9-min walk from Exit H, Yuen Long MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (7)
QUE是一間日式和西式融合的Café,提供不同類型令人無法抗拒的美食、寧靜的氣氛環境。每道菜式,都融合了特色食材和獨特香料,震撼您的味蕾和擴闊您對美食的想像。QUE致力為您提供真誠服務和創意美食。 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
*Last order: 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (40)
Level3 2024-12-14
我地食左個二人餐,前菜有南瓜湯,口感厚實,仲要左煙肉芥末薯條,好香脆!主菜 燒雞芥末薯蓉,好好食,薯蓉配芥末唔膩口,燒雞大大隻,外皮燒得好香,但雞肉保持到嫩滑甜品有盒仔抹茶Tiramisu,抹茶味好濃好食不過最緊要緊Overall水準不錯,值得一試! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I tried their afternoon tea set as I wanted to try their sake tiramisu though I was bit let down by it.I also ordered their special drink which, though not bad, not worth the mark up.Actually if they removed the word sake, I would be less disappointed for this dessert as I could not taste any sake. I guess the dessert needs to be child friendly but then don't add this unnecessary word. Giving credit where credit's due, the matcha flavor was rich and overall was a palatable dessert.The afternoon tea set includes a free coffee/tea but I decided to try their special drink with a supplementary price. It was basially syrup with soda water. The presentation is nice. If the original price is $38 and the supplementary price is $18, I think it would be acceptable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-17
這日式餐廳食物質素良好,菜單種類頗多,色香味俱全,賣相精美,可見廚師的廚藝同努力,精心製作,尤其壽司塔可同甜品,值得讚賞,唯份量有點偏小,價格有點偏高,宜增加食物質量,或降低價格。服務方面,店員招呼誠懇有禮,態度良好,有主動詢問客人有冇會員儲分,推廣賬單折扣優惠,唯可更有熱情,更多笑容,主動為客人添水,提供良好的客户服務體驗。環境方面則一般,枱與枱之間距離近,環境有點擠迫,衛生亦有待改善,店員宜安排較入的座位,給客人有更舒適寬敝,悠閒的氣氛和用餐體驗。整體來說,食物良好,服務大致滿意,環境尚可,性價比則一般,用餐體驗還好,仍值得推薦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日來到元朗,約埋一班朋友食晚餐🥰我哋揀選了好受「打卡界」歡迎的QUEQUE是日本餐廳,不過環境及食物感覺比較新派👍🏻🔹軟殼蟹壽司塔可🔹辣味三文魚壽司塔可🔹鰻魚玉子壽司塔可壽司塔可有五款不同配料,我哋揀選了當中三款!軟殼蟹炸得好香脆!上面配上少少辣汁,蟹籽份量好多,絕不吝嗇😍!鰻魚玉子好惹味,兩樣配料配搭好好!同樣辣汁都係精粹🥰辣味三文魚好厚身,亦都好新鮮!外層紫菜脆卜卜😍🔹軟殼蟹意粉個醬汁好香好濃,軟殼蟹份量好大,超級好食,下次都必再食🥰🔹鹿兒島豚肉生薑燒湯手打烏冬這碗幾適合小朋友食,個湯底好味!豚肉嘅份量亦都算多!🔹松葉蟹味噌甲羅燒燴飯 配海膽忌廉汁個汁簡直一流!燴飯感覺唔會好硬!好Creamy!大推這個👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🔹炸薯條配煙肉,京蔥絲木魚絲薯條正正常常,冇特別!🔹特濃朱古力沙冰都係正常朱古力沙冰,好飲💕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
戲院就喺餐廳對面,睇戲前近近哋就試呢間。餐廳好多貓貓佈置🐈而且周圍都幾寬敞,坐得幾舒服。太多選擇,唔想諗所以點咗2人晚餐-有蘑菇餐湯,比較杰身-脆炸單骨雞翼配辛明太子醬:雞翼幾香脆,正正常常啦雖然係辛明太子醬,但我覺得食唔出辣味-溫泉玉子卡邦尼意粉:份量都好多,意粉唔會煮到好淋,都ok-燒春雞配芥末薯蓉:正常發揮,醬汁略嫌太鹹。如果將薯蓉伴碟會好d,放喺燒春雞個底比較油-甜品揀咗朱古力甜筒:一般般,無乜特別,明白始終唔係甜品鋪整體每樣食物都係普普通通,呢個價錢,符合呢個質素。我哋坐卡位,好闊落,所以好舒服👍🏻一邊傾計,一邊享用晚餐,都唔錯。有信用卡優惠減$50,2人$438,人均$219 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)