3-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
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Review (8)
天陰陰微微雨,唔想出門濕腳買餸煮飯。出街食多數選擇都多油多鹽,想食健康啲都有難度。見外賣APP呢間有折,就揀佢啦!之前食過佢嘅開心碗(Happy Bowl)幾好食,唔知點解今次無咗,就試下其他口味啦!綠色能量蔬菜汁夏威夷蓋飯 (Green  Power) $88裡面有牛油果、西蘭花、枝豆、青瓜、牛油果醬及芝麻夠曬綠同健康!仲有得加$15額外要多半個牛油果,我呢啲牛油果狂點會放過呢個機會個牛油果啱啱好,唔會過熟過生有得揀壽司醋飯/糙米/雜錦沙律/Mix,我揀咗壽司醋飯。份量十分足夠,比大家睇下幾咁深厚加$3要埋焙煎芝麻沙律汁,味道更加Rich!另外仲叫咗 The Duke $118 簡介寫有吞拿魚、三文魚、八爪魚、枝豆、青瓜、蛋絲、黑飛魚子、芥末豉油同芝麻十分豐富芥末豉油味唔係好出,可惜呢個飯無得加芝麻醬,略略乾咗少少。但魚生都係新鮮,無雪藏味腥味黑飛魚子好似比較少見,味道正常。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Options on -Ingredients: different pokes (mostly seafood, chicken, vegetarian)Size: regular - 110g protein ($68-98) / large - 160g protein ($108-138)Base: brown rice, green salad, sushi rice (can be half-half)ONO - tuna + salmon poke Ingredients: shredded egg, avocado, purple cabbage, salmon roe, sesame seedSauce: avo dressingBase: half green salad, half brown riceLove the tuna in particular. Even though I had regular size, I couldn’t finish all the base; like the rice being warm.Lomi Lomi - salmon pokeIngredients: cucumber, smoked salmon, cherry tomatoes, pineapple, cilantro, red onion, mixed nutsSauce: citrus soy sauceBase: half green salad, half sushi riceFresh (citrus soy sauce, pineapple) with mixed flavours (nuts, red onion, mixed nuts).A small shop~ most people ordered takeaway~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-09
Poke Love😘😘😘日式poke bowl 上環新開潮食、hawaiian rice bowl 、潮流健康輕食外賣專門店!各重配搭、配出新口味!更有-款🈴️適!Poke me sweetly主菜: tuna + salmon + cooked shrimp 1/2 sushi rice 、米白帶點香醋1/2 green salad、清新fresh吞拿魚粒、三文魚粒、熟蝦、食材新鮮甜美、含豐富omega 3、油脂分布均勻、入口溶化、質感豐富、口感一流⋯鮮蝦鮮嫩爽口、混合其他配菜一齊享用、層次分明、別有一番味道、色澤鮮艷、賣相吸睛、最強健康之選yummy yummy😛仲有青蒽叻沙醬、提升口感、味道又幾夾😍新口味All cooked主菜: shrimp + chicken + octopus + kani配菜:西蘭花、玉米、香菜蛋黃醬1/2 brown rice、米香軟綿綿、有嚼口1/2 green salad、新鮮沙律菜、清甜爽脆全熟食物、適🈴️特別要求客戶、細❤️、食材新鮮、切絲撈上自家沙律醬、每條沾上醬汁、入口creamy 、100%豐富蛋白質、大🈵️足、高纖健康美食😊Poke Love上環蘇杭街18號啟豐大廈地庫2號舖港鐵上環站A2出口,步行約3分鐘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-09
📍POKE LOVE (上環)上環蘇杭街18號啟豐大廈地庫2號舖做完運動一定係想食啲輕型啲,但又要夠protein既食物,而且夏天熱辣辣,一定係食個 Poke Bowl🧡🧡👉Ono Bowl💰98😋😋😋😋.8/5新鮮嘅三文魚同吞拿魚🍣滿滿再加上清爽嘅牛油果醬,簡直係滋味無窮心0。底層嘅我擇左沙律🥗加埋上面鋪滿嘅牛油果、蛋絲同三文魚子每啖都好滿足😆回頭:yes yes yes!!!食物健康,而且五顏六色好開胃😆😆💕💕💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-07
蛋白質多多,三文魚能量碗,🥰三文魚真的好好吃!!配上醬汁很入味!這一款不愧是被推薦最多的!😙感覺真的營養均衡。底下是蔬菜salad或者米飯🍚打底,玉米🌽、蛋絲、西蘭花🥦維生素滿滿!和三文魚粒一起很搭,分量很足!吃完了很飽腹,🫶🏻但又不會很膩很有負擔。非常飽滿豐富的poke店,🥬主要是菜新鮮。特別捨得給菜,調味也比較均衡。吃沙拉,就追求營養均衡,他们一碗能吃到不同的口感,😉算是做到了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)