9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
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Review (14)
Level4 2024-08-10
勁Sweet的778好友在月頭已經急不及待跟我吃生日飯!餐廳選址雖然有點波折但也無損我們快樂聚餐的心情。選了位於PMQ開業數個月的Pasteako!這間是主打手工意粉及乾式熟成牛扒的餐廳,跟上手同樣是意大利餐廳但分別挺大。甫踏進餐廳招待處旁邊設有一個偌大的刀櫃!大家可以先從八款餐刀中選取自己的心頭好,分別有意大利、日本、德國、土耳其、波斯、蒙古等地的刀具。而我則選了這把超型格的狩獵刀。餐廳內用上意大利復古作裝潢,奪目的紅白地磚配皮革梳化,牆上掛有不少懷舊照片打卡位滿滿。星期日的中午菜單獨沽一味$388/3道菜,內容包括有意大利麵、牛扒及甜品,餐前會送上一小碟新鮮沙律,香滑的BB菠菜配襯多汁車厘茄,加上芝士和果仁味道好吸引,為這頓午餐帶來了一個好開始。此刻侍應會詢問大家選擇牛扒刀的號碼,然後為大家送上自選屠牛刀,我這把牛扒刀非常贅手質感滿滿。菜單上其中一道菜是牛扒!而吃不了牛的我可以轉為Chicken Breast,上檯時會連同自選的意大利麵一起送來。雞胸外層烤得好焦香,始終是雞胸吃下去口感當然不算嫩滑,不打緊我的Target絕非肉類而是我喜歡的Pasta。我選了Lumache配Pomodoro醬!此刻侍應會為大家不吝嗇地刨下巴馬臣芝士,清新酸香的番茄醬加鹹香芝士配滑嘟嘟的Lumache吃下非常舒服,愛吃番茄的朋友必定會喜歡它。喜歡吃牛的朋友有21日Dry Aged西冷或肉眼可選,車爸爸表示牛肉味道挺合他心意,以中環區這個價錢來說CP值不錯呢。其餘的意大利麵有Parpadelle配Truffle醬!Al Dante闊條麵配上香口的黑松露醬,口感和味道也非常醉人而且不會有膩感好吃耶。而Spaghetti則配襯了Quattro Formaggi醬!四重芝士再加上海量的巴馬臣芝士,這個絕對是芝士迷才能承受得起的味道。而煙韌的Mezzi Rigatoni則配襯素的Spicy Arrabbiata!雖然是素醬汁但味道絕對沒比其他比下去好吃喔。最後這個Conchiglie配搭的是Puttanesca醬!同樣茄味香濃還帶上點點香辣挺為惹味。吃到這個時刻忽然聽見鈴聲響起!原來表示此刻餐廳會送上免費續吃的意大利麵,這個口味是香辣青醬長通粉,我覺得比起我們點的味道更加吸引,這是否意味著我們要來多一趟。甜品我們得到Homemade Tiramisu!一盤的來到我們面前隨即送到碟上,這樣的Presentation大家也甚為受落。餐廳真的非常喜歡刨食材哈哈!甜品亦為我們刨下黑朱古力碎,喜歡打卡的朋友來這兒吃飯真會非常忙碌。Tiramisu口感香滑甜度不弱但少了我喜歡的酒香,如果不喜歡酒味的朋友相信會喜歡這個版本。最後好友窩心地送上生日甜品Lemon Panama Cotta!點點薄荷加檸檬的奶凍口味挺為清新,多謝好友們的貼心安排。多謝好友們率先為我慶祝生日!在此祝大家身體健康、長食長有。餐廳平日的三道菜午餐只售$188非常超值!愛品嚐意大利麵和牛扒的朋友相信會非常喜歡這兒。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-21
Taking over the old Gustaci location, Pasteako is the latest addition to the PMQ complex, serving no-frills pastas and 21-day dry aged steak. Visited during its soft opening. Decor is nostalgic. Diners are invited to pick a knife for their steak at the reception counter. Dinner menu is simple and reasonably priced at $388 per person. Your choice of pasta, pasta sauce and cut of steak. Dolce is fixed. We tried their Parpadelle with Romesco sauce and striploin and Lumache In truffle sauce and ribeye. Romesco sauce is made of roasted red peppers, fire-roasted tomatoes, nuts and other seasonings. The tinge of spiciness is perfect for the summer weather. Parpadelle would have been better had it been out of the saucepan 2 minutes earlier. Texture was softer than one would like it to be.Lumache was al dente. Truffle sauce was creamy and luscious.Both the ribeye and striploin were flavourful and had a nice smoky charcoal aroma to it. In between, the resto refilled diners’ plates with different types of pastas. The one that I particularly liked was rigatoni in Quattro Formaggi sauce. Tiramisu panna cotta to end. Light and had a nice balanced amount of sweetness. Overall a lovely resto serving American Italian fare at fair price point that I would revisit with friends. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-20
✍︎︎新開餐廳🥰,每位客人都可以揀自己想用嘅刀享用晚餐😍Dinner Set $3881️⃣首先先嚟一個沙律前菜🥗2️⃣揀自己想食嘅意粉Parpadelle / Spaghetti / Conchiglie / Mezzi Rigatoni / Lumache3️⃣之後再揀醬汁Truffle/ Quattro Formaggi / Romesco/ Puttanesca/ Promodoro / Spicy Arrabbiara4️⃣再揀🐮西冷//肉眼扒🥩5️⃣最後甜品係Homemade Tiramisu☕️🍰我同友人分別揀咗👭🏻❥Parpadelle x Quattro Formaggi x肉眼5成熟❥Mezzi Rigatoni x Spicy Arrabbiara❥餐廳仲有不定時會推出新鮮熱辣意粉,俾每枱客人品嚐當日係Truffle x Mezzi Rigatoni ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••🔎PASTEAKO 中環鴨巴甸街35號元創方B座Hollywood地下HG01-HG05號舖•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-04
ℂ𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕝 • ℙ𝔸𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔸𝕂𝕆 📍中環鴨巴甸街𝟛𝟝號元創方𝔹座ℍ𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕪𝕨𝕠𝕠𝕕地下ℍ𝔾𝟘𝟙-ℍ𝔾𝟘𝟝號舖📌 #penguin_central ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::@pasteako = Pasta 🍝 + steak 🥩 Very satisfying lunch at $188 only for quality steak and pasta; the dry-aged steak was succulent and the handmade pasta was al dente and flavourful. Vintage decoration with the red and whie tiles x black and white framed photos on the walls. Customers get to choose the knife before seating. No disappointment at all and definitely will come back ✨中環新開三個月的意大利餐廳,裝潢走復古路線,紅白地磚配皮革梳化,牆上掛上黑白照片,昏黃的燈光更顯懷舊特色。午市性價比很高,$188的價錢可享用乾式熟成牛排配手工意粉,牛扒恰到好處,意粉煙韌掛汁,很推介! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
難得weekend緊係要四出揾美食🤓 今次黎到港島區中環食西餐🍴趁住 @pasteako 仲係soft opening 即刻身先士卒幫大家試下味先 呢間餐廳好特別 主要食牛扒同意粉 一入門口就先黎揀把岩心水刀🔪食牛扒 先再慢慢坐底牛扒🥩 有得揀西冷定肉眼個人揀咗西冷 五成熟 食落就感覺還好 Pasta🍝首先就可以自己揀要咩款嘅pasta同埋醬汁食完唔夠飽?唔驚❣️Pasta可以任添架😋 每隔一段時間 廚師就會pasta omakase咁煮唔同款 成盤拎出黎問大家洗唔洗添 大家唔洗怕羞要試多幾款唔同味最後要用個tiramisu收尾🍰非常之出色 creamy得黎又唔會俾咖啡味搶哂fo😋 Weekend walk in 人就比較多 所以就安排坐bar枱 如果大家着裙想坐好啲 可以提早book定位🥰 set menu 同一價錢 (💰388) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)