1-min walk from Exit C1, LOHAS Park MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 23:00
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Review (40)
Level4 2025-02-03
【西貢區】【譽居】入咗去康城搵涼涼,順便食埋嘢。跟住落嚟要思考嘅就係康城究竟有咩食,之前入嚟參觀嗰陣食過佢哋一間日本嘢,冇乜感覺。涼涼就話呢間「譽居」可以,之前其實沙田第一城都有,不過我未食過,就食吓啦。入場就要畀 $10 位嘅「茗茶」,梗㗎喇。我好似叫咗壽眉,不過都冇乜感覺。嘢食就先嚟 $30 嘅「蜂巢芋角」,出面都比較少有,佢整得都唔差。之後到 $40 嘅「鮮菇魚肚炆雞」,味道平庸,冇特別之處。跟住嗰籠 $40 嘅「鮮蝦燒賣皇」算係好食嘅,只係好多地方都做到呢個好食程度,唔算突出。我幾期待 $28 嘅「蠔皇鮮竹卷」,本身就係鍾意食呢啲肥仔嘢,但係佢個餡唔算好食,真係好一般。追加咗 $34 嘅「上海小籠包」,層皮比較厚,都冇得要求太多,係咁上下味道。埋單加埋一 $200,又唔算勁過份嘅,涼涼話佢哋其他嘢好食過點心囉。。。(地址:將軍澳康城路1號The LOHAS康城2樓203號舖) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-20
Nestled in the vibrant locale of The Lohas, 譽居 Praise House Congee & Noodle Cuisine offers a delightful escape into the world of traditional Chinese flavors. With a menu that promises both comfort and excitement, this eatery is a must-visit for congee and noodle enthusiasts.1. 茗茶或開水 Chinese Tea 🫖 ($5/pax)Starting with the basics, the Chinese Tea served here is a perfect companion to the meal. At just $5 per person, it offers a refreshing and authentic taste that cleanses the palate and enhances the flavors of the dishes to come.2. 鮮滾豬肚粥 Pig’s Stomach Congee 🐖🥣 ($45)The Pig’s Stomach Congee is a standout. Priced at $45, this dish is a hearty bowl of comfort. The congee is silky smooth, with tender pieces of pig’s stomach that add a delightful chewiness. It's seasoned to perfection, making it a warming and satisfying choice, especially on a chilly day.3. 叉燒腸粉 Steamed Signature Barbecued ($36)Next up is the Steamed Signature Barbecued, priced at $36. These steamed rice rolls are filled with succulent barbecued pork, offering a perfect balance of sweet and savory. The texture of the rice rolls is soft and delicate, making each bite a melt-in-the-mouth experience.4. 流沙奶皇包 Steamed Milky Yolk Paste ($28) 💛For dessert, the Steamed Milky Yolk Paste buns are a must-try. At $28, these buns are filled with a rich, creamy yolk paste that oozes out with each bite. The sweetness is just right, providing a delightful end to the meal.ConclusionOverall, 譽居 Praise House Congee & Noodle Cuisine at The Lohas offers a well-rounded menu that caters to both traditional tastes and modern palates. Each dish is crafted with care, ensuring a memorable dining experience. Whether you're a local or a visitor, this spot is definitely worth a visit for a comforting and delicious meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-10-08
一路都冇入過去食但今朝突然間好想試下佢嘅早茶入到去畀想像中大估唔到間餐廳都幾乾淨又新又靚佢有個早餐孖寶40蚊左右可以有兩個點心雖然都係要加茶錢同埋加一但係都係抵嘅最先上嚟呢就係佢個香煎芋頭糕睇多幾大舊同埋幾厚同埋入面就充滿咗一大嚿嚿嘅芋頭食完都爭啲飽咗跟住就係佢個翠玉瓜鮮蝦腸粉我又好似冇試過咁樣食喎咬落去個口感都幾特別同埋啲蝦幾大隻同新鮮呢個係意料之外跟住喺個艇仔粥入面一樣係好多料同埋竟然有魚片平日嗰啲都冇嘅但佢就有最後就係嗰個鮮竹卷同我想像中有啲唔同入邊係魚肉同埋菜咬落去唔係散嘅係幾厚實兩個人埋單最後都係$99我覺得ok呀可以再試過 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-11
行過路過將軍澳日出康城,搵到呢間茶居食午餐,唔使等位,即刻可以入座。入到去先知道係新派茶居(門口有屏風阻隔)。叫咗及弟粥、炸兩腸粉、黑毛肚,點心就叫咗山竹牛肉、蒸粉果、炸韭菜角、雪山叉燒包。出色嘅係個粥好棉,D豬肚豬心等沒有腥味,好正。黑毛肚就灼得非常之爽,一個字‘正’。個腸粉就普通咗D,其他點心就夠熱。雪山叉燒包就比想像中平平無奇。另外,如果個炸韭菜角可以煎得脆D,就更令整個午餐錦上添花。地方乾淨,員工有主動加水,整體來說,一個有驚喜的午餐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
服務幾好,比兩年前大有進步。兩年前未入伙之前嚟呢度食過一次嗰陣時覺得幾貴同埋嘢食麻麻地。所以住咗入嚟一直冇試過,但係聽街坊講都唔錯咁就試吓因為聽聞樓上嗰間飲茶評語更加差。今日嚟到首先服務都唔錯,啲阿姐仲對小朋友好好係咁同佢哋問幾多歲問佢哋讀書幾熱情,而且平時食蝦餃要另外攞辣油通常啲茶樓都唔記得佢喺枱面已經有晒所有嘅醬料唔使追,蝦餃都幾大粒入邊啲蝦都爽滑鮮甜比想像中好流沙包入邊嘅餡都幾多好流沙吓!小朋友幾鍾意食跟住仲有啲午餐又有飯有麵咁樣嘢飲就要另外嗌啦雖然要加錢例如$10杯檸檬茶但係就非常好因為平時茶樓冇檸檬茶,奶茶呢啲呢度就有!檸檬茶都有茶餐廳水準檸檬都有幾多片都新鮮FRESH加少少錢都冇所謂,又唔算貴山竹牛肉球都有正常水準都係好軟滑,有牛肉味^ ^最後問小朋友使唔使搽錢佢都話要嘅不過我諗香港好多地方都要只係大陸先唔使咁順便問吓茶錢幾錢原來只係$5都覺得合理非常好啲茶都幾香濃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)