3-min walk from Exit A1, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
早上非繁忙時間,店舖前只有我一個人客買三文治外賣,喺銀包取出五百元紙幣,那女性店員眼神厭惡地, 語氣惡劣, 放低一句 "無呀"! 我會意到係無錢找,ok, fine! 如果係咁早無足夠錢找,可否禮貌一點話比人客知唔夠散紙, 問下人客會唔會有散紙呢, 我唔係你殺父仇人而係客人! 喺等取coffee 之際, 我問一問佢個隻熱狗除碎蛋之外, 裡面係咪有其他餡, 態度依然惡劣 "無呀" (帶住厭惡眼神)!我只係黎買外賣,不要求你好欣殷勤招呼,但基本禮貌都無, 仲反而非常惡劣!
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My last visit to this place was a few years ago because their attitude was really pushy and rude.Decided to come here again and the service was still the same.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Coffee:All sandwiches come with a drink but she does not tell you nor does she ask you what drink do you want.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Beef sandwich:The beef was thinly sliced, slightly seasoned like pastrami and the sandwiche tasted ok.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Ham sandwich:The sandwich was buttered heavily so there was a strong taste of butter. I was surprised there was slightly more ham in this than usual.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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16-11-2010食完蝦球撈 (http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2130845) 時間尚早, 想搵杯咖啡飲吓, 奈何灣仔選擇比中環少得多 (連鎖店唔算!), 沿謝婓道一路行至 Marks & Spencer 竟然見到呢間外賣店門口黑板寫住 "today's roast", 其他咖啡仲有好多選擇, 唔理小店得一個位, 叫了一杯 house coffee (大 size $16) 堂飲.店員問我「要唔要糖」同「幾多包」, serve 時就原來根據我的指示代落了糖, 好在穩陣起見只要「一包」 聞落好香, 奶的成份唔高, 飲落就唔多滑, 但咖啡 base 十分香濃, 少少苦但唔澀 (落了糖之故?), 飲完個口亦唔酸, 幾好飲喎. 大 size 只賣 $16, 超級抵飲, 值得試試.店員們親切友善有禮貌, 不過小店作為外賣店, 地方細又開 hea hea 實在無可避免, 堂飲的話忍一下好了.雖然呢度離公司幾遠, 但呢杯 house coffee 實在幾啱口味, 相信會再來買咖啡的.
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今日下雨,決定買外賣回公司食,公司附近的紅嚐坊,我從沒有試過,以為只係買三文治同coffee,原本都有午餐賣, ORDER了蕃茄煙鴨胸通粉+hot chocolate.蕃茄煙鴨胸通粉:好多蕃茄,蕃茄味十足!! 好食!!hot chocolate:好香好濃!大約$28一個午餐, 不錯!!
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