11-min walk from Exit A2, Kowloon Tong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
Sat - Sun
Public Holiday
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
各式小菜 各式點心 豉油雞 燒味拼盤
Review (7)
Level2 2022-09-28
Contrary to what you hear about university catering it might be worth forming your own opinion.Even as a timid person the staff seem to do a good job of welcoming students and staff to a convenient meal.I was shocked when my first dish came very briefly after ordering it, but strangely the other dish I ordered came rather late in comparison.As a university restaraunt should be, food is at a great price for the amount you get. Most of it isn't ghastly, to boot. Some meat dishes are sadly skimped on and are uncomfortably oily but taste wise there's not much to dislike. The deterrent for this place would be that it's location and decor are very classroom-cafe esque in comparison to the school's other more modern eateries. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-11-05
我十二點三十分落單叫左兩籠點心諗住我朋友未黎我又有啲餓食住先點先過左二十分鐘先黎左一籠糯米卷我朋友到左落埋單差唔多一點半我籠燒賣都仲係未到催左兩次 次次都話一陣俾我一陣左成粒鐘講翻佢個燒賣 係好食嘅有三粒完整嘅蝦仁 熱辣辣調味都夠 豬肉都新鮮好食但要我等成粒鐘真係不了仲要其實個場未爆都咁慢然後我哋仲叫左一碟福建炒飯65蚊咁大碟係抵嘅 飯同芡大概就6:4啦唔會話有好多飯都係冇汁嘅 要乾食咁不過佢個飯係好硬 唔知係咪唔夠熟而且佢個冷好凍 凍到你會想快啲走 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-07-18
因為之前係浸會大學讀緊個diploma 既course,所以有申請左泊車證。今日趁星期六上午都可以泊車,就去聯福樓試下飲茶,之前都同d同學返前或考試後黎食晚飯,貪呢度夠方便。原來呢度有學生證,茶介減半。雖然選擇唔係多,可能人流唔多,但點心應該係即叫即蒸,樣樣點心都熱辣辣,唔馬虎!味味係好ok! 可能地點唔就腳,同埋係大學裡面,唔係人人都識黎食飯,人流真係唔多。平時夜晚黎,直入有位,人唔多就自然唔嘈,可以安安靜靜咁食餐飯。晚飯既菜式唔多,但碟碟都幾好味,我地最愛係咕嚕肉,每次必點!而且唔貴,3個人飲茶埋單$180有找。比起出面茶樓平左$100左右。晚飯都係咁上下價錢。抵食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-07-15
偶然發現,浸會大學的中菜廳「聯福樓」也有素食菜譜。那天一家三口去吃晚餐,看見素食菜譜有數個菜式,一口氣叫了三個餸:竹笙冬菇蒸麒麟豆腐、蜜桃彩椒素雞,及雜菌杞子蟲草花浸娃娃菜。全部都好夠件頭。竹笙冬菇蒸麒麟豆腐,豆腐是新鮮板豆腐,並非即食類別,是優點菜色美觀,紅蘿蔔切花,有心思。味道較淡,要配豉油加味,失分。蜜桃彩椒素雞,色彩繽紛,係「咕嚕汁」煮法,酸酸甜甜嘅開胃餸。蜜桃夠多,是亮點。素雞先用油爆過,保持完整,有鑊氣,三個餸之中最好味嘅一個雜菌杞子蟲草花浸娃娃菜。材料充足,但冇乜味道,娃娃菜唔夠軟身,要煮多三分鐘店方推介有營素菜式,提供更多選擇給顧客,畢竟是好事觀察所得,大部分食客係熟客,服務員親切有禮。可能唔太多人,服務態度較為隨意鬆散。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
星期日黎BU飲茶, 泊車泊左附近街錶位, 入座時部長問我地有無BU學生證或職員証, 有免茶. 以一間喺Campus裡面嘅茶樓黎講, 點心紙選擇都唔少, 價錢都好學生: 特點HKD23, 大點HKD20, 小點HKD14.5. >蜜味叉燒腸 (特)叉燒好入味肥膏又小, 腸粉質感滑捋捋.>蜜味叉燒包 (小)>水晶蝦餃 (特)蝦餃算大粒, 餃皮厚薄適中.>鮮蝦炸春卷 (大)春卷脆口, 仲細心地剪半俾我地開心share.>芋茸菠蘿包 (大)超級芋香呢!「菠蘿」皮又脆但就無一剪開就甩唒, 高質高質.>斑蘭椰汁馬拉盞 (小)乾左少少, 好有斑蘭香味. >Li度飲茶環境舒服好多, 唔會嘈到聽都聽唔到人講野, 樓底好高的👍🏻. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)