啡和Smoothie.今天氣温驟有點熱、來杯Smoothie清凉一下。Raspberry味。材料混入了新鮮紅莓、牛奶、天然乳酪和Honey Jelly、酸酸咪咪開胃醒神。粒粒蜜糖啫喱有口感、清怡可口。凍櫃內五顏六色的糕餅、賣相吸引另人目不暇給、終於引不著誘惑、點了件積木青檸奶凍。青綠色、顏色鮮艷、好美! 真係唔捨得食喔!青檸Mousse軟綿綿的口感、清新的口味、又帶點酸酸、不過甜又不膩、真滋味!我對甜品瘋狂程度有時自己都驚訝!心思思想要多件、要与不要之間掙扎了數秒、最終。。。蘋果酥。酥皮真的好酥化、粒粒蘋果肉香甜、推介之選。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
11月的開始代表著一個沒有額外假期月份的開始 幸好天氣很討好才不致令人討厭漫長的星期 數了很多天才到星期三 心裡實在每秒都幻想週末的來臨討喜的同事突然大叫TEA TIME 為星期三下午帶來一點驚喜!打開兩盒蛋糕 忍不住大呼了很可愛 (雖然以我咁BITCHY的性格 說起來有點毛管動)LOGO的形狀 顏色鮮豔 看到實在令人想不斷拍照 但更誘人的是陣陣的果香 讓人想趕緊吃下肚另一盒為比較常見的蛋糕款式 我心大心細又想貪新鮮試LOGO蛋糕 但看見RASPERRY又不能自拔最後還是選了RASPERRY MOUSES蛋糕 一口下去微微的玫瑰味十分清新 令我很驚喜 味道不太甜 MOUSES又軟滑 沒有過多的魚膠粉 底層的蛋糕又很鬆軟加起酸酸的RASPERRY 正合我這種喜愛小巧甜點又不喜愛過甜的煩人心意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-09-18
說起PANTRY Bread & Pastries, 我和它的緣份很淺。兜兜轉轉, 沒想到會是這樣子結緣。記得以前它的店在銅鑼灣, 我拿著它的地址, 在百德新街圈了好幾圈, 都找不著。思疑是不是自己太過路痴, 拉了T先生又去找一次, 又再次落空, 只好放棄。隔了好久才知道, 銅鑼灣的店是結業了。雖然覺得可惜, 卻沒甚麼不捨。在花花世界般的香港, 開店閉店無日無之, 哪理得這樣多呢。之後得知它在灣仔開了店, 卻又再也抽不出時間去買來吃。總是想, 遲點吧, 有機會的。沒想到, 第一次吃PANTRY, 卻是它們的月餅。事緣是公司有幾個同事訂了PANTRY, 也很慷慨地分我一點嚐鮮, 超級幸運!銀箔迷你奶黃月餅 (8個)如果是送人(或者打主意要和別人分)的話, 銀箔迷你奶黃月餅看起來比較大體, 也有獨自包裝。迷你奶黃月餅 (6個)但如果自己吃的話, 就可以考慮買6個裝的迷你奶黃。雖然沒有獨自包裝, 但好吃的話, 這個份量大概可以秒殺掉。皮超薄的令我印象深刻的是它們的月餅外表比較酥鬆, 而且比坊間的要薄, 脆脆的餅乾口感, 和內餡形成了很大的對比。口感令我眼前一亮! 而味道方面, 奶黃味也算濃香, 比名人飯堂國X樓的要好很多; 但比起美X的流心奶黃還是輸了一個馬鼻。綜合味道、口感、入購難易度, 個人非常塔喜歡PANTRY的出品, 明年應該會買這家吃。另外, 聽說PANTRY的月餅是「今天起貨明天取貨」, 所以小妹吃的PANTRY 月餅是超新鮮的。難怪外皮那麼脆口啦! 好吃。銀箔迷你奶黃月餅 (8件) HK$278 (早鳥HK$258)迷你奶黃月餅 (6件) HK$198 (早鳥HK$178) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)