8-min walk from Exit A, Wong Tai Sin MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
有堂食亦都試過外賣!堂食下午茶時間長期有自助瓜果!無需另外付款 會有酸蘿蔔青瓜,西瓜蘋果橙等等隨機。喺其他分店嘅特別之處。唯一缺點係外賣份量,比起堂食細份很多。鹹檸七去落超級多糖漿
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推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥近年香港商場內的食肆,大部分都是以連鎖店為主,千篇一律毫無特色,難怪未能吸引外區的客人。不過,有時候一些舊區內,亦隱藏着一些非由大集團經營的小店,除了更具人情味,食物的品質有時亦會給人驚喜。就像這間越南小店,客人主要是附近的街坊,所以價錢十分親民,還附設自助區,提供免費的醃菜及水果。雖然如此,但食物的質素亦不會馬虎,而且還有多款選擇,性價比絕對十分高。In recent years, most of the eateries in Hong Kong shopping malls are dominated by chain stores, lacking uniqueness and failing to attract customers from other areas. However, hidden in some older districts are small shops not operated by large corporations. These small shops are not only more personalized but also sometimes offer pleasantly surprising food quality. Just like this Vietnamese small shop, its customers are mainly local residents, offering affordable prices and a self-service area with complimentary pickles and fruits. Despite the affordable prices, the food quality is excellent with a wide selection, ensuring great value for money.午市套餐 ($58)Lunch Set炭燒豬頸肉撈檬粉Grilled Pork Jowl with Lemongrass Cold Vermicelli豬頸肉燒得非常香口,而且又不會過份油膩,配以芽菜及酸蘿蔔絲,感覺十分清新。至於檬粉方面,除了不會太腍之餘,又不會太乾,客人可以隨意按自己的喜好加上酸酸辣辣的汁液,是夏天最佳的食品The grilled pork jowl is flavorful without being overly greasy and paired with bean sprouts and pickled radish, providing a refreshing taste. As for the cold vermicelli, it is neither too sticky nor too dry, allowing customers to customize it with tangy sauces according to their preference, making it an ideal summer dish.大勒扎肉米紙卷 (加 add$18)Rice Roll Stuffed with Vietnamese Sausage雖然是加配的小食,份量不算太多,但米紙卷的餡料卻絕對不少,蔬菜十分新鮮,而札肉亦有鮮味。唯一美中不足是米紙皮比較乾Although it is an additional snack, the amount is not too much, yet the filling in the rice roll is generous with fresh vegetables and flavorful Vietnamese sausage. The only drawback is that the rice paper skin is a bit dry.咸檸檬梳打 (加add $8)Light Salt Lemon Soda咸檸檬的份量多,可以喝得出味道之餘,又不會太咸The light salt lemon soda offers a generous portion with a balanced taste, not overly salty.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥✅食物的選擇多,而且份量充足,味道亦算不錯The food selection is diverse, portion sizes are generous, and the taste is satisfactory.❌無Nil🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅裝修簡潔,而且枱的位置十分寬敞The interior design is simple, and the table space is spacious.❌無Nil💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥✅待應生的服務非常親切,而且上菜的速度非常快速The service from the staff is exceptionally friendly, and the dishes are served promptly.❌由於待應生的數目不多,所以繁忙時間需要協助的話就要稍等Due to the limited number of staff members, some waiting may be required during peak hours.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅以這個份量及質素計,價錢算是十分相宜Considering the portion sizes and quality, the prices are very reasonable.❌無Nil
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越一係一間位於黃大仙一間既越南菜食府, 位於黃大仙既關係, 食物既價錢都比較親民, 而且份量都幾大! 今次最鐘意食又最好味既一定係法式扎肉麵包, 值得ENCORE熱熱的天氣, 一坐底即刻叫左杯椰汁紅豆冰, 味道清新, 重甜, 唔鐘意太甜既朋友可以點少甜咖哩牛腩飯套餐, 除飯食外,更有例湯同小食可以揀, 牛腩多過薯仔, 而咖哩汁亦都係非常之有誠意, 撈飯食一流. 亦都有湯水跟埋, 非常健康而且老火湯味道同湯料都好好味牛油蒜蓉雞翼, 炸皮香脆, 而肉質香嫩, 加埋蒜香口感極佳法式扎肉麵包, 麵包厚但不會太硬, 加埋托肉同埋越式香料, 食完一啖又一啖, 原本係同朋友SHARE的, 但自己都食得哂咁好味!!
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