門面跟其他赤柱餐廳一樣,充滿異國情調。內裏所提供的菜式以薄餅為主。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
08:30 - 23:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (64)
18:00叫定外賣 佢話21:00送 點知成22:00先送到黎 打左幾次電話問又話未出車/多ORDER 咁黎D係你公司問題 最後打去問有個女士聽.........佢仲講咁我有咩可以幫到你 SORRY都冇句火都黎.........黎到個外籍人仕SORRY都冇 成班人係度等食.........真係激死人......PIZZA又硬 D雞粒薯圈都唔脆 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
在考試迫近的日子,日頭是唸書,晚上又是唸書,連深夜也只有書本作伴。看著天氣正好,剛踏入初夏,晴空下帶著點點涼風,還是決定到中環找路人甲吃個午飯。SOHO是港島區人士晚上消遺勝地,五光十色的食店聚落在短短的一兩條小街。晚上是減卻煩囂的好地方,中午換上了一套清靜裝束,還是一樣的教人心情快慰。Pepperonis Pizza and Cafe是西打心中想吃很久的店,今天終於可以吃到。先上來的餐湯,餐湯是雜菜湯,酸酸甜甜,不是一般港式的羅宋湯。蒜蓉蜆肉扁意粉,小小的蜆,也有很多隻,意大利麵中西打最的扁意粉。這盤扁意粉好好吃,沒有一般港式店的弊病,扁意粉靱度剛剛好,越咬越香。扁意粉只用蒜蓉炒香,拌上海蜆,是西打最鍾愛的簡單口味。Sirloin Steak with Pepper Sauce點菜時侍應沒有問西打要多少分熟,西打已經打了最壞打算。切開,原來還不錯呢。幾十塊錢的一份午餐當然不能要求很高品質的牛排。這片牛排肉味不算濃,中間部份肉質還有一點點柴,但這個價錢,是很不錯的了。隨餐的甜點,送上來有驚喜耶。沒想過是冰淇霖加窩夫。西打還在拍照時,路人甲急不及待已經開動了。突然她驚叫了一下......想不到窩夫中間還有餡料。最初以為是藍莓,吃著吃著像葡萄多一點。是有心思的一道甜點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-04-27
兩個女仔一收工就上左去soho搵飯食,本來打算見邊間唔洗等位就食邊間,上次食左Daddyos,今次就食另外一邊的餐廳,隔離永遠都咁多人企係門口熱辣辣嘆啤酒8點未夠,上到去,見門口位有2人桌,渣渣林埋位啦!嘩!有Crayons比客人畫畫,好得意呢~由於2個女仔食唔到咁多野,就叫左3樣野:1/ New Orlean Pizza (超好食, 唔係好知道佢上面既sauce係什麼, 但好好味, 又夠熱, 餅底又好脆, even凍左, 都好好味, 唔會話唔夠熱就無晒味)2/ Half Chicken with chips and salad (無想過只雞會咁大只, 而且真係好熱辣辣喎~ 薯條份量唔少, 沙律唔係普通有沙律醬個d, 好新鮮)3/ Seafood Risotto (好多材料呀, 硯肉又有埋硯殼, 又有青口, 而飯就略為濕了一點, 唔太有咬口)服務: 不錯, 會有好多介紹, 唔會太黑面, 而且埋單個時, 想碌卡都得 (因為見到佢地有寫收cash only), 但佢地要去隔離店碌, 要等七至十分鐘左右 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-04-11
I was a fan of this restaurant because the Chicken Schnitzel was good and had big portion.However, after my visit last Saturday, I will never go again.First, when I got upstairs, the Kylie Minogue music was so loud that we could not even chat. I don't mind music (and I like Kylie) but it was just far too loud. It felt as if the staff was enjoying the music while the customers had to suffer.Secondly, the seat I was assigned to was against the wall. There was a pot of plant with long stems and leaves directly on top of my head. Therefore, the leaves keep appearing on my face and scratching my head.Then, the waitress only gave us one glass of water for four of us. Were we supposed to share??We ordered a medium pizza, a Caesar salad and other dishes. When the pizza arrived, it looked very small. So we asked the waitress if it was a small or medium pizza. The waitress replied small, so we pointed out that we ordered medium. She insisted that we ordered small, so we settled for the pizza. Then a dish of spare ribs came. We did not order spare ribs, so we told her. It turned out that they completely mixed up the order with the table next to us, so the pizza AND the spare ribs should have gone to the adjacent table.Then what's really our food came. The Chicken Schnitzel was up to my expectations, with two pieces of chicken fillet plus curly chips. I was happy about this dish. (see attached photo).The pizza was OK, with normal ingredients, nothing special.Then I tried the salad. I found a HUGE fly (by huge, I mean a bean sized fly and not the sesame size one). The fly was attached onto the greens by heavy salad dressing. It was so gross. I told the waitress, but she did not even apologise for it. To be fair, she did offer to give us another Caesar salad but we had no more appetite after this huge fly. I really should have taken a photo of this fly to share it here, but I forgot to do so.So I talked to the manager about this terrible experience. However, he kept making excuses and externalised the responsibilities. The manager claimed that any restaurant could mix up orders. He claimed that flies could appear in food and it was not their problem as they could not control where flies flew to. I was so disappointed by this undiplomatic response. He did not offer any discount, free dessert or drinks either. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-03-10
好耐之前去過一次 今日再同同事去試下有冇新野原來而家有1人餐 份量都大架 不過算係唔一定要一個餐幾個人食 而可以每人叫唔同野share我叫左個Greek Pizza餐個small size pizza已經好大 實在食唔晒不過唔錯 幾好味 芝士好多 但真係好飽 最後仲有個甜品雪糕 好味~ 環境幾舒服 waiter多數講英文 聽唔明可以有個香港人經理 態度算唔錯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)