4-min walk from Exit B, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last order: 22:30
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 00:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level1 2018-08-04
今晚第一次幫襯,主要係慶祝朋友生日,為左俾朋友驚喜,已預先問定餐廳有無得係甜品上寫字。去到餐廳個陣,同佢地講左聲,就返埋位坐,食完飯個陣,佢地好貼心咁遞上dessert menu, 我地order 左幾個。到上枱時,甜品已插上蠟燭,上面寫左朋友既名,好精美,朋友收到個陣好驚喜。食物方面,我地叫左bbq rib, ribeye 同fishgetti, 個bbq rib 唔錯好入味,甜品份量幾大份。飲品方面,我地叫左lyee mojito, 幾大杯,係價錢貴少少。環境可能係半開放式,所以有d 熱。但總括而言,d 侍應好nice, 服務唔錯,甜品令人驚喜,值得推介!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-09-04
Nice layback atmosphere🙂 (just like the whole neighbourhood actually..) and family friendly. Good quality of food😋. Drinks are nice. Staff are friendly and service is to the point🤗. Love their brunch selections here while you can also pick your own combinations of eggs, bacon, etc. (The spinach was really good!). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-07-15
Happy Friday Night好想約朋友鬆一鬆...出去又飲又食...朋友們選擇了到堅尼地城...確實這個地方的氣氛係令人覺得正身處外地...這裡人沒有蘇豪人咁多, 舖又不會像鯉景灣咁密集, 最最最吸引既係這裡的舖空間較大, 枱與枱之間都有足夠既距離, 同朋友傾計時更可暢所欲言; 我地book左7點鐘, 兩男兩女, 叫左2個starter, 3個main course, 最推介係seared scallops, 酸酸甜甜既汁配上燒過既帶子同豬腩肉, 呢個配搭其他地方較少見, 所以我地都覺幾surprise🤤 另外, 呢到有craft beer...兩位女仔都較喜愛Ale既味道, 而兩位男仔就較喜歡Lager 🍺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近忙於工作和準備結婚事宜,完全沒有時間和精神煮食,所以一直都沒有更新網頁。 今天難得一起放假,當然要放鬆放鬆,睡到自然醒,然後享受一個豐富美味的早午餐,來為這些日子的忙碌加加油! 選擇了的是這間位於堅尼地城的美式酒吧。 餐廳內十分寬敞,因為剛剛過了午餐時間,所以人客不算多。 星期六的關係,只提供了這個BRUNCH MENU。 我們最後點了安格斯牛肉漢堡和班尼狄蛋配煙三文魚。 餐桌上的是海鹽。 當漢堡上枱的時候很震撼,因為Side dish 的薯條多的滿瀉。 薯條炸得香脆又帶香濃薯味,一點也不覺油膩。 我們叫了medium的牛肉,切開的時間肉汁滿溢,生熟程度很適中。 每一層分別是芝士、酸瓜、牛肉漢堡、生菜、蕃茄,厚得根本不可能一口咬下去! 安格斯牛肉的肉味很濃,肉汁鮮味,再配上芝士的鹹香、酸瓜的酸味、生菜蕃茄的清新爽甜,口感味道都十分豐富呢! 荷蘭汁滿滿地蓋著班尼狄蛋,面層還燒得微焦,賣相相當吸引! 一切下去,蛋汁立即溢出,而且蛋白煮得呈半流質狀,技巧實在很值得讚賞! 煙三文魚亦不會過鹹,帶有很香的三文魚味。 當蛋汁、蛋白、煙三文魚和低習的多士一起放入口中的時候,味道十分的融合和美味! 一定要試呢! Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-03-31
Went here for brunch one lazy Sunday and had the most relaxing time.  The ambience of the place can't be beat and the open space (you can't tell you're in HK at all with the waterfront just across the street and the super high ceiling and generous sense of spaciousness) and friendly staff really make for the perfect brunch spot for families with kids. I had a warm, tender omelette stuffed full of soup and rice and seafood and veggies which, topped with hot sauce, was just the perfect pick-me-up for the day. Love this place and will be back again and again... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)