This Western cafe provides Thai massage service and has cat managers on site. Besides, the rooftop seating area is designed with a stone garden theme with sea views. The atmosphere is very chill and good for dating and gatherings. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 21:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
*Last order 20:15
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Cash UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
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Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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Review (154)
Level4 2024-08-11
週末嚟龍尾灘踩下水🏖,涼快一下~喺龍尾灘斜對面有間貓cafe,地下層可以食嘢同貓玩🐈~一樓有貓房,二樓仲有按摩添💆‍~佢嘅all day breakfast有腸,煙肉🥓,焗豆,炒蛋呢啲基本嘢🍳~仲有金奇異果🥝,croffle添🧇~個炒蛋炒得唔錯,croffle夠香脆~如果有啲糖漿可以加落去會仲正😋~而炸魚薯條新鮮炸起,塊魚夠大又脆🐟,炸漿唔算太厚~薯條都係好新鮮香脆🍟~而且係帶啲皮嘅薯條,唔係用薯粉壓成哥種~飲品方面,佢哋有唔少單品咖啡☕️~不過因為我自己唔飲咖啡就無叫,而佢嘅特飲款式都唔少~呢杯荔枝白桃梳打無喺menu度🍑,但網上點餐就有顯示~有少少荔枝果肉,白桃味唔太出,但杯嘢好靚好清涼💙,味道都唔錯~另外仲點咗杯檸檬柚子梳打🍋,裏面有好多柚子蜜🍊~仲有片檸檬,酸酸甜甜,啱晒夏天飲~地下呢層有幾隻貓bb陪大家玩🐈‍~因為好細隻勁貪玩,唔使用貓棒都可以引到佢哋跑嚟跑去~上到一樓有間房望海又有貓,最近仲生咗貓仔添🍼~而頂樓就更開揚地望到海同埋龍尾沙灘🌊,週末嚟chill下都唔錯~Klook 3%優惠碼: HELENCKLOOK continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2025-01-03
店鋪環境很chill 户外位置十分慢活但因想與貓貓玩 故最後選擇室內享用食物室內的環境也很舒服 貓貓們十分親人 乖巧 想不到店內有很多可愛的貓貓 一些貓貓更主動親近 太可愛了吧 食物方面 All day breakfast 十分驚喜 豐富的材料很美味🥳✨咖啡很好飲 值得下次再品嘗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-29
大尾篤海邊有一排餐廳,揀咗間café食lunch。入面原來有幾隻貓貓。室外可以坐露營檯櫈,室內就係木質桌椅,好大張檯,坐得舒服。我地嗌咗軟殻蟹意粉同all day breakfast。軟殻蟹超級大隻,炸得香脆,意粉裹滿番茄汁,面頭嘅木魚碎好夾。All day breakfast有窩夫同蔬菜薯餅比較特別。Overall食物都幾好食,推介。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間cafe勁chill就位於龍尾灘既對面D食物都好出色仲要充滿貓咪超得意~😆😆.💎$118 黑松露雞肉意大利粉意大利粉煮得恰到好處筋道且不膩搭配的黑松露醬香氣四溢帶出了一種獨特的風味🤩雞肉鮮嫩多汁與黑松露的獨特香味相得益彰令人一口接一口,欲罷不能🥳.💎$108 煙三文魚沙律這道沙律色彩繽紛,配料豐富煙三文魚的味道恰到好處整道沙律清新宜人🥹口感層次分明,非常開胃.💎$88 香脆多汁炸雞球香脆多汁的炸雞球令人驚喜每一口都能感受到外皮的香脆內裡的雞肉則是嫩滑多汁😎完全不油膩每一口都充滿驚喜.💎$45 Hot Matcha Latte最後不得不提的是這杯熱抹茶拿鐵顏色濃郁且香氣撲鼻抹茶的苦香與奶泡的甜滑相得益彰口感絲滑~🫶🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-08
🏠 Relax B&M📍Tai Mei Tuk味道: ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️打卡位: ⭐️⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️環境: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️服務: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️價錢:🤑🤑New found. Ground floor cafe with cats strolling around and dog friendly vibe. People bringing their doggies for brunch. I had the whole spring chicken for myself. Very juicy, well cooked and crispy skin with a refreshing berry yogurt smoothie. On their second floor, there is a Thai massage and 3/F there is a cat house. Finally you will see panoramic view of the Long Mei Beach. If you are a patron of the cafe, the boss lady may invite you up. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)