Exit A2, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
The Japanese ramen store specializes in Hakata style ramen and stone hot pot rice with lobster soup, and also offers a selection of daily homemade shrimp and chicken soups. The owner of the Japanese ramen store is also a consultant for the Hong Kong store, so that customers can enjoy the authentic taste. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Last Order: 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (101)
Level4 2024-07-05
Went here with my family and little cousin during the Lunar New Year holiday. .I ordered Spicy Ramen in Pork Bone Broth, which included Japanese-style char siu, deep-fried lotus root, soft-boiled egg, fungi and spring onion. The noodle was quite chewy, and the lotus root was crunchy. The broth was greasy though. My dad ordered Ramen in Pork Bone Broth with Black Garlic Oil, while my sis got Ramen in Pork Bone Broth. My little cousin chose the Kids Meal, which consisted of sweet corn with butter, tamagoyaki, crab stick, pork sausage with white bone, mini pork broth ramen, jelly and yakult. .The resto was filled with colourful cat paintings and decorations. Their menu had a cute cat theme. The seating of the resto was quite comfortable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-03-28
叫咗雞白湯拉麵同煎餃。佢拉麵有粗幼同硬度揀,仲有豚肩同豚腩揀,我就揀咗豚肩,多蔥。拉麵上有炸蓮藕,一上枱仲係脆嘅,有啲辣粉好似薯片咁幾好食。佢個雞白湯係好厚身,不過好彩唔會好濃味,食完唔會口渴,美中不足佢用嘅係極幼蔥,所以除非飲哂湯面嗰浸油唔係都食唔到啲蔥。隻蛋同叉燒同一般拉麵店相近,無特別好同唔好嘅地方,因為我揀咗豚肩所以後唔會好肥都幾啱我口味。個煎餃如果係追加小食28蚊4隻,個餡真係普通過唔普通,不過個底係脆嘅。總結嚟講最驚喜係塊炸蓮藕片,。其他都係中庸,價錢就略貴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-07
太古廣場既RAKURAKU RAMEN,試左佢既白貓拉麵,香濃豬骨湯底,口感起膠好足料,湯麵有粗幼選擇,流心蛋比平日既唔同爆流心,口感軟屬鮮美。泡菜係大批交既,同超市買既一樣認真麻麻,唔建議點。餃子皮薄餡料好足,外鬆脆內軟屬,肉汁鮮甜多汁,肥而不膩。赤貓辛辣拉麵,唔夠辣但又蓋過咗豬骨湯既味道,所以建議食白貓比較友好。港島多左一間好味既拉麵可以食,而且價錢都理想。RAKURAKU RAMEN太古康怡廣場1樓F10號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-28
Rakuraku 樂拉麵 個位置唔太起眼,要轉好幾次先搵到間餐廳。⭐️雞白湯拉麵 + 番薯角本來想食一般的豬骨湯拉麵,但呢間竟然有雞白湯,實在少見。上次食已經係響東京的小店,點左先。湯頭味道係偏向CREAMY 果種,肉都好食,係個炸糖蓮藕硬左D,番薯都係硬入口。⭐️櫻海老拉麵+餃子個湯味道好鮮好重櫻花蝦味,唐心蛋好有質素 (要有微凍加上流心蛋黃先係王道),整體拉麵都好高質,值得再試。至於餃子就冇咩味道,此終都未去到羽根大阪王將餃子既級數。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-12-14
以拉麵黎講,呢間lunch menu CP值好高,好抵食,仲要係好食,點咗辣豚肉拉麵加雞軟骨,同埋一個海鮮石鍋飯。豚肉拉麵唔算好辣,豚肉唔肥,麵的硬度適中,即使唔加七味粉麵好夠味,值得一讚嘅係佢仲配有一隻糖心蛋,真係做到糖心嘅效果,同埋有脆脆蓮藕片,加埋一起食好好食。個海鮮石鍋飯係熱住上,有帶子同魚,鮑魚片同蟹柳,仲有啲蔬菜,配有芝士喺面,攪拌後食有啲汁又有芝士都好惹味。 雞軟骨唔會好多炸粉,好香口。另外加咗$6叫個蘋果汁,出面買呢個蘋果汁都要今日十幾蚊,所以都好抵! 同埋日本蘋果汁,係好飲既! 呢度唔算多人, 但野食質素幾好,而服務態度都唔錯,店員好友善同樂意協助。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)