Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
想食韓國菜🤭又想食Pizza見到PHD期間限定🤩PHD個姑媽系列推出新Pizza口味🍕個姑媽甜辣雞蕃薯蓉批🍕原來「個姑媽」同韓文讀音「GoGuMa」一樣😉代表甜蕃薯🍠一於試下先!將韓式甜辣炸雞配搭甜甜蕃薯蓉、甜辣醬底製成🙌🏻香甜、香辣於一身😚仲有嫩滑炸雞😋好味到不得了!另叫左🍗阿珠媽甜辣脆香雞🍗以PHD皇牌脆香雞搭配香口韓式甜辣醬🌶️啖啖肉🥳爽呀!薄餅博士📍元朗西菁街23號K Plus地下12-13號舖
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今日食咗個一人套餐千島海鮮批,覺得個千島海鮮批幾好味,略嫌啲醬多咗少少搞到偏鹹,如果少啲會好啲!服務態度都幾好,取餐嘅時候職員都有同我講多謝晒,幾有禮貌!但係覺得如果出餐可以快啲嘅話就會好啲啦,職員同我講等15分鐘就可以,但係最後等咗成25分鐘先有😢至於個忌廉湯鹹度啱啱好!整體來講係好食嘅,個千島海鮮批比較多菠蘿少海鮮,如果多返少少會好啲,但係以咁嘅價錢,cp 值都高,有yuu 會員九折折扣,唔洗50元就有個迷你批同埋忌廉湯好抵食!
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Pizza is one of my adorable western food and has always given us a happy chewy time. PHD Deluxe Pizza (combo set added extra $19; ingredients - chicken, pepperoni, onion, mushroom, pork, green pepper)The ingredients are my favourites and the mixture of meat and vegetables added lots of different flavour to the pizza. Ingredients were fresh and tasted great. The hand tossed pizza had an outer crispy crust and the thickness of pizza was nicely done. Honey BBQ Wings (Included as a combo set)Although the size of the wings was relatively small, wings were juicy and seasoned well.House Salad (Included as a combo set)Salad with fresh ingredients like cucumber, pineapple, lettuce, tomatoes, corn and was accompanied by black vinegar.Cream Corn Soup with Chicken (Included as a combo set) Soup was creamy with gentle chicken flavour.Seafood Doria with Spaghetti (Included as a combo set)Creamy cheese sauce was done with considerable thickness plus the adequate portion of seafood and spaghetti created a satisfactory dish.Japanese Style Octopus Ball Octopus ball is an iconic food that most people love. The price is above average while consuming octopus balls from a pizza shop felt a promising hygiene standard.Although the product was made by a pizza specialist, the taste did resemble a classic Japanese octopus ball as key ingredients including octopus and sauce were all available. Prices were reasonable as most of the above items were purchased as a combo M2 set for 3 persons. Collection of food was smooth and quick. The food preparation time was promising and definitely very convenient for food lovers with busy work life.
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自從開左phd之後,就好少食pizza hut。pizza box都少左食。PHD其實同pizza hut都係同一間公司,不過價錢就平少少。我好鍾意食phd既辣肉腸pizza。再轉芝心。啖啖肉好好食,又肉又芝心。芝心真係無得輸。不過坦白講正宗pizza唔係好似呢幾間餐廳咁,係餅底都係脆既。不過唔緊要,近合左香港人口味既pizza都ok la。佢既炸雞都係脆皮既,似係KxC既家鄉雞。味道都唔差飯次次都會叫葡汁雞皇飯,偏甜既sauce配埋個飯幾好食
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