All Branches (20)
PizzaExpress is really proud of its pizzas, its love for music and supporting meaningful causes in the community. Since 1965 the restaurants have been serving hand-crafted pizzas made with the freshest ingredients. Each pizza is made to order by skilled Pizzaiolos (pizza chefs). continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
*Breakfast Menu available on specified days
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Eco-Friendly Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (46)
Level1 2023-11-26
We obviously know Pizza Express is a chain restaurant and didn’t expect a lot, but still left disappointed. Drinks weren’t served for 15 minutes, only after asking for it twice and when salad and noodles were already on the table. The salad was as if they had bought a bag of lettuce at 7eleven, though the dressing was tasty. The spaghetti vongole had little taste except for butter and oil. The clams were nice but somehow did not manage to leave the umami flavor on the rest of the dish. The pizza looked sad - barely enough tomato sauce and toppings to make it look like a pizza instead of a pita bread. Worst was that the pizza was merely lukewarm despite waiting for it the longest. The burrata on it was high quality, but coming straight from the fridge it was ice cold too on top of a cold pizza. The service was friendly but food was a let down. If you want a casual pizza try something else: Pizza Express DB doesn’t deserve your money. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
这家PizzaExpress的位置可以说是相当的“得天独厚”,位于愉景湾南广场,出了码头就能看到。天气暖和的时候,可以坐在室外,海风拂过,浪声涛涛,品尝着没事,小酌几口,相当惬意。🧚‍♂️关于环境:室内的环境相对紧凑天气OK的话,建议坐在室外,和大自然的融合比较有特色🧚‍♂️关于服务:可能是过年的原因,游客比较多,服务方面就有些不太能跟上,总体只能说无功无过。但是,上出品的速度非常的可观。🧚‍♂️关于出品:🔹|海鲜披萨^💰17914寸大小,个头相当的大,足够4~5人share薄底的,很好吃,不会过于干巴选择的海鲜味,总体调味OK🔹|超能沙拉^💰146可以选择小份or大份的,我们选了大份水牛芝士的味道调配得恰到好处里面的松子简直就是点睛之笔🔹|烤鸡翅^💰88一份有6个外酥里嫩,鲜能多汁孩子们都超喜欢总体OK,出品都好吃性价比也不错,人均💰150hkd左右 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-12-25
想填埋肚先出返市區邊等船邊食少少野夜晚嘅DB冇乜人可能遊客都搭返船走⛴💭我哋叫咗羽衣甘藍蘑菇pizza同芝士焗磨菇聽落好清淡 但係味道好豐富食唔出羽衣甘藍嘅草青味有啲似紫菜焗芝士pizza 🍕收據仲可以換回程船飛好彩店員有同我地講二百零蚊埋單連船飛就好抵👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻—————————————-📍PizzaExpress (愉景廣場) (愉景灣)愉景灣廣場徑2號愉景廣場A座地下G01B號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
日常都只係會嚟食晚餐,早午餐都係第一次試。相對下,晚餐主食質素性價比高得多。食物方面 - Brunch Italian green breakfast 意大利素食早餐︰烤南瓜香甜,粉嫩中帶點清爽,係質素較好嘅栗南瓜;炒香菇爽口,濃郁菇味,卻略為偏油。配新鮮大蕃茄半件、生火箭菜平衡油脂;牛油果蓉加入生洋蔥比較辛口,去除油膩又增加層次。Pizza Express 自家麵包同主餐單麵包球、Pizza 批底質感味道都一樣。帶有微微發酵酸同麵粉香,內在口感Q彈,外皮微烤至脆身。兩隻煎蛋都做到流心蛋黃效果,亦有蛋白脆邊。唯一扣分位︰底部太多油,將麵包浸濕、浸淋,要切走成個包底先可以食。2022 Breakfast Pizza︰炒香菇、櫻桃茄、菠菜、香草、煙肉、流心蛋及海量芝士。批底厚薄剛好,唔會太厚好似食麵包,又有輕微酵母酸、小麥粉香味。經烘焗後批邊,批底都做到香脆。餡料濃郁芝士自然咸香,配上流心蛋黃,令味道更有層次感。另一扣分位︰菠菜經烤焗後過火了,有焦黑味。總結︰如果講食物,Pizza Express 係香港開咗咁多年,都算保持水準。服務態度依舊差,亦係標誌象徵之一吧! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-20
同家人新年去愉景灣行吓,見到呢間餐廳有位就入咗去,呢間分店嘅食物質素比市區分店差,尤其係pizza ,冇乜料,睇相就知。連茄汁都冇乜⋯,餅底薄不過唔脆嘅,好伏吓。反而意粉同沙律嘅水準叫做正常,沙津用嘅醋醬好清新,菜亦好新鮮。意粉都係味道幾好,只係份量少,CP 值低啲。環境都幾好,只係冇可乜待應,等食物時間亦長。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)