Additional Information
Meatless Menu Details: Some vegetarian dishes available daily.
Opening Hours
06:30 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
06:30 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
06:30 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Pret A Manger📍中環港鐵中環站大堂W6號鋪🥄火腿芝士早餐牛角酥 $25返工前經過中環站想食熱辣辣既包,簡左呢個,芝士熱辣辣流晒出黎,外面個包都好脆脆,口感十足,做早餐黎講己經超飽,中午己經個肚無位置容納其他野食,所以都幾抵食
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working in central for 3+ yrs and I grabbed a coffee from here every working day.until recently it takes 5+, sometimes 10 mins to make me it crowded? 1/3 crowded as usual.are they busy? not at all.funny thing: if you come later than I do, you have your drink earlier than I do.not on 1 day, not on 2 days but in all recent mornings when I look confused of where the hell my drink I will never, NEVER visit this placr again.F you and the 3-years customer loyalty.
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Pret a manger 有款product 好「chinese 」,那就是wrap Peking duck。🔶Wrap Peking 🦆duck 顧名思義,即係北京填鴨。一般北京填鴨主要食鴨皮,而呢個係健康、方便版北京填鴨。個卷用rye wrap 包住滿滿的材料,有鴨肉(冇皮全瘦肉)、baby spinach 、cucumber 、red online、填鴨醬。其實個wrap 有齊北京填鴨既源素,有紅蔥既辣、刺鼻感覺,亦有蔬菜清爽口感,所以比較中意呢款改良版
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