6-min walk from Exit E2, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Live Music
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Pizza Cold Cuts Pasta Bruschetta
Review (42)
Level4 2018-10-01
由於呢間餐廳成日係eatigo做優惠 所以收工肚餓就會過黎食下宵夜 飲下野 今次4個人黎 大家都好肚餓 叫左個parma ham pizza 青醬意粉 卡邦尼意粉同石燒牛扒朋友們對卡邦尼意粉既評價好壞參半 我就覺得份量細左d 同埋無乜汁 唔多夠味 青醬意粉好食d 醬汁味道幾濃 不過未必人人受得住陣青醬味牛扒我地叫左3成熟 但食落有d靭 可能因為用石板熱住上 醬汁有4款 分別係黑松露 黑醋 蒜蓉 辣油Pizza就黎親都必叫 上面鋪滿parma ham 餅底夠脆得黎唔會燶 送酒一流呢到有多款手工啤酒 左邊個杯係比較香果味既ale 而右邊既係有少少焦糖味既lager 味道好有特色 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-31
我沒種族歧視,但這裡侍應勁不知所謂、見我舉手、竟調頭行咗去、幾個都係咁~ 唔想做,辭職囉~ 其中一個侍應,視力、聽覺比較弱(或,唔識聽 / 睇英文,但又要用全英文 menu)我指住 menu 點蕃茄汁意粉、佢睇唔到,反問我係咩嚟,急帶眼鏡去睇先睇到~ 點巴馬火腿 pizza,已經指住、兼讀埋俾佢聽,點知嚟到係淨火腿,無拿嘢呀?!食物可以換,點知戲玉嚟,我叫紅酒 Nebbiolo $78 x 2,埋單時張單係 Barolo $128 x 2(兩個讀音相近,應該係個侍應唔識英文)我提出話我唔係 order 哩隻酒,個侍應話我飲咗,要我繳付拎錯俾我隻酒個價錢,呵呵~ 咁樣又可以做多啲生意,又係方法哦~(如果好飲,我都算,垃圾酒 $128 杯,你俾我呀?!)奉觀大家,要小心哩間餐廳、小心 order、記緊 check 單~ 強烈要求 OpenRice,細項評分可以俾 0 粒星,哩間餐廳嘅服務,絕對配得上 👎 餐廳 Soho 分店剛結業不久,旺角店看來也是不想繼續經營的模樣~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-19
剛好同朋友起旺角睇完戲,周圍行諗緊食咩好,行下行下就去到黑布街,發現左一間裝潢超級討好的餐廳,在旺角竟然有一間跟中環蘇豪區能媲美的餐廳。餐廳打主意大利菜式,菜單亦只有英文,主打多款手工啤酒。Spaghetti Pesto $145Pesto Sauce是西餐常見的醬汁之一,每次食Pasta都必選。但今次比較失望,上枱時見到意粉內有過多Pesto Sauce,引致醬汁與意粉並不能完美融合。店家應留意意粉過韌,及過多芝士粉。-20 Months Aged Parma Ham Pizza $145 🍽我一向好喜愛吃麵包,薄餅焗得香脆更是我的摯愛,巴馬火腿餡料分佈了整個Pizza上面。可惜這間餐廳Parma Ham跟餅底一起焗,焗出來的薄餅因巴馬火腿焗完之後引致過油。吃多會添加油膩感。-The Bruschetta $75這是意大利家常前菜,焗得香脆可口的農夫包👨‍🌾上面佈滿了車厘茄,小番茄酸酸甜甜令人很開胃,車厘茄用上了橄欖油及小量黑椒調味,如能增添蒜味更佳。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-14
We were looking for a western food to eat tonight. We searched from OpenRice and found this restaurant. Honestly, having western food in Mong Kok is not my first choice but the pictures and atmosphere look attractive, so here we go!The restaurant was not big but look very comfortable and clean. There are lots of tv and a bar. It definitely looks like a bar or restaurant in soho or LKF. There were lots beer selections and wines. The menu was all in English. Some customers next table were having problems at ordering food. We ordered Pesto Spaghetti as we think it should be safe to try When it arrived, we both said the same thing that it was very oily, and we could see there was too much pesto sauce. We tasted it. It was too heavy as there was too much cheese powder and oil. The spaghetti was almost cooked. We also ordered appetiser ‘Bruschetta’. Again it was a bit too heavy as they put too much olive oil. Finally, Parma ham pizza was the main course. The presentation was not attractive at all. There was oil over the pizza. We guessed they baked the pizza with the ham at the same time. It was really salty The service was a bit slow and seem like no one cared about us. The only thing we like about this place was the setting. They prepared olive oil and balsamic. This is exactly what western restaurants would do. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-08-04
之前已光顧過上址餐廳三次,不知是員工或老闆但態度非常友善。其實訂位前已知此餐廳已轉哂餐牌不知是否已轉了老闆。今晚光顧為我個仔慶生辰,一行七人有人叫啤酒,我就叫了紅酒。之前兩杯都冇問題,正常份量沒多沒少,到叫第三杯時,明顯得一半。我當然即刻反映,一個中年香港男人攞住杯酒去水吧大聲講話個客話唔夠佢要求多d。這一刻,非常尷尬。如果你覺得冇問題就可以禮貌地堅持,係冇問題的。我忍了呢個態度,因為唔想撹到呢餐飯唔開心。不過我唔會return,亦唔會推介比其他人。嗰頭都好大競爭,唔特別出色都難頂得住守下去,祝佢好運。我用了open rice 好耐,今次係激到第一次出聲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)