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Review (16)
Level4 2015-08-06
Boyfriend brought this to my place as he was in Wanchai and saw this place. He originally went here to buy a coconut pie as he wanted to try it and got me a egg pie as I don't like coconut.Quezon Pinoy serves Filipino food and is geared for take away as the shop is really small. Honestly, I don't know much about Filipino food. I have had it maybe twice? I didn't know many Filipinos growing up in Canada.The egg pie was pretty good. It tasted like the Hong Kong egg tart but bigger in size. The crust was a bit too thick and hard. But the custard filling was pretty tasty though not soft. It was  bit more rubbery. But tastewise, it was pretty good. Boyfriend said it cost only $12 so that was pretty cheap! I would probably order it again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-02-25
這間位於灣仔的小店我其實已去過幾次,店子甚為不起眼,且幫襯的多是菲藉人士,但這兒的食物頗特別,價錢亦很相宜!記得幾年前到菲律賓則吃過一些corned beef (其實即是咸牛肉和薯仔煮成的一道菲律賓菜) 和 adobo (好像是豬肉和一些醋),一直都念念不忘,今天膽粗粗的問問店員有否這兩款,沒有咸牛肉,但有ADOBO,於是叫了ADOBO和一些菜 (我也不知是甚麼菜),兩餸飯約$28元,另買了一個好像是甜旦批的東東,約$12。ADOBO好不錯!有一種不知怎樣形容的特別味道,菜好像有點是瓜類的東東,也好味道好入味。至於甜旦批也很好味,有很香的旦味但又不會過甜,值得一試呀! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-08-16
I was craving for fish so came here for my favourite fried fish.As well as fish, they had pork skewers, taro swiss roll and taro candies.There is another branch in Central that I would love to visit because there is a bigger variety at that joint.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fish:This fish is consistently good, almost 95% of it was edible because the bones are soft and the fish is delicately flavoured with vinegar which made it very appetizing.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Pork skewersThe skewer was surprisingly nice because the sauce that it was marinated in was citrusy and sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $2XService: OKYummy factor: goodNapkins provided: noEnglish Menu: noAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2013-09-09
Quezon Pinoy專賣菲律賓食物,由駱克道搬咗過嚟石水渠街,可見小鋪捱租都唔易生存,不過佢都做咗好幾年,可見小店都有一定捧場客,而且售賣唔少特色糕點,貪得意一試無妨。這晚跟食友飯聚,喜獲靚女食友贈予一件「蛋批」,拎起非常墜手,咁夠份量,就一於當第二朝早餐,正呀!不過,見其他食友所贈嘅喺「椰子批」,似乎仲正仲特別喎,但乜批都好,都喺老友一番心意,絕對無得比。其實,印象中,菲律賓菜都好似無乜接觸過,咁今次又難得可以試番一下。個蛋批以牛油撻皮嚟做個批底及批邊,算不上好重牛油味,但做得夠薄身,唔會一舊粉咁;而中間吉士蛋漿嘅滑溜度,跟我哋中式蛋撻嘅有得揮,不過蛋味唔算好強,而面層亦比蛋撻烘得較為焦黃,但奇怪又唔似葡撻嗰重焦香;甜度亦無想像中咁犀利,所以當甜品之餘,當早餐亦得,整體都總算唔錯,食完令人好飽肚添。謝謝食友令我有此機會品嚐菲式蛋批! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2013-06-22
那天晚上,我跟好幾位食友到中環蘭桂芳試食! 食友 Supersupergirl 送上 的 Buko pie 給大家。 多謝妳!這間是售賣菲律賓食品的小店,而她送的 Buko pie 則是一款菲律賓的椰子批! 除了食友 MJQueen 之外,我也佩服食友 Supersupergirl 的冒險精神!  喜歡幫襯新餐廳的我也自愧不如!對自己的口味與喜好,都有不少限制!例如:不食辣、不食內臟、不食牛、盡量不食生冷食物、...等! Buko pie 椰子批這是菲律賓的甜點,單看一件椰子批的賣相,相信原個椰子批都幾大! 椰子批夾雜一層一層的椰子肉,相當足料!  還滲出陣陣鮮椰清香!批身濕潤!批邊有點脆!椰子肉帶點爽口清甜,整體甜度恰到好處!  原來菲律賓的甜點卻沒半點單調!味道來得自然!  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)