8-min walk from Exit B, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (49)
Level4 2018-10-02
燒牛肉定食 $75(無加一) - 夜晚去食 唔算多人 有好多定食 丼 拉麵 仲有d炸物揀 平時食牛肉 都會諗起吉野家😂 叫果時都無咩期待 但佢燒得好好食 好入味 !!雖然大多係因為燒汁嘅原因 但本身牛味都好出 整體燒得幾好食😍 - 呢間店舖用嘅都係日本米 日本蛋 係真係好味d架 因為我自己屋企都會買日本蛋食😆 牛肉唔算好多 相反洋蔥好多😂 75蚊食個日式晚餐 可以👌😜 📍拉麵太郎 灣仔灣仔道205-207號福安大廈地下A號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-07-07
一咁入黎見到咁多好評,真係難以置信。今日行經灣仔,想食魚生飯,見到呢間日本野就衝左入去,點知係無魚生架呢開野。都唔緊要,我就點左最穩穩陣陣既滑蛋鰻魚飯。88蚊,加18蚊有3隻餃子。凍檸茶黎到,左上個杯竟然係糖漿,成50ml咁多。檸茶得兩片檸檬,茶味又唔夠,不過佢係日本餐廳,我就算佢啦。重點!滑蛋鰻魚飯上到,賣相係差!點解d滑蛋可以出水,蛋唔夠,成pat好似芡汁咁,帶d油,見到都唔開胃。食落d飯係糊狀,懷疑比芡汁浸到林晒。鰻魚林batbat,又無鰻魚汁,未食過咁難食既鰻魚! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-28
今日去灣仔 188睇完嘢, 見到對面開咗間新嘅日本拉麵店, 無心插柳之下發現原來這間店係日本人開嘅, 喺京都已經有四十多年我叫咗一碗赤玉 辛辣嘅免治豚肉拉麵, 另外再叫左餃子, 同埋一個迷你牛肉丼首先試試餃子, 咬落去脆身, 裏面juicy, 最正嘅就係佢皮吾會煎到焦黑, 讚!赤玉既辛辣免治豚肉係一球咁樣嘅,  畀你自己去調教辣嘅份量, 十分之貼心拉麵嘅係幼嘅掛湯能力好高, 配埋啲辛辣辛辣免治豚肉齊食 好惹味豚肉厚切, 有兩塊,有口感之餘, 又唔會痴牙再食埋個丼飯, 類似吉野家, 但係質素當然好, 尤其是個飯質, 日本米嘅, 真係冇得輸! 有飯香 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-06-03
今日同老公路經灣仔,發現一間日式拉麵,覺得好有日本地道風味!忍唔住內進一試!店員十分友善,而且店內也是十分舒適!首先我點了味噌湯拉麵加牛油粟米(辛辣)($99)湯底加左牛油令湯底更是入味和和濃!值得一試!而老公則點了豚骨拉麵(濃厚豚骨)($72)豚骨拉麵湯底十分濃厚,而且麵也是軟硬適中!食日式料理不得不點餃子(5塊/$38)餃子十分香脆,而且店員提議自家製辣醬,充滿日式風味!另外也點了炸雞(6塊/$38)炸雞外脆內軟,而且十分多汁!是晚晚餐二人2百多元,也是抵吃之選! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-05-31
Have walked by this place many times in Wan Chai. Apparently this is another ramen shop that originally began in Japan and now opened their ramen shop in Hong Kong. Many famous ramen shop in Japan has opened up their shop in HK in the recent years. I am no ramen expert but have tried my fair share of ramen around Hong Kong. This place uses a pork bone soup base. Their soup broth is quite rich in flavour and somewhat thick that clings to the mouth. I ordered their fried gyoza and their Pork cutlet minced ramen soup. It had a little spicy flavour but nothing extreme, noodles was good. I had the noodle for takeaway as I did not have time to eat it at the shop. They were quite nice and separated the broth, noodle and the condiments. So it allowed me to add everything by myself when I got home. It was quite good just eating at home, I bet it would be even better if ate at their shop. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)