4-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station continue reading
養生飲品,養生雪糕,即食海味 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
川貝燕窩雪糕 紅燒鮑魚 迷你佛跳牆
Review (4)
Level4 2012-03-06
After trying the delicacies on my last visit, I went back for the drinks.They had quite a few interesting drinks such as the cashew nut drink, wolfberry and tomato, apricot juice with fritillary.I assumed they would use fresh fruit for the juices, but they used dried fruits, nuts and berries.For each drink, all the different ingredients are put in the blender. Each ingredient comes in indiviudal packs ready to be opened and put in the blender with ice.It was fun watching them make the drinks, taking out the relevant packs to make each drink.Same with the ready to eat delicacies, each item was packed in different bags, sachets of tendons, abalone, vegetables.When I ordered the Apricot juice with fritillary, I saw them get a packet of dried apricots and a packet of fritillary and put the contents in the blender.Initially I didn’t find the ginseng drink interesting, but blended dry ginseng sounds interesting.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fritillary and apricot drinkI requested the drink without honey because the apricot was sweet enough, and it turned out just right.However the drink was thick and syrupy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sea cucumber stuffed with prawn patty in truffle sauceThe sea cucumber was not soft enough and the truffle sauce was not strong enough.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-11-01
晚飯其實已經吃了不少甜品, 但未有吃雪糕, 就來這裡試試首創養生低脂雪糕. 單球$28, 雙球原價$40, 現特價$35, 那有吃單球的道理, 就要雙球吧.本來有六款味道, 但是晚只得四款供應, 就要了桂花杞子及主廚推介的紅棗.紅棗: 8分, 雪糕是幾滑, 但就沒有甚麼奶香. 紅棗味道相當突出, 但變成雪糕又不會覺得奇怪.桂花杞子: 6分, 桂花味偏淡, 而杞子就似乎不是個太好的雪糕選擇, 變成雪糕後的味道是不太易入口.其實最想試的是腰果, 或者下次經過再試吧. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
<紅坊> 位於尖沙咀柏麗大道,平日給我的印象柏麗大道是一個 shopping 的好地方!竟然有食店! 我真是很好奇專程走來一趟!走來之前,先致電一問食物價錢,好讓自己有個預算! 原來<紅坊> 屬於香港品牌東方紅集團成員,拓展新業務的首創即食海味專門店,主打售賣即食海味、滋補湯包、養生雪糕。雖然店名不吸引!但是紅色及黑色的招牌,在白色作底色的柏麗大道襯托之下,顯得份外搶眼!即食海味:包括 - 紅燒鮑魚、紅燒花膠、紅燒鹿筋.....價錢由 $35 ~ $260 不等!只需整包海味連包裝,以熱水坐熱 10 分鐘或把海味放上專用食物盒,用微波爐加熱 7 分鐘,便可進食!十分方便快捷! 對於忙碌或不懂煮海味的香港人來說,實在是一個喜訊! 迷你佛跳牆 $120 ( -$10 coupon )材料既足料又豐富! 鮑魚x2、花膠、海螺x8、花菇x4、海參x3 及些少瑤柱。以金華火腿、雞、瑤柱等熬製芡汁!惹味非常!每款材料夠入味!而且,帶黏性富膠質! 唯獨是賣相欠奉! 花膠很軟腍有膠質! 鮑魚帶點鮑魚味兼有趙頭、 海螺有些韌有些硬! 花菇大隻厚身!索了芡汁相當滋味! 有兩條大海參及一條小海參,很爽滑!處理海參是最繁複!要浸泡、刮淨及清洗,以去掉腥味及潺; 瑤柱則是碎濕濕!當然不及酒樓食到的貨色!不過,大部分都是難消化! 另外,其首創的養生雪糕,單球 $28 / 雙球 $40 ;有六款口味:川貝杏汁燕窩、腰果、紅棗、羅漢果、桂花杞子及高麗蔘,各有藥用功效,混合意大利 Gelato 雪糕製造,健康美味!令一向不食慣藥材的食客,更加容易入口及接受! 購買之前可試食!揀出自己的心頭好!才決定買什麼! 我試食四款口味:川貝杏汁燕窩、腰果、紅棗、羅漢果。川貝杏汁燕窩雪糕 + 羅漢果雪糕 $40 ( -$5 coupon ) 川貝杏汁燕窩雪糕 - 混入燕窩碎及川貝碎,有些微咬感!味道比較清! 甜味剛好!質感比較實淨! 如果,豪一點加15元,更可以加上燕窩 (份量-1茶匙=8克),兩者味道匹配!可惜,當日燕窩尚未有貨! 此外,具養顏潤肺作用! 羅漢果雪糕 - 意想不到羅漢果跟雪糕是出奇地夾! 才得到我的垂青! 羅漢果雪糕的顏及味道跟咖啡雪糕有幾分相似! 當店員刮出雪糕球時,我發現明顯比燕窩雪糕大球! 質感稀一點,容易熔!那種濃烈的羅漢果味,帶出回甘! 有些羅漢果肉粒,口感特別! 紅棗雪糕 (試食) - 用上雞心棗去核去皮混合其中,沒有紅色的紅棗皮,賣相略遜一籌! 紅棗香味與味道突出! 紅棗本身有補血作用,很適合女性食用! 腰果雪糕 (試食) - 混合不少腰果粒,有嚼感!食落腰果味濃!略嫌偏甜! 剛買完迷你佛跳牆,男店員問我需不需要水?由於,有師傅裝修,女店員為我的雪糕蓋上外賣飯盒蓋!服務貼心! 這裡只設外賣,不設堂食;女店員建議我走去九龍公園開餐,環境較為優美! 東方紅貨色依然是略貴! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)