Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (8)
Level4 2012-04-28
是晚吃住家愛心飯, 文迪辛苦了, 既然如此, 我也作出小小貢獻, 就是在這裡買來了兩件撻.鮮奶撻 $6.5: 7分, 有奶香, 幾滑, 不過始終製作了好一段時間, 我們吃的時候已經不再熱了, 撻皮也不會再脆, 但起碼是幾鬆化的.朱古力鮮奶撻 $7: 7分, 另外一件要了朱古力味的, 其實味道不會太濃烈, 對我們這些吃慣朱古力甜品的人來講, 或者是不夠喉呢. 而朱古力配上鮮奶, 當然是匹配的組合.如果是新鮮出爐的時候, 應該會更加吸引. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-12-06
I had forgotten about the Ostrich pie at Pie & Tart Specialists because in my memory all I can remember is the strong butter smell when I walk past Pie and Tart specialists.Their pastries are very localised made with the typical buttery pastry and sweet fillings that are meant to be savory such as the curry beef pie.The only item that I like here is the Ostrich pie, it is topped with poppy seeds and there are chunks of ostrich meat inside it.Although it was a savoury pie, the gravy was quite sweet, and there was so much black pepper in it the sweetness and the black pepper complemented each other nicely.As for the curry beef it was too sweet. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-05-15
肉汁薯蓉批($10)好大,而且超好食,面頭係薯蓉,下面係螺絲粉同肉粒,仲有D甜甜的蕃茄汁,PERFECT MATCH~美國蘋果批($7)頗好食,中間有D整到又爽又軟的正方蘋果粒,又有D香香嘅蘋果汁,好食~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-01-03
行行下經過,俾佢d dessert吸引左揀左好耐,最後決定...!要左薄荷巧克力慕司同德國芝士餅~兩者比預期中都好味!薄荷巧克力慕司好涼有好香!好軟,正!食完一杯都有D飽!之後食埋德國芝士餅!超正!上面粒STRAWBERRY好FRESH!之後件CAKE好鬆軟!好味口感好好!又唔會肥下次一定要再試!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-10-29
十月二十六日(星期日)買左每次必食既鮮奶撻&美國蘋果撻*鮮奶撻:買呢隻撻實無死,因為keep到水準;鮮奶十分香滑唔會太甜膩,連埋個撻皮食就正到痺*美國蘋果撻:整個批都算厚,絕不欺人;感覺上跟麥記的蘋果批餡相似,但佢呢個係如假包換既粒粒蘋果,可惜個批皮略遜一籌p.s.我好想佢開多啲分店,唔使等我''山長水遠''先食到ma continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)