9-min walk from Exit C1, Tuen Mun MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (23)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level1 2024-12-30
叫咗個黑毛和牛黑椒飯加芝士拎餐嘅時候只係問金頭髮紮馬尾嘅女同事職員問咗一聲,我話咦呢個就係和牛?(其實點解會作出疑問因為啲牛肉份量不但好少而且賣相是跟普通牛肉是沒有分別。)然後你哋呢位女職員極度冇禮貌,不但冇回應我不特止淨係擰轉面同佢其餘嘅同事喺度取笑話:(哈哈哈呢個客人問呢個就係和牛喎)你哋公司食品一直都係冇乜大問題,但係點解員工嘅服務態度可以咁差咁惡劣?第一次遇見一啲服務態度咁差嘅職員貼錢買難受雖則都係普通快餐唔係啲咩貴價嘢但係個和牛飯都價值成$90對比起已經係兩倍普通牛肉嘅價錢,簡直呃錢,而且食完之後真心感覺係完全跟普通冇分別 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
話說本人大約1755到達,落完單顯示時間1759,之後望到6pm極量牛肉飯平6蚊,問佢有冇得轉佢話無,都算,仲要落漏單,兩個飯加兩隻蛋淨係落咗一隻,又要再排過再俾多6蚊,搞得嚟鐵板都唔熱啦,希望該店職員返工醒神啲,唔好咁得過且過啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-05
The beef rice with cheese at Pepper Lunch is a delightful combination of flavors and textures. The savory beef pairs perfectly with the rich, gooey cheese, creating a satisfying and indulgent experience. The addition of the honey black pepper sauce adds a sweet and peppery kick, elevating the dish to a whole new level. The overall dining experience at Pepper Lunch is enhanced by the interactive cooking process and the welcoming atmosphere. For cheese and beef enthusiasts, the beef rice with cheese at Pepper Lunch is a must-try. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-21
Pepper Lunch 基本上我淨係食牛飯,加蛋加芝士咁今次就喺朋友介紹之下,食咗相對上價錢比較偏貴嘅牛扒餐($118)-但係你食落真係會超級驚喜,首先佢塊牛嘅質素就已經贏返個價錢,另外佢有一個秘製醬汁,煎住滲入去嗰啲肉入邊,真係非常之出色-所以食完之後,我覺得會再食如果平時食嚟食去都係同一個餐都可以推薦大家試吓呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
好耐冇食pepper lunch喇~我諗都有一年🤔今日行屯門市廣場黎到food court食啲嘢,發現有pepper lunch😍😍😋呢款蒜香黑椒牛肉飯($57)係蘑菇最愛😻次次都必食~鐵板滋滋聲好治癒,勾起我嘅食慾🤭鐵板將生牛肉煎熟直至焦香,甜甜的牛油粟米加埋蔥增添香氣,味道好match👍飯係鐵板作用下都有少少焦香,混合醬汁好惹味!蒜片係點睛之筆~唯一缺點就係,感覺份量唔似之前多咁了…😿 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)