Opening Hours
Mon - Thu
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 03:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
三文治 肉餅飯 糯米雞
Review (31)
This is a great space - nicely done with a good feel, however the meal we had was not so great.Presentation of food was good, but I thought the taste (especially the risotto) lacked real flavor. The Pizza we shared was ok and the entree was so-so. Also it took forever (over an hour) to get all our dishes, even when the place was not busy at all. The worst part was the desert, which tasted like it had been refrigerated for a few days and was just awful. It was pretty expensive for the meal - especially when the taste wasn't so great. Hopefully their coffee is better than dinner - so if you want a nice dinner, there are much better options than here. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-08-30
卑利街的廿八號意菜午餐後,與另有事忙的部分甜魔告別後,餘下一行4人再到奧卑利街的Pop Bites(PB)吃下場甜品。其實兩街的中文名幾易混淆,建議以英文街名Peel / Bailey's分別之,PB身處是Bailey's Street! 幫襯過的食客會知道,PB是間非常富藝術感的Cafe,其招牌已不太易解讀,而店內環境更是有如藝術家工作室,十分的自成一格、與別不同。文字難以具體形容,大家看看照片就會明白。是日一行4人,選了油畫地區坐下,昏黃燈光下,四周都是不同的畫作,奉上的menu又是hand-made而成,每一細節位也為人帶來驚喜。 焦點回到食物,大家目標十分明確---衝著甜品來,很可惜此店甜品師傅正開始放大假(據聞9月底才會歸來),甜品櫃中僅得5款選擇.... 而且大家對芒果布甸及sorbet並不感興趣,結果只點了dessert tea set($58)x2,一起分享品嚐了: Cappuccino-泡沫豐厚,啡香甘醇,彌補了Via 28的咖啡缺欠。 Mocha-有著較重的朱古力味,飲著有香甜幸福感受,幾喜歡的。 70% truffle cake-蛋糕以truffle為主體,餅底只佔15%左右,而且70%的朱古力味道頗濃,幾適合朱古力魔享用。不過吃時幾記掛半山Vanilla的truffle cake,印象中那邊會更甜中帶甘,馥郁美味的~~ Tofu pudding(+$10)-布丁質感十分細滑,豆腐味道很濃很像真,吃著吃著幾乎分不清自己在吃豆腐還是吃布丁,感覺幾好玩,我自已認為不差。不過旁邊那「聲稱朱古力波」就十分搵笨了,原來是粒紅豆波來的,再一次證明男店員的口供不可盡信。 加一後埋單$139,原來收錢的杯也很別致呢! 今餐絕對是享受這裡環境與氣氛多於食物,大家都覺得待甜品師傅歸來了,可以找天再來試試更多甜品,還有其他主菜小食!  更多相可見:http://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=625718234&aid=189591 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-08-09
果日11點去到冇人, 有個男仔serve我,媽咪同我兩個家姐. service超好, 我之前黎過三次都係一嗰女仔serve, 佢態度十分差, 係就咁第碟野比你, 仲要黑口黑面, 相反呢次嗰男仔好好, 專登儸張枱俾我哋擺袋, 又好好禮貌, 問儸多啲奶佢仲好好笑容話無問題.我次次都係叫all day breakfast 嘅cereal 餐, 因為我好鍾意食granola, 不過唔係幾抵, 因為我買一大包到只係50蚊, 但一個餐都會$65. 不過我太鍾意granola, 所以無所謂由於嗰日係sunday, 有scone 同toast 任儸, scone好味好推介pop bites, 不過sunday仲抵 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-08-03
是日同朋友食lunch, 星期六既中環, 好多食肆都唔開門, 原本想食既餐廳都唔例外. 就係咁打亂左我地原有既plan一路肚餓一路搵野食真係好苦. 突然諗不如食all day breakfast, 但我又唔記得邊條街只記得一路上山上到冇力, 就見到flying pan啦. 但入面勁full. 退而求其次, 隔離兩間都有得食. 所以就入左哩間入到黎坐低都2點幾. 適逢佢有tea set, 於是兩人叫左一個地中海pizza tea set 同埋egg benedict要左杯apple juice, 睇落好細杯, 飲落好大杯. 果汁先生味.只係睇個名同配料真係好難想像個egg benedict 原來係咁. 法包上放上d唔知咩菜加d sauce , 好似salad 咁. 上面加ham 同有黃蛋.上到黎先知. 我本身唔太鍾意食法包. 原來即係baguette. 真係愚昧. 好在個包還有點脆. 不至令我失望蛋好水汪汪, d 蛋白都係, 煎得唔老, 所以都係廊廊下咁. 食得好論盡.d 菜就有d 生芽菜咁既味, 味道有點怪, 但可接受, 食慣左冇事了.pizza tea set 所以較細個, 但都幾足料. 有菠蘿火腿芝士蕃茄.d cheese 好拉, 正!餅底薄, 批邊算脆. 感覺好似食緊鑊仔pizza 咁.兩款味道都一般. 可見既將來都未必再來探訪了. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-07-21
nice cozy place that worths the value. but the service from the waitres is terrible. excellent desserts and pasta too. but again, they should better train the waitress and she has no clue about the menu at all. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)