Exit D, Kwai Fong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2018-04-05
平時地鐵站經過會買芝士撻,今日葵芳行行街見到有得堂食,即刻碌入去。 呢度冇最低消費,買左個酥皮長通粉撻坐定定食。酥皮好味,揭開見到成個撻兜都裝滿長通粉,淡淡海鮮汁,仲要有蟹柳粒。有得坐可以攤凍啲先食,正。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-08-29
葵涌廣場由昔日主賣平民價衣飾幾乎轉營成美食廣場開超多平民價食店, 隔一個月沒來, 就已經多開了好幾家由於多了很多CP值高的食店, 所以商場人數簡直倍數增長……….非常多人…..敵不過美食的誘惑, 我也要去擠一擠 雖然Pie & Tart 不只有葵廣有, 但來到了就先吃墊墊胃紫薯撻 ($12)含超香紫薯味內裡有少少紫薯蓉, 香濃順口, 也不貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-03-04
Purple potato is a popular food recently. Many restaurants introduce food made by purple potato, including pie and tart.Purple potato of pie and tart (12 hkd)When we eat this purple potato, we can drink a lot of warm purple potato juice (maybe it fits the name saying that it is 流心). What I want to comment is the the purple potato juice has a good flavour. The proportion of purple potato extract, milk and sugar is well-balanced. It is not too sweet.Overall, a good new product of pie and tart. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-26
很久沒光顧過pie & tart過往最常點螺絲肉汁批,,雞批及鮮奶撻覺得這些都很好吃的!和老公在葵廣逛街,,見到新推出紫薯流心撻而且有堂食位置,,所以就買一個來試試紫薯流心撻,,很有紫薯香味但對所謂的流心部分就很失望最面層是紫薯粉狀一舀開紫薯粉,,,下層是漿的狀態以蛋撻為例,,就像是沒焗熟的蛋漿部份!!對於沒焗熟的紫薯漿說成是流心的話,,感覺是很失望!而且那層紫薯漿有很重煉奶味,,個人認為太甜了只有撻皮部份如同我所熟悉的鮮奶撻撻皮對此成品只有失望喊臉是給這產品的,,而不是給這店舖的! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-22
葵涌廣場三樓堪稱美食廣場, 以小食店為主, 食物林林總總; 牛雜、重慶辣粉、鮮榨果汁、咖哩魚蛋、班戟、糕點、車仔麵美食、雪糕店、凍撈麵…….等等, 各色其式, 任君選擇, 最緊要系便宜又好食。今日行經廣場二樓, 乜 pie & tart 開左 cafe? 以為系冒牌貨, 問清楚原來系堅嘢, 直入去嘆個邪恶的下午茶。流心芝士鮮奶撻 ($8.50) 加配忌廉凍咖啡 ($10)忌廉還是配熱飲較好, 忌廉好難係凍咖啡內溶掉, 攪極都系一粒粒, 咖啡味唔算出眾, 但係混合忌廉飲幾滑口, 跟鮮奶撻味道很匹配, 咁先夠邪恶麻 佢地既鮮奶撻幾時都咁經典, 咁香滑,  pie & tart 之前都試過雞批及其他撻, 還是比較愛芝士鮮奶撻, 上面那層細粉狀的芝士, 鹹鹹地, 好香濃的芝士味, 鮮奶蛋漿則香滑, 唔太甜, 食完都唔會覺得太甜膩, 撻皮算鬆化。UNDER $20 有杯凍飲兼質素不錯的鮮奶撻吃, 很不錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)