3-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (12)
Level3 2024-08-21
見到做$168 十杯咖啡,當然唔好放過咖啡卡限購於八月尾,換咖㫵日期就至九月尾第一次換時確實有驚喜,竟然是中杯裝,同期M記$200 八杯係細杯,加大要加錢,計落貴過Pret a manager, 仲要咖啡款式小,八月底前真係要買定多張Pret a manager卡先😀用咖啡卡加$15,可任選玻璃櫃內的酥點,原來$25 的muffin 都可以選擇,好開心職員態度親切,沖咖啡速度快,早餐時間叫完轉頭就走得,讃👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-03
我很喜歡這間店,都算是半個常客,自從開始減肥,由初時著重食物的卡路里,到現在開始注重其營養價值,而這個品牌的餐廳賣的輕食質量都很高.由於現在都比較早下班,離去上運動班都有一段時間,之前不知道灣仔竟然有這店,浪費了,害我還走了去吃燒賣西多……有很多座位,很適一個人😊減肥的我,為什麼會選這個吃呢?其實總計都要310卡路里,因為藍澡又名螺旋藻營養價值非常高,就簡單說是其中一種被用作太空食物之一,詳情可在網上搜尋看看.本身我不喜歡吃保健品那種藥丸,亦不喜歡吃乾果. 所以有這類乳酪對我來說是福音. 在卡路里和營養的爭持下,還是先以營養價值為先. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-08-01
天氣好熱,想食輕食。入去買咗sandwich 坐低食,店內好full,只能同小朋友分開枱坐,我坐近Cashier bar枱,食完三文治,湯都未飲完,店員一聲不響將待取外賣擺係我面前,但份外賣唔係我㗎,佢放喺度等外賣app來取。我食緊野,佢要放外賣係咪可以講聲呢?而家我俾錢幫襯阻住佢?真係好差,呢啲態度完全係趕客😡😡原本都好鐘意食Pret a manger嘅野,而家真係好反感😤希望管理做返好啲,否則香港咁多好嘢食,輕食都唔一定要揀Pret. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Used to hv breakfast from thisHowever it gone worse and worseThe staff charged the price differently everyday (from diff. Staff) and just claimed just according to the computer… hahaa🤷🏻‍♀️Iced lemon tea with less ice and no sugarAdded sugar syrup intentionally but told you basically no sugar would be put in that 🤷🏻‍♀️Less ice but added 3/4 cup of ice in that, when pointed out that, added boiling water into the plastic cup and no wondered someone complaint of the smelly cups🤷🏻‍♀️Complaint to the manager, no apologies Talking to a customer who didnt know cantonese in cantonese🤷🏻‍♀️Ridiculous restaurant🤷🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-11
想食個 salad 又或者 輕食 (可選半份或全份 嘅三明治) 可以考慮吓呢間 本身位置已經好特別它置身在另外2位競爭者 (Starxxxxx 同  Pacific xxxxxx) 的隔離每次考慮   試吓其他競爭者時都自然行返去呢度  可能實在太喜愛  它嘅  朱古力牛角飽  $18  好味又飽肚熱烘烘 嘅鬆軟外表內裡充滿 朱古力 食完  成個人  開心曬 今次試左 呢個三文魚蕎麥麵沙律約半盒  新鮮雜菜有毛豆 青瓜 沙律菜少許蕎麥麵(2,3啖到) 一件熟三文魚自己加d青檸汁  再配上 獨特 比卡沙律醬汁 有芝麻香  好醒胃但係  分量唔夠喉 所以買定牛角飽 做tea 除了分量 令人缺乏飽肚感有d 唔太高興 係要講英文落order continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)