5-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
Originating from Paris, Akrame is a French restaurant that combines traditional French cooking with local Chinese elements. Most of their ingredients are imported directly from France, allowing the food quality at this restaurant to rival that of Paris. continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2015-2018)
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (60)
Level1 2019-04-11
I made a booking for my brother’s birthday celebration. I emphasised it’s birthday. When we sat down, I already told the staff politely it was my brother’s birthday. The staff said okay. Well, there was not even a single candle or a little happy birthday for my brother. It’s truely disappointing for a “Michelin 1 star” restaurant, the service was bad obviously. Please do not say “okay” when I told that it’s the birthday celebration. Or please do not ask the customer if there is any special occasion on the website when the restaurant is not going to do anything. A random SOHO restaurant will at least do something at the dessert, even a little candle, this “1 star Michelin” OVERRATED. I have better choice to pay HKD4400 for 3 people for better service. The staff actually told me “well next time... “ and I just replied “birthday, it’s once a year, next time?” continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-05
貴為米芝蓮一星級餐廳, 良好的顧客服務是必須, 但 Akrame 的服務態度明顯不符合米芝蓮一星的質素。 本人在十月中經餐廳的官網預訂11月某星期六的週年慶祝晚餐,  在預約時已經清楚表明會使用匯豐信用卡的優惠 ,餐廳亦在一星期後以電郵回覆確認了本人的預約。 在隨後的時間, 本人亦向餐廳最少兩次查問當天的晚餐是否可以使用這項優惠, 而根據餐廳最少兩次電郵的回覆, 當天優惠適用。 本人亦根據餐廳的指示, 在星期五存入1000港元作為訂金, 並在 星期五晚上獲餐廳再次確認訂座。 但在星期六的中午十二時, 餐廳突然致電表示, 他們決定臨時更改 當晚的餐單, 故此信用卡優惠不再適用, 已繳交的訂金只可以稍後透過銀行轉帳發還, 並不可以以現金退還。 我們已經清楚向他們表示, 當天的晚餐的目的, 要在幾小時內重新找另一間優質餐廳去慶祝週年紀念日是多麼的困難, 況且 我們當天下午也有其他的活動需要進行 。 Akrame不但沒有為我們提出其他解決方案, 跟我們電話聯絡的時候亦沒有顯示丁點兒的歉意, 彷彿他們 一直不認為自己有錯。 我們當然明白餐廳會有不同理由去更改餐單, 故此 我們在預約的時候已經多次查詢預約詳情, 包括是否可以使用匯豐銀行信用卡的優惠, 並得到餐廳最少兩次在電郵內的確認。 假如餐廳, 在當天不能提供 有關餐單和優惠, 好應該早一點聯絡我們, 讓我們能夠有足夠時間預約另一家餐廳慶祝, 亦不需要我們付出訂金, 然後再安排退款, 費事失時。 作為一間米芝蓮一星級餐廳, Akrame 應該以客為尊, 盡最大努力讓客人有良好的體驗。可惜這家餐廳完全不能夠表現出米芝蓮一星級應有的質素 。  如此的客戶服務, 別說是米芝蓮一星級, 就算是米芝蓮推介他們也不入流。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-11-15
First, know that the Monday-Thursday 3 courses Lunch menu at $280 they advertise on the website does not exist. Instead you are offered a 4 courses one at $480... That means 70% extra, but also that you would not leave before 1.5 hours (even though the waiter announced 55 minutes).Second, as mentioned by other, service is quite poor... To explain my hygiene grading, my napkin was stain quite obviously in its center. Finally of course the food: I felt like the Michelin Star is from making instagram worthy pastries (grey madeleine) and trying too hard to play on texture for every dish at the expense of the taste. The appetizer was a corn cream with pop corn and caramel for the crunch, the main was veal, (classic but good), the cake was just out of the fridge and too cold to be enjoyable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
朋友請食生日飯,知道我鍾意食法國菜,揀咗呢間黎自法國嘅米芝連一星餐廳,由法籍廚師Akrame Benallal主理,超開心。有別於其他法國餐廳,Akrame Benallal 喺傳統法國菜裡面加入創意,所以每一碟菜出黎嘅賣相有啲似fusion菜,未食落口都唔知係咩黎,不過話晒都係米芝蓮餐廳,每一道餸都咁有水準。法國菜出咗名係fine-dining,所以我哋雖然只係食lunch,但係都食咗成2個幾鐘,真係好deluxe嘅一餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-03-01
Sometimes it's hard not to doubt the standard of the Michelin guide. Overall speaking most of their starred recommendations are pretty good. Akrame is definitely not one of these. I've visited not too long ago, last time the food was okay and everything else is just so-so. This time I find their services quite fatal. The staff are poorly trained, not responsive and seems to be daydreaming. Most of the food are quite pretty but one dish, the Dover sole, has so much bones that it's impossible to eat. I literally had 3 bites and picked out 6 pieces of fish bones. I told the waiter to return it to the kitchen and I said I'm not going to eat it. No response, nobody bothered to ask about it nor to give any sort of explanation. This is pure lousiness and I cannot imagine how this place can charge this price and offer these things to their customers. This really is quite terrible. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)