8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (24)
#Pho Up (中環)中環荷李活道39-43號安樂樓地下C號舖-----番茄蟹肉湯檬貌相非常靚仔 蟹肉係真蟹肉 明顯見到一絲絲 份量都唔少🍅番茄湯底味道香濃 中意番茄ge朋友仔應該幾中意 而牛肉湯粉裡面有牛丸生牛肉同牛尾 材料豐富🐂牛肉湯底亦同一般越南菜唔同 唔係清清地 茶色個種 而係深啡色 行濃味路線 ~雖然牛味濃郁 但係就少左平時越南湯河ge清甜感 相對黎講heavy少少😂~而馬拉盞都係同湯粉一樣 行濃味路線 炒得惹味但亦油膩 整體黎講 其實呢間越南野幾新鮮 同平時食ge越南菜唔同 係值得一試 但係我都係偏愛清新d fresh d ge越南菜😝-----B仔整體評價:7.5/10個👍🏻B仔抵食程度:7.5/10個👍🏻B仔環境評分:7/10個👍🏻B仔味道評分:7.5/10個👍🏻B仔回頭機會:7/10個👍🏻----- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-01-29
晚了吃午飯,差不多已經是三點多,想吃一碗熱辣辣有湯的粉面,但自己卻正在soho附近,全部都是西餐.在找一找,找到一間台灣菜,正想入去的時候已經落場.再走前幾步見到有一間PHO! 越南湯河!正合我心意啊😚中環近真的開了很多越南湯粉店,今次這一間有下午茶餐,一碗粉加一杯嘢飲大概$60,在這一區是非常便宜的價錢!他們的湯粉比較特別是裏面有牛尾,另外還有牛腩、牛丸、還有牛肉片。牛尾炆得非常軟腍,但是牛腩就比較韌,牛丸和牛肉片還可以,下午茶的關係,要求不是太高。湯也非常夠熱,但個人覺得少少鹹,有機會再試一試正餐,他們也有很多小食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-26
喺中環做完曬啲嘢未夠六點, 好想食啲有湯粉嘅嘢行荷里活道忽然間經過呢間餐廳,以前好似係做拉麵嘅🤔成日話想試,試唔到就執咗笠🙄而家做咗越南粉 🍜於是就決定喺嗰度食晚餐呀!入到去係冇人嘅因為太早喇,而且佢食物選擇都唔係就得三樣。一係就火車頭,一係就淨係生牛肉粉,一係就蕃茄蟹肉湯檬。 咁兩個湯底我哋就每人點一碗啦,我再加多個炒通菜同埋點咗個春捲先講一講嗰個牛肉湯底粉,一定唔係傳統嘅湯底,但係都好有牛肉味 !而且佢嗰片牛肉真係幾好食 !啲粉都幾滑 收88蚊一碗我覺得ok!至於蕃茄蟹肉湯檬我哋食過最好食嘅喺蜆港, 香港暫時未有一間真係好好食呢個湯底就好似普通蕃茄湯底一樣配料都好多炒飛天通菜相當鹹!春捲正常可以試一試 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-21
Walking pass this massive neon star so many times in SoHo area, and have always wanted to try this Pho restaurant. This time, I got to try it before watching a theater drama in City Hall on a Friday evening.I visited the restaurant quite early during dinner time at about 18:00, therefore it was quite empty. But it filled up quick. By the time I left, it was already half full.I went for the Supreme Pho Bo instead of Pho Bo, as I wanted to try the oxtail and wagyu brisket, and they did not disappoint! First thing first, the soup was so favored and enjoyable! I guess they use a lot of fresh materials to make this soup base. The oxtail and wagyu brisket were so tender with a thick beef aroma. The raw beef was also amazing. The noodles were just so good to eat with the soup. I almost finished all the soup!As a chicken wing lover, I had to order these signature Vietnamese lemongrass chicken wings! They were freshly fried with smoking hot crunchy skin, wrapping tender and juicy meat underneath.They were so delicious that I finished all three even though I was quite full from the pho (as I drank so much soup)! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-01-18
上次同大少响行人電梯,經過見到哩間 pho 店時話可以試下喎。。。今日特登行上去食。。。十二時半去到,大把位....心知不妙...大少同我都叫咗牛肉pho. 大少第一句就話個湯好鹹,之後第二句就話哩d唔係越南金邊粉,係普通街市幼河粉,第三句就話味道一般以下。我自己就覺得味道普普通通,響中環收哩個價錢,唔會有好大期望。至於份量,我自己ok, 但好明顯大少係食唔飽。我地中午1時食完碗麵粉,大少响下午三時已經嘈住叫肚餓...碗粉得5塊薄牛肉同小小粉,男生可能真係唔太頂肚...侍應姐姐話中午有飲品送,大少叫咗 lime soda, 我叫咗 lime tea. 免費飲品,都係零期望。響中環,十二時半都有大把位係有原因吖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)