2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
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Review (110)
There are not many restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui, but we found this one through OpenRice. This vietnamese restaurant is located on 2/F near MTR exit A. It was not too hard to find, just had to look up to find it. The restaurant was not busy when we came (around 9:00pm on a Friday night). There were no servers to greet us, but they were very attentive once we sat down. The decor could use some work, however, the food was delicious!We ordered:- the guava drink - salad rolls with soft shell crab, mango, and avocado- and a pho with all types of meat inside, with extra noodles and extra meat (portion size was a LOT!)Everything we ordered tasted fresh.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-23
今日特別想食越南菜, 就選了這家樓上舖試試。這裡環境很大, 雖然光線有點暗, 但坐的位置還好, 不會太迫。這裡的菜牌選擇幾多,一般大路的款式都有,價錢很便宜,大部份$50-$70就有交易, 相比其他越南菜餐廳,這個算是很便宜呢。我點左個生牛河,味道可以啦, 它有分開上芽菜、薄荷葉、青檸,只係加在一起也沒有怎麼提升河粉的味道。雖然味道它不算特別出色,但以$52這個價錢, 無加一, 還有一杯熱飲, 我覺得性價比還算挺好。可能由於這個原因,這裡中午超多人,遲來還要等位呢,在尖咀樓上舖來說很少見。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-21
又要係尖沙咀搵食,午飯時間真係搵食艱難,行去亞士厘道睇下有咩食,見好耐冇食越南野,就試下啦,要搭𨋢上2樓,一上到去就見到餐廳門外好多人排隊,探頭入去餐廳睇睇,地方好大亦都好多張枱,但真係全場爆滿,咁睇黎應該質素有d 保證仲有時間,就拎飛等下啦,2人坐應該好快既,等左5分鐘左右就有位。即刻睇睇有咩食,都係越南特式撈檬粉,湯粉,飯咁。套餐大概$50-60連飲品,午飯來說中位價錢。今次就選左炭燒豬扒湯檬粉試試啦!豬扒同檬粉係分碟上既,豬扒已經切開左,唔會成大塊咁要自己切,面頭仲有好多蔥同炸蒜,超香口,仲要炭燒味好香,已經覺得好吸引。豬扒入口肉質好好,半肥瘦,而且冇乜骨,最岩唔鐘意食骨既人,而且燒汁醬都好味,味道都適中,唔會太咸。檬粉湯底就正常,可以自己添加小小辣椒醋增加味道,但我覺得唔加就咁清湯都好味,檬粉都好大碗,同價錢相乎啦!結算人均消費$65。可以接受 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-08-17
最近有一日我同有個同事都冇帶飯 所以我地就決定出去撐枱腳 不過其實尖沙咀好多野食 我地都唔知食咩好 最後我地都係決定食pho 清淡啲 去左亞士厘道嘅越色牛肉粉餐廳 我地大約一點鐘去到 點知已經要等位 好在我地得兩個人 大約等左10mins 就入得 一入到去我就叫左炭燒香茅豬扒朦粉 雖然食完之後就發覺同我想食清淡嘅目的有少少出入 但我都好開心xd 因為舊炭燒豬扒好好味佢塊豬扒都幾厚 睇落個色水好靚 而且好香嘅炭燒味 食落去有少少甜甜地嘅味道 啖啖肉 加上上面有香茅同蔥 幾有好感 配上比河粉冇咁肥嘅朦粉 唔錯唔錯 Ps: 不過要提一提嘅係 下午比較忙而個到啲侍應唔多 佢地好多時都冇時間應你 anyway continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-08-09
天氣真係好熱,唔想食熱野,就諗起食越南撈檬。炭燒豬肉撈檬:豬肉燒得好香,好有肉味,仲要有好多塊,抵食。檬粉加埋d配菜好fresh,甜酸汁一大jar,自己鐘意落幾多都得。馬拉盞炒椰菜苗:好鍾意食椰菜苗,但呢個炒得油左d,仲幾辣,朋友食左少少就投晒降滴晒汗。蒜蓉牛油雞翼4隻:熱辣辣岩岩炸起,好香牛油同蒜味,雞皮脆卜卜,雞肉又滑,食到停唔到口,只係略嫌未夠入味。總括黎講,都幾抵食,碟碟都大碟,但加埋唔駛200蚊,可以encore! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)