Good For
Casual Drink
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 03:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
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Alcoholic Drinks
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Review (37)
Level2 2013-04-23
...make for bad meals. The first time we went to the restaurant about 4-5 months ago, it was okay. So on Sunday we were in the neighborhood and decided to go again for lunch. We arrived at about 12:15 and were amongst the first customers. My wife ordered a vegetarian pasta set meal and I ordered the pork chop set. The waitress offered us a choice of soup or salad and said that the soup of the day was tomato. Since I don't like tomato soup, I ordered the salad. My wife ordered the soup. When it arrived, it seemed to be the palest tomato soup I had ever seen, and it tasted like cream soup, with no trace of tomato. Regardless of what it actually was, it was quite tasty, and probably was the best thing we had. As for the salad, i was very small and came in a cup without any dressing. When I took my first bite, it seemed very tasteless and dry. A second bite confirmed the lack of dressing. I pointed this out to the waitress and since my second bite had finished it, she took the cup away and said that she would tell the cook.On to our main courses. The pasta dish was average and but not good enough to bother taking home the unfinished half. The pork chop was breaded and over-fried to the point of being a bit dry. It was served with rice, potatoes and a spicy curry sauce. I am all for double starch, but the potatoes were devoid of salt and bland. Guess the cook forgot to season them, and since there wasn't any salt or pepper on the table, I couldn't do this myself. The bottom line is I have no desire to go back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-15
友人講了很多次想來這間店, 今天終於有機會了. 星期六的中午時段, 不多人, 店內也只有一檯客人. 有Lunch Set, 叫了最有名的 “大少海南雞飯”, 連Green Salad和咖啡, 收$88. 餐牌的最下一行印了: “In case of any dispute arising, the decision of Qian Fu Da Shao shall be final.” 甚少見於餐牌用這般字眼, 有趣… , 真是否...機關算盡太聰明先叫一杯House Red, 顏色深紅, 有果味, 似黑草莓, 但些少澀, 似開樽太耐, 但不能作準, 只靠估而已, 收$70, 略貴了.另再叫一碟德國鹹豬手, 德國鹹豬手並非Lunch Set, 只獨立order, 沒有飲品, 收$138. 侍應已經提醒, 烹調時間較長, 最後大約25分鐘上檯, 賣相佳, 相比德國酒吧的較細少, 差不多細一半, 四個字: 皮脆肉鹹, 皮燒得到家, 脆口, 咬落卜卜聲, 肉質過實和硬, 十分鹹, 只能當小食送酒, 又或用來送飯.先上Green Salad, 日式醬油沙律汁, 味道略為鹹了些, 比較特別是有兩片菠蘿, 材料尚算新鮮, 唯青瓜片略為失色, 些少暗淤, 只小問題.海南雞飯上檯, 賣相的確不俗, 攪攪花樣, 湯與湯材料分開, 用小型茶壺盛湯, 然後放湯的材料在小碗中, 包括淮山、己子, 龍眼, 吸引年青一代的把戲, 味道不太恭維, 而且只是暖暖, 不夠熱,油飯滿滿一碗, 飯身較軟和淋, 雞件不算少, 無雞味仍行內正常過正常, 莫非你付的幾十元想要優雅環境加新鮮走地雞乎?? 皮薄多肉算係咁啦. 侍應有禮貌, 但友善指數不太高, 未能與餐店內的優雅環境配合. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-05
一行三人於尖沙咀搵食, 朋友提議試下千福大少.約晚上七時到達, 由於無訂位所以被安排坐露天位置.是日氣溫約十八十九度左右, 所以坐露天不成問題, 但天已黑齊又缺乏照明的情況下, 又點可以看到個menu呢? 侍應好像完全不覺有問題, 最終自己用手機照明; 完成點菜後才獲得檯上的點點燭光...跟著有熱水一杯, 是熱不是暖. 朋友問有沒有凍水或暖水? 要強調侍應並非無禮貌, 但回覆的答案才最神奇: "無, 只有熱水, 因為天氣問題." ... 這是甚麼服務?? 一定要客人飲熱水, 而且又不是十二三度, 實在令人費解?! 又或者可否用下腦作個好些少的答案?!回歸食物, 先有海南雞飯. 看過雜誌報導這裡以海南雞飯專用器具上菜, 其實是一個大玻璃tray, 內裡有不同的位置供放海南雞飯, 賣相是OK的. 海南雞份量可以但質地不夠嫩滑, 而且油飯過硬. 另那個用茶壺上像老火湯的東西不熱之餘味道一般, 噱頭大於一切.漢堡包亦只屬一般, 肉味不濃郁, 無特別, 最好食只有薯條.脆皮咸豬手上菜形式特別, 檯上直接用火燒豬手, 所以外皮香脆, 有噱頭之餘味道唔錯, 是晚惟一叫做可以接受的菜式.價錢並不便宜, 又一單靠明星效應食肆, 試一次便夠. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2013-03-02
一直想試《千福大少》,因為看到口碑不錯,所以今晚和朋友食晚飯,就提議去一試。不過,要4個人或以上才可以book檯,所以我和朋友就決定晚上6時去walk in,博一博。可能還早的關係,所以就算是星期五晚也不是太多人,不用等就可以入座了,還可以選擇indoor or outdoor,不過侍應說要2小時後交檯,不是大問題,2小時絕對足夠。我們選了indoor,被帶到一張4人的檯。這裡的裝潢也很modern,而且座位不是太迫,感覺良好。(還是因為時間早沒什麼客人的關係?)Menu的菜式很廣,有西式,有德國菜,etc......當然還有我想試的海南雞飯。我想也不想,就決定要海南雞飯 ($88)!Display很吸引,滿分!茶壺內的是湯,足夠有兩碗。海南雞味道不錯,很滑,油飯亦不過不失。醬有3款,不過反而覺得醬比較遜色,完全不能提升海南雞的味道。其實不太清楚是什麼湯,但味道不錯。可惜美中不足是湯的溫度是室溫,如果熱一點會更好。另外,要了一杯mocktail,好像叫sweet better,沒有特別的裝飾,但味道不錯。朋友要了德國腸 ($105),他說分量不少,味道OK。兩個人埋單$400,價錢叫做合理。總括來說,整體食品味道不錯,有機會可以再來。不過最好就4人或以上來,可以book檯,應該亦沒有時間限制吧。唯一一樣不太滿意是,明明說2小時交檯,侍應7時15分把賬單拿給我們,說時間差不多,要埋單交檯,那時我們沒有什麼為意,以為是8時了,所以就沖沖結賬離開,但出到門口看看錶,才發覺只是7時20分......... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-03
係團購見第一次,無乜信心買, 直至剛巧某飲食節目介紹, 見團購未到期, 即買! $299 / 4人餐 (另收加一$30), 是次使用 OepnRice tablemap 訂座, 超方便又有效率! 地點唔算太難搵, 係商場K11後面。去到第一個感覺係 Indoor area 咁細??? 凍都咁唔通要坐 outdoor?? ( 雖然 outdoor 都好有 feel) 啊! 原來行入D仲有一part 係 indoor dining area. 好靚wor!!!!! 裝修唔錯, 加分! 先講美中不足, 餐廳無預備團購menu, waitress 只係讀出來, 你揀! 好在團購方面我有經驗, 以免貨不對版, 我 print 低左張 menu, 於是叫個 waitress 等一等, 我地討論下再叫,但個 waitress (比較好樣) 就好似好奇怪咁, 但都走開左! 稍後, 我地再叫個個女侍應落 order, 落完後, 佢問我地飲乜, 我地話遲D先, 佢話唔得, 要一次過叫埋! 唔知係因為團購關係? 定女侍應自作主張???? 完全唔 make sense!!!!!!!!! 但係我地成家都唔鍾意同人理論, 所以照叫, 但心裡就覺得超好笑!!!!! 佢地杯餐茶好快就上左!!!!!!!! 蝦餅/雞翼各4件好味! 蝦餅夠熱, 雞翼夠入味! 生果沙律4份佢當甜品(實質係生果)咁係餐後送上, presentation 唔錯, 一D都唔求其, 有幾款生果海南雞飯presentation 一流, 無論係雞, 油飯定醬汁都好滿意! 仲有壺湯, 好似茶咁倒出黎飲, 幾得意, 感覺 high class D ! 德國炸豬手嘩! 好大舊, 放低左, 男侍應會再係上面淋D酒, 成個豬手著火, 係淋之前, 男侍應聽到我地話要影相, 佢好窩心咁諗住等我地預備好先淋, 我梗係叫佢唔駛理我地啦! 哈哈! 超讚! 個皮好硬好難切, 但就好香好脆, 本人覺得比係一間德國餐廳食過ge更好味! 更香口! 腸仔拼盤又一德國菜式, 有幾款腸(我真係唔識分), 但都好香好味, 伴菜薯茸正! 仲配埋德國酸菜, 絕對有誠意! 鴨胸意粉鴨胸好香, 整体唔錯!!!!!! 成餐ge食物, 我地一家人十分滿意! 我起初諗住餐廳食多國菜, 會好雜亂,變相無樣精, 但結果係出乎意料地好! 一定會再幫襯,並且會介紹其他朋友黎試!!!! 幾碼要試下個海南雞飯, 環境又唔錯!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)