13-min walk from Exit B, Tsuen Wan West MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash
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Review (38)
Level3 2022-11-05
朋友聚會首選難得見近日疫情緩和,限聚令放寬至12人一組,梗係要把握機會喎朋友聚一聚會,喺朋友屋企打牌食嘢,食食吓肚仔餓當然係要叫外賣啦,朋友就話叫Pizza外賣。我哋就今日就叫咗PHD 外賣,貪佢平、選擇又多,味道又唔差!落單到食物送上嚟都係用咗差唔多9個字, OK啦唔太耐最重要就係食物送到嚟仲係新鮮熱辣!我哋今次試咗好多種類嘅食物啊,除咗一定要有嘅Pizza,仲叫咗忌廉湯炸雞🍗蒜蓉包薯角雞翼等等,好滿足呀所有食物都仲熱辣辣,食落口脆卜卜的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-22
沙嗲牛嘅熱潮果然冇停過,呢期 phd.hk 將港式classic升級改造,變成升呢沙嗲牛肉批!本身抱住懷疑去食點知幾有驚喜,沙嗲醬濃郁,加埋爽口紫洋蔥同椒絲幾豐富,同半溶巴馬臣芝士超夾!另外佢哋都將凍檸茶升呢,以檸檬紅茶醬配蜜桃同pizza,鹹鹹甜甜咁食落好特別✨ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-07-25
一班朋友聚餐,叫炸雞 Pizza外賣是常識吧🤣PHD嘅送餐服務算快,大概30-40分鐘就送到。忌廉湯味道唔錯,炸雞就有少少失望,可能因為外賣時焗住左,令到炸雞外皮軟晒,雞肉都有少少「鞋」肉醬意粉就不過不失。另外仲有個千島海鮮pizza,冇乜千島醬,海鮮亦唔多,Pizza味道一般。。。小食方面,雞翼係好食嘅,但係蒜蓉包就可免則免啦,因為佢好似塊鞋墊咁硬,好難咬,仲要冇味😥整體來講,雖然價錢唔貴,但食物嘅味道一般,性價比不算高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-15
最近薄餅博士全新推出咗榴槤系列 榴槤控必食呀🤩🤩原本以為榴槤同烤餅會好唔夾 點知軟滑香濃嘅榴槤吉士醬 再配埋鹹香嘅芝士🧀鹹鹹甜甜又幾夾😚面頭仲有榴槤果肉添 非常足料❣️烤餅口感都好香脆 唔錯😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-09
Just know that, PHD pizza is under the same group of Pizza Hut, and the taste indeed similar to Pizza HutOrdered Deluxe Pizza having chicken, pepperoni,mushroom, pork, onion, green pepper and tomatoes sauce, i like the cheese topping Hawaiian Island having ham, pineapple, sweet corn and Thousand Island Dressing, and i like this one more and we upgraded it adding cheese insides pizza layer which i likeeee haaGarlic Toast having butter garlic flavor, soft bread such a nice one to have, better eat when it served hot, becoming thick flat after staying for a whileFried Chicken tastes yum having good flavoring haa, crispy outsides tooThe food quality is quite standard and similar to Pizza hut, if a branch near my home and i would try it again haa continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)