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Review (34)
Level4 2013-05-08
在老金吃完餅後,就順道行過幾個舖位,來一個乳酪當雪糕甜品般吃。當然大熱天時,吃一個乳酪,實在透心涼,而且乳酪的卡路里較雪糕低,亦是甜品的其中之一的選擇。未到紅芒果,在下已從網上下載了Soda Card 的Apps,可是現在還未了解如何運作,進入店子,才見到一位外籍女士從櫃檯上的電腦掃描,在下還是要認真的研究一下如何使用這個程式。在下要了一杯 Junior 的芒果乳酪,再從櫃內的配料自行配搭。在下要了三款配料:Monchi ,朱古力及菠蘿。乳酪酸酸甜甜,甜味略為遜色一點;Monchi 煙韌有咬口,朱古力又脆,菠蘿亦帶酸甜。整個乳酪都酸味作主導,在大熱天時確實能令人一振。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-04
現時賣乳酪的店子開到成行成市,想不到原來在公司附近也有一間呢,它就是Red Mango﹗於2002在韓國成立,其後在世界各地開設了多間連鎖店,風頭可謂一時無兩﹗剛開業時看過它的報道,最印像深刻的是店子會無限提供toppings裝滿所購買的乳酪杯呢﹗在此先謝謝食友SSG和Soda市場推廣部的邀請,來到這裡一嚐他們的乳酪。店子座落於威靈頓街,門外用上大大個紅色logo作標記十分易認﹗店內除了用上白色的桌椅外,也用上顏色鮮艷的綠色梳化,看上去十分醒目﹗店子提供了數款乳酪口味,包括芒果、草莓、原味、朱古力及綠茶等五款,亦有約二十多款配料供選擇。乳酪的size分大、中、細,小妹先來了一杯Junior Size的草莓乳酪,要了芒果、Brownie、NY Cheesecake及Popping Boba作配料。草莓乳酪味道酸酸甜甜的很清新怡人及透心涼。而配料中最喜歡Popping Boba,一咬即爆的口感十分有趣﹗NY Cheesecake和乳酪鹹甜交雜的味道亦挺夾的﹗另外亦試了綠茶及原味,不過綠茶味那款真的有夠淡....味道是淡得若隱若現那種,亦不夠香,本身一開始還想叫綠茶味的,幸好叫了草莓味還不賴﹗乳酪的整體味道略為普通,不夠乳酸味外,乳酪很快便溶化﹗試了三款,暫覺草莓是最好味的﹗不過可以裝滿配料,相信也是一大吸引力吧﹗現在店子為慶祝開業一周年,由5月至28日,以SodaCard惠顧任何食品即可享半價優惠﹗店子除了售賣乳酪外,亦有pizza、沙律及三文治等供應。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Not long after I got my SODA card at FLAME, I received an invitation from SODA to use my SODA rewards at RED MANGO.I went to FLAME for my usual roast chicken and I saw some people registering for a SODA card so I did that as well.At FLAME, I got a free soft drink for first time registration, there after every time I visit flame, reward points will be collected and rewards will be unlocked.The SODA APP and website have information on other participating eateries and most of my favourites were there!Just for scanning your card, you get 5 points on every visit to any shop that has the SODA rewards scheme.To celebrate the one year anniversary of Red Mango, they are offering all items at half price to people who have the Soda card until 28th May 2013.At this event, SODA credited my card with 250 pts so that I could treat my fellow foodies with froyo and most importantly they could see and experience how my SODA card was used.There is a Soda tablet at the corner and all you do is scan your card and enter your pin, choose the rewards.This was the reward that SODA asked me to experience.So without further ado, we all ordered our froyos.The toppings are UnLiMiTeD provided they fit in the cup, however I was disappointed they did not have Blackberries as shown on previous reviews.There are three sizes, but for the current reward, it was for the Junior size only.There were parfaits too and I really wanted to try the falafel oniion wrap.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Raspberry froyo:I really liked the froyo and the raspberry flavour reminded me of Yoplaits raspberry yoghurt, but because it was froyo, the texture was similar to soft serve and it melted easily too.The dark chocolate curls and strawberry complemented it nicely.Just for fun I tried the mochi and caramel pecans because I love pecans.The mochi pieces were nice and big.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Green tea and original froyo:I also tried the green tea and original but I felt that raspberry was the best.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Froyo group shot:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-04
唔知大家有無聽過 SodaCard 呢?其實 Soda 是香港首個向商戶提供會員系統的計劃,而客人只需註冊成為 Soda 會員,便可以參與全港多間零售商的獎賞計劃,而商戶亦可透過這個互動平台,與顧客互相交流,以促進彼此的長遠關係。筆者早前就獲得食友 SSG,Soda 市場推廣及其中一間參與商戶 Red Mango 的邀請,到其中環店舖體驗一吓使用 SodaCard 及品嚐店中冰凍乳酪的滋味,先在此說聲多謝。相信對 Red Mango 都無須多作介紹,這間在全球擁有超過二百多間分店的連鎖乳酪店,於 2002 年在韓國首爾創立,其後登陸美國即大受歡迎,風靡不少女士,而且更於一年前進軍香港。至於這間座落於威靈頓街的總店,以紅白色為主調,配上青草色長梳化,令整個裝潢望落去更是醒目搶眼。店裡有清楚列明使用 SodaTab 積分可換取的獎賞。由於筆者是首次到訪,就先細看口味,包括芒果、草莓、原味、朱古力、綠茶,更備有大、中、小三種 size,不過最令人興奮的,竟然是可點 unlimited toppings。先選了一杯 junior 綠茶,而配料則點了 caramel pecans、popping boba、blueberry、pretzels、brownie bites。試一口乳酪,冰涼清新,不過個綠茶味較薄弱,而且論挺身度及乳酸味都不算強烈,幸好啲 toppings 味道不俗,尤其是清脆的焦糖核桃;大大粒、咬落充滿彈性的 popping boba 及外層裹上朱古力、入口甜膩香脆的 pretzels。也試了食友的草莓味 yogurt,原來用來配 New York Cheese Cake,酸甜中夾雜著微鹹,非常特別,值得一試。據悉 Red Mango 為了慶祝一週年,由現在起至本月 28 日,以 SodaCard 惠顧店內任何食品,即可享半價優惠,若閣下愛吃 froyo,就切勿錯過優惠了。其實店裡除了 froyo,還有 parfait 及有機窩夫、沙律、三文治等供應,非常適合附近的上班一族。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日出中環上環同鴨脷洲工作~去左中環既red mango 試下~中環店有combo set~ ciabatta, wrap, salad etc,要了個light combo ($55) + small salad ($25)~同megabox的不一樣~Staff同播放既音樂都是外國的~舒適既環境令人感覺好自在悠閒丫~邊看書邊享用~疲憊都不見了~點了Hawaii chicken sandwich, Greek salad,Yogurt 還是要了原味的~ (我鐘情原味既yogurt ya, 亦可以容易比對每一家yogurt味道)這裡既yogurt tartness 很合我口味, 可以再酸多一點點會更好, 不過佢標榜no fat 的, 食落個人感覺都健康啲, 無咁大罪惡感哩~ 配cinnamon crunchy, honey granola, English toffee, blackberries, mochi and orange peels~好滿足丫~而且這裡的staff 可能因為係外國人既關係, 比megabox店的staff善於同客戶溝通, 個staff仲好好好好, 幫我裝得滿滿的~問佢邊類配料好亦會有介紹 (megabox店的staff好敷衍.. 可以睇小妹在megabox店的食評喲..)~really great experience here * 下次要試埋哩度parfait, smoothie & organic coffee or Choco ya~ Really enjoy the shop in Central. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)