6-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
There is a good perception and high- grade decoration of the environment. Creative dishes such as home-made duck liver pate and Peking duck with pancakes are popular. It also provides different craft beer. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (43)
Level2 2020-03-05
我們用 app,起初我老公還怕我叫太多。我們order了一個冬瓜陳皮火鴨絲炖湯($88),沒陳皮味,也不見火鴨絲,最大問題係份量之少嚇了我們一跳!竟然一個飯碗都冇!另外叫了 涼拌茄子($98),味道不錯但驚嚇地亦係一口吃晒。瑤柱 菠蘿鴨絲炒飯,除了菠蘿新鮮,沒什麼值得一提。西班牙黑毛猪五花腩。。炆不夠火候。。這個外賣便要$532...我現在還好肉赤 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Chilled eggplant salad涼拌麻醬茄子 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻上菜時,已經被這碟涼拌麻醬茄子的賣相吸引。原因是它有別於我們認識的茄子形狀,茄子被整成蓉,再加以麻醬作涼拌,所以我們所見的不是鮮艷的知識。它的口感特別,既有茄子本身軟腍的口感,又有濕潤的質地。作為前菜,他絕對能帶出醒胃嘅效果。Classic Peking duck北京片皮鴨 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻非常有鴨香,鴨的油脂從鴨皮慢慢滲出。肉質較有𡁻口,可能因為鴨身較瘦。另外值得一提就是餐廳提供不同的配料,除了傳統的甜醬、青瓜條、韮黃外,還有甜酸醬、干蒜粒、蒜蓉和炒香過的芝麻。當你吃膩了傳統的食法,便可以一嘗創新配料。Slow Cook Iberico Pork Belly(12-hour slow-roasted pork belly)慢煮西班牙黑毛豬五花肉 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻本身對這碟菜式最抱期望,覺得慢煮五花肉一定會將肉質變得鬆軟。但就算已經用上乘的黑毛豬,始終就是未夠腍,達致不到入口即溶的境界。但作為伴碟的炆芋頭就吸收了五花肉的肉汁,而且口感鬆軟,有一種軟綿綿的感覺。Rolling donkey (Glutinous rice dumplings, toasted coconut flakes) 京城驢打滾 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻創意一流,賣相值得加分,但味道就沒有想像中有那麼驚喜。輕輕敲碎朱古力脆皮,跟椰絲和糯米糍一起攪勻,再配上蕃石榴粒,口感頗豐富,番石榴粒柔和的酸味,中和椰絲和朱古力脆皮的甜味,不錯的甜品選擇。Tianjin pears poached in rice wine with goji berries杞子酒糟炖天津梨 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻+0.5冬日吃這個甜品簡直是一流,能夠在你乾燥時給點滋潤,在外面有涼意時帶點暖意。但如果要建議需改善的地方,那就是酒糟味可重一點,梨就再煮耐一點。可能這只不過是個人口味嘅差異,同枱的卻覺得它恰到好處。Kurobuta char siu 蜜汁黑豚叉燒 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻很欣賞他們的細心,選擇了用鐵兜上菜,確保叉燒入口時仍是熱烘烘的。選材本已上乘,吃得出廚師仍下了不少醃料,最後應該亦有加上麥芽糖再繼續烤,所以在叉燒肉的上頭包覆著一層濃濃的蜜汁。又腍又有香噴噴的黑豚味,正!Moonzen Thunder God Ale 雷公啤酒Cascading with citrus & mango notesMoonzen JADE EMPEROR IPA 玉皇大帝IPAFlashes bolts of citrus and floral, all wrapped in a golden robe of maltiness(不喝酒的評價) 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 容易入口,不會太苦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-02-04
Huge fan of Peking duck and always wanted to try this place out few times when I passing by. First of all, their dinning experience is great. This was before the flu occurs and we came around brunch time before sotheby’s auction last year. They do an awesome job blending ducks into different country food and Vietnamese wrap is my favourite one.We seated outdoor and it’s lovely. Service is great. Food choices are perfect. Only one suggestion on the wine portion. It is below 250ml standard from my wset education with the wine master from Hong Kong. Other than that, it is perfect👌 . continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-12-28
早前和朋友打算去食片皮鴨,就去灣仔試下呢間。去到個陣人唔算多侍應亦好好咁話唔忙可以比我地揀枱又介紹我地食咩,好nice。最後我地叫左半隻北京填鴨、蜜汁黑豚叉燒、香煎和牛舌、南北蔥鴨絲燴手工麵。填鴨皮好脆又唔會太油膩,聽佢地講個醬係自己調教,味道一流。一個字⋯正。燴麵係侍應介紹我地食,真心唔錯加埋個辣椒油好惹味,原來個辣椒油亦係佢地自己調教過,好有心機。環境唔錯,侍應又nice,有禮貌。值得再試👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-12-26
早一個月前去開灣仔見到呢間餐廳主打食鴨就想試試。聖誕再去港島心諗機會黎啦飛雲。去到個陣人唔太多侍應好好人話唔忙可以比我地揀枱又介紹我地食咩,好nice。最後我地叫左半隻北京填鴨、蜜汁黑豚叉燒、香煎和牛舌、南北蔥鴨絲燴手工麵。填鴨皮好脆又唔會太油膩,佢地個醬好好味似係自己重新調教。一個字⋯好正。燴麵係侍應介紹我地食,真心唔錯加埋個辣椒油好惹味,原來個辣椒油係佢地自己調教過,好有心機。環境唔錯,侍應又nice,有禮貌。值得再試👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)